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Why do some people hate the idea of God?

This may sound very simplistic, but it's not. I am not referring to the age old debate about the existence of God or disagreements over religion. I am referring to those who launch into a rage