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I am the wife of a great man, and the mother to two amazing kids (really adults 25 and 20) We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints/ Mormons (gasp) Yes we are Christians, and No we are not polygamists. Our Church is often misquoted, misunderstood and harshly judged. I would invite any one who has questions about our faith to visit and even find the missionaries serving in your area, they can answer all your questions. You can find these missionaries at the same web site. I am also a cosmetologist, 31 years.

  • Brown Bag Apple Pie Recipe Help?.....?

    I have the most amazing recipe for an apple pie that is baked in a brown paper bag. Although I love the pie, I HATE baking it in the paper bag. It makes my kitchen smell like charred wood.

    What will happen if I don't use the paper bag? Will the pie still brown and be moist?


    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Brown Bag Apple Pie Recipe?

    I have an incredible recipe for an apple pie that you bake in a brown paper bag. I absolutely hate the smell of the bag while it is in the oven- it smells a lot like burning wood. Last time the edge of the bag did char. What would happen if I baked it with out the bag. Would it still be juicy and golden brown?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • How do we kill underground wasps?

    We have emptied 4 cans of wasp killer with no success. The nest is under our cement patio. They enter a crack between the cement foundation of our home and the patio. The entrance is about 12" long. Because we cannot see the nest I have no idea how big it is. I had someone tell me to pour gasoline down the crack and light it on fire. I am not trying to burn down my home just kill the stupid wasps. The entrance is next to our patio door so I'm afraid to let our grand children or dog go outside. Can someone PLEASE give me some advice?

    Thank You!

    7 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years ago
  • Does an iron supplement cause diaper rash?

    My nine month old grand daughter, who tested "slightly anemic" was started on an iron supplement last week and now has a diaper rash, could the iron supplement be the cause?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Why is our 4 year old Cocker Spaniel losing teeth?

    She has horrid breath. We have had her teeth cleaned twice in the last year. It is huge expensive and I am afraid of the general anesthesia. Both times they extracted teeth, but said her remaining teeth were fine. She has horrid breath! We brush her teeth and we had adjusted her diet to a food that contains no animal by products, wheat or corn. We also give her dog bones that are supposed to clean her teeth and freshen breath. NOTHING makes a difference, she stinks! Last night she was walking through the kitchen when we heard something fall on the floor, I expected to see an earring but instead found a tooth! It is a small molar that still has all of its roots. What is going on? And what should I do now? I'm desperate for help.

    5 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Why won't the filling stay in the middle of my baked goods?

    I consider myself a pretty good baker, BUT there is one thing that I can NEVER make work. That is anything with a baked filling. For example; Tunnel of fudge cake, peanut butter filled cupcakes, cream cheese filled cupcakes or last nights failure a strusel filled pumpkin bundt cake. I follow every recipe exactly. Every time the filling sinks right to the bottom. With the peanut butter cupcake as well as cream cheese filled cupcakes, the filling is placed on the top before baking. With the pumpkin strusel filled cake you place half of the batter in the pan, spoon in the filling, then place the other half of the batter on top. It doesn't matter the method neither work.

    I can only assume that it is because of the altitude- which is just above 4300 feet. Is there anything I can do to remedy this? I would be grateful to anyone who can help me figure this out.

    I have tried the standard "high altitude adjustment" which is a slight increase of the flour, or a decrease in the leavening agent. It makes no difference. I am sooooo frustrated!

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Can anyone give me an idea of what I did to my wrist, and what I should do now?

    About a week ago I slammed my wrist into a door frame. About 3" below the last joint in the thumb it left a little dent. It never swelled or bruised, nothing. But my arm aches so bad I can hardly stand it. I have tried applying ice, that didn't help. I have tried heat, that didn't help. I have taken ibuprofen, still no relief. I can still move it, it is just really painful. I would appreciate any suggestions. Ya- other than I need to stop moving so fast and watch where I am going- I'm 50 and still trying to master that one!


    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Does this sound right?

