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what did Ahmadinejad say at the conference that was racist and/or not true?

please provide evidence.

i am with no means an Ahmadinejad fan and/or a supporter of Iranian gov't.

news keeps repeating what Ahmadinejad may have said in the past and that he is ie; holocaust denier, etc. Ahmadinejad has explained his believes on this issue ie; at Colombia university. i wonder what he said at this conference. those countries that walked out sure have a history of racism and have enabled Israel to take a land that belongs to Palestinians and commit many crimes against them. what i notice is some racist countries(historically at least) in denial for supporting Israel and its apartheid by religion.



i wasn't asking people to judge me! please read the question.

i like people in general. don't like people who judge others without knowing them. don't like fanatics of any kind. i do like some Jews as long as they aren't fanatics. this is also true about muslims and other religions. now can you answer the question and don't think too much about my opinion. what is your opinion. what did he say that was racist. don't want to try and judge you even though i could be right. thank you

Update 2:

tea is already taxed.. : as i said i am not his fan and i don't like he guy at all. but please provide me with evidences on all the things you said that Ahmadinejad has said. i listened to his speech in Colombia university. people who think they know and they don't are very dangerous. if you really believe in all that you said then i suggest you to do a research. good luck

Update 3:

Track P.: i agree with you however this is true with many countries and USA has committed and are still committing many crimes against humanity. please answer the question.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't get why most of them were even insulted only 10% of the Jews in Israel are from the original hebrew tribes, 90% of them are converts, who's families converted a long time ago....

    Other than that, how is criticizing a nation bad? the U.S. does it ALL the time..... and so does everyone else, but suddenly when it's about Israel everyone's boycotting it.... What happened to free speech?....

    Such hypocrites we are, and Israel is just plain stupid.

  • 1 decade ago

    From what I have read, the President of Iran started a tirade against Israel, saying they had fabricated the excuse of mistreatment called the Holocaust as an excuse to settle on Arab lands. When he continued his talk against Israel, the representatives of several countries walked out.

    I believe that Ahmadinejad really believes what he is saying. He has said it all before and it never fails to bring about a combination of anger and indignation in other nations. However, wouldn't it have been better to stay in those seats and carefully refute what he was saying? Perhaps, by listening to each other, these nations could correct some of the mistaken beliefs that some Arab nations hold.

    I think, with a few facts, we could establish that the Holocaust really did happen. We would have to admit that our support of Israel is mainly because of our religious beliefs and his nonsupport is for the same reasons. We would have to discuss our differences and try to find some way of reconciling the nations.

    In my view, the crowd of shouting, screaming people who greeted Ahmadinejad when he visited the U.N. a while ago was absolutely disgraceful. The man was a guest of the U.N. and should have been treated respectfully. The same behavior happened this time, anger and indignation taking the place of level-headed discussion.

    Only by listening and talking things through can any issue be settled. You don't solve a problem by indignantly stomping out of a room. You solve it by listening to one side, then presenting the other side, and trying to find common ground.

  • 1 decade ago

    A conference on racism is supposed to bring people who are open to talk about solutions and eradication of the problem ... NOT spew "racist" messages on that very same podium. get the drift my friend? How about you create a conference on Racism on blacks in America and start by saying that blacks kinda deserve it cause they are lazy? (that was an example by the way don't you all start hating on me)

    Plus ... I am fed up with you all ignorance of the FACTS. in 1947 the land was SPLIT ... get it? divided! the Jews took it and flourished ... the so called Palestinians sat there doing nothing, let Jordan and Lebanon steal some of their land and then under the pressure of the Arab nations regrouped (yes they were small tribes fighting each other and not over land) and started complaining that their land was stolen.

    #1 why haven't Palestinians EVER complained about their land in Jordan and Lebanon?

    #2 forgetting the religious aspects of things and since you all support the fact that that land was Palestinian before they were living there ... doesn't history prove that the Hebrews lived on that land thousands of years ago? is King David a fable or a fact? that was 1010BC btw how about Salomon? did you forget that it was the Assyrian who attacked the hebrews and deported the majority of them out?

    I assume Ahmadenajab will contradict all historians and writings and tell the world it is all a lie it never existed and never happened.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ahmadinejad said that Jews used the holocaust as an excuse.

    "They sent migrants from Europe, the United States ... in order to establish a racist government in the occupied Palestine,"

    Ahmadinejad, who has previously called for the Jewish state to be wiped off the map, criticised the creation of a "totally racist government in occupied Palestine" in 1948, calling it "the most cruel and racist regime".

    His own regime also executes minors and homosexuals, jails journalists and funds and arms Hamas and Hezbollah.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ahmadinejad is not in a position to accuse Israel of mistreating of Palestinians, because Iranian government mistreats their own citizens throws political opposition in jail, oppresses women and hangs gays.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Screw Ahmadinejad and the horse he rode in on. The only people he hates more than Americans are Jews (Israel). That is one butt Obama definitely should be very warry of kissing it won't get him anything but bruised lips. Fortunately Obama did the right thing and showed a spark of balls and refused to attend.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    because of the fact yelling "anti-Jewish bigot" does not have the comparable ring to it. He buys into Hitler's lack of expertise that being Jewish is a race so using the term against him makes a unusual and wonderful-style of expertise.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You were doing well, until you said: "...enabled Israel to take a land that belongs to Palestinians and commit many crimes against them."

    Just be honest and say you don't like Israel and you don't like Jewish people.

    Keep defending the terrorist PLO....throwing bombs into schools, firing over 10,000 rockets over a 2 year period into Israel.....then they wonder why Israel starts kicking their butts.

    Get out of here you big dope.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here are my questions:

    "Why won’t you believe me when I say that our nuclear warheads will be used only for peaceful purposes?";_ylt=Aq...

    "How do I get these g-o-d-d-a-m-n mullahs of my back?"

    "Iranian women love sharia law. What do you degenerate infidel imperialist liberal feminists have to offer them?";_ylt=Al...

    "When an American woman says "Hello, how are you doing?", what is she REALLY saying?";_ylt=Au...

    "Is Islam the best weapon against the racism that is zionism?";_ylt=Au...

    "When will my dear friend President Hugo Chavez give ME a book?";_ylt=Ag...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well... He wants to blow up Israel,America is the great Satan,the Holocaust never happens,there are NO gays in Iran.... Cmon,the list is ENDLESS!!!

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