    My daughter thought she was 7 weeks along, and went in for her first ultrasound today. The doctor said that it looks like she is only five weeks. We could see the yolk sack but no baby. Her doctor assured us, that because the sac was round and not misshapen that everything is most likely okay. Does that sound right? She is very fatiqued has a lot of breast tenderness, and some cramping. The doctor also said that the cramping is totally normal. Is that right? I have been scouring the internet and get conflicting information. She had her HCG tested today and will have it repeated on Wednesday.

    I am praying that everything is okay, If anyone else out there would add there prayers and best wishes, I would really appreciate it.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Our dog had her immunizations and seems to be running a fever. . . .?

    We have a 2 year old Cocker Spaniel who had her Parvo, Distemper and Bordetella immunizations today. She seems warm to the touch and just not herself. Is there anything I can give her to help her feel better?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Maytag glass top range. Clock will only stay on for about 30 seconds. . . .?

    display it black. If I push cancel nothing happens. If I push clock, the correct time will come on, but will only stay on for about 30 seconds.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Are there any new treatments for Migraine headaches?

    I started having Migraines at 15. By the time I was 20 I was having them everyday. They just vary in pain levels; sometimes I have the full blown; pounding, cant, eat, sleep, nausea, light sensitivity etc. Where all I can to is hide in a dark, quiet room with an ice bag on my head, these can last for 3 days. While other times, it is moderate pain that I can treat with pain medication and be able to somewhat manage the day. I never drive while on narcotics. (I just don't want that to be an issue)

    Over the years I have been to numerous neurologists, had every conceivable scan and test. I have been in pain clinics, in Chicago, San Fransisco and Utah. I have been on every drug or herb that promised relief- or prevention, nothing helps. When Imitrex was introduced, it sounded like a miracle. The very first injection stopped my heart; even though I have no heart problems. It was a blessing that I was in the hospital when they tried it, so they could get my heart going again. Because of that extreme reaction I was cautioned to never try Triptans again. So I cannot use; Relpax, Axert, Frova, Amerge, Maxalt, Zomig or Treximet. I have heard that Botox helps. But there is no way I can afford the hundreds it would cost.

    Is anyone aware of anything new- I'm honestly at the end of my road- Thirty years of constant pain is too long.

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Are there any new treatments for Migraine headaches?

    I started having Migraines at 15. By the time I was 20 I was having them everyday. They just vary in pain levels; sometimes I have the full blown; pounding, cant, eat, sleep, nausea, light sensitivity etc. Where all I can to is hide in a dark, quiet room with an ice bag on my head, these can last for 3 days. While other times, it is moderate pain that I can treat with pain medication and be able to somewhat manage the day. I never drive while on narcotics. (I just don't want that to be an issue)

    Over the years I have been to numerous neurologists, had every conceivable scan and test. I have been in pain clinics, in Chicago, San Fransisco and Utah. I have been on every drug or herb that promised relief- or prevention, nothing helps. When Imitrex was introduced, it sounded like a miracle. The very first injection stopped my heart; even though I have no heart problems. It was a blessing that I was in the hospital when they tried it, so they could get my heart going again. Because of that extreme reaction I was cautioned to never try Triptans again. So I cannot use; Relpax, Axert, Frova, Amerge, Maxalt, Zomigh or Treximet. I have heard that Botox helps. But there is no way I can afford the hundreds it would cost.

    Is anyone aware of anything new- I'm honestly at the end of my road- Thirty years of constant pain is too long.

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • What is this weird bubbling sound in my ear?

    It almost sounds like shampoo bubbles popping in my ear. I don't really have any other symptoms to indicate an illness, just the bubbly sound. I tried taking Sudafed, hoping that would help, it didn't

    Does anyone have any ideas what it is, or what would help?


    7 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • I am so angry, my car was broken into last night.....?

    Last night when I got home, I opened my garage door and my little cocker spaniel came shooting out of the open door. My daughter was in the garage vacuuming out her car and let the dog out to be with her, otherwise my dog would have been in the house. There was a big stray male Boxer in the street, saw my dog and attacked her. I ran and was finally able to get my dog away. My arms got pretty scratched and my face a little. Luckily my dog wasn't hurt just really scared. In all the panic, I locked my car and ran inside to make sure the blood was from me and not my dog. Of course I've never seen the boxer before and no one I have asked has either.

    This morning I went out to my car to get a book I had left there, and everything from the center console was spread all over the back seat and the back door was barely open. It took me a few seconds to figure out what had happened. Someone had obviously broken into my car. They found the cord to my sons navigational device and probably started looking under the seats to see if they could find it. He always brings it in the house, I noticed that my sunglasses were gone, they were cheap anyway, they hadn't broken windows or anything so I didn't call the police.

    Then tonight my husband and I were going to go grocery shopping. I went to the closest to get my purse and it wasn't there. In all the confusion with my dog I had left my purse in the car. I have never done that. My husband is disabled and can't work, I had just cashed my paycheck, every cent I have I guess had was in my wallet. Along with 3 credit cards, my drivers license etc, etc. The thief's wouldn't have been able to see my purse, because I always push my purse under my seat. I think they were looking for the navigational device and found my purse. I know I had locked my car because I had to unlock it to get the book out, they had jimmied the back door.

    I called the police and filed a report. Later found out that two locked cars in the next circle were broken into last night as well. We had a neighbor call us and tell us that last week someone broke into her car stole her stereo and then used her garage door opener and came in her home and stole a bunch of stuff, while they were sleeping just down the hall. She said that they have a really good idea who the kids are that are doing this, and gave me their names. I called the police back, four different officers had investigated each break in and they hadn't linked the four together. I told the officer that we have some names and would like him to check out the possibility that these boys did this. He said it was "hearsay" and he had no probable cause to check it out. What? Four robberies isn't probable cause? I informed the officer that my husband was going to comfort these boy and their parents tomorrow. He said that if my husband did he would be arrested for harassment.

    What can I do? I did cancel the credit cards Do we have any rights at all? I really need some advice.

    7 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Okay, It is cold and snowing again! Any good soup recipes?

    I have daily migraine headaches. They just very in intensity. But when the barometer moves, it moves me and my head right to bed. Does any one have any really good flavorful soup recipes? I'm doing some better today so I think I would be able to spend some time up being productive. I would love to have a nummy soup for dinner. Any kind, as long as it isn't too spicy.

    I would love any recipes. Thanks

    13 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Why do all the hateful answers come out when religion or God is mentioned?

    When ever a person asks even a simple question about God, or different religions, I see an overwhelming amount of hateful responses. Does anyone else find it sad? Is it horrid proof that our society is largely made up of, people who show a complete lack of faith and the evil that is becoming ever so evident.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If you are sentenced to die by lethal injection. . .?

    Do they sterilize your arm before they start the IV? If so why, are they afraid that they may cause an infection? Because each of those alcohol pads cost money, wouldn't that windfall of big bucks be better used else where?

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • How to BBQ a NY steak, also any seasoning suggestions?

    Now I wonder why I bought these steaks, I either way over or under cook, flavorless meat every time I try and bbq (or cook in any other way for that matter) I never spend this much on steaks but I wanted to have a special dinner this evening for my family. I purchased some really pretty NY steaks yesterday and would love to BBQ them to a medium. I have a gas bbq grill. I have heard so many things ie. turn your steak only once or flip repeatedly. Use a dry rub, others say to always use a wet marinade. Do I refrigerate my meat until I'm ready to grill? Some suggest bringing the meat to room temperature first. I've also heard you should never salt a steak until after you are done grilling as the salt will pull out all the juices. How hot should I have the grill, and do I adjust the temperature during the cooking process? I do have a meat thermometer if that helps. I hope someone is willing to part with some great grilling secrets. I would also appreciate any seasoning or marinade suggestions, we are not "hot, spicy" fans, but I want the meat to be flavorful.

    Thank you so much!

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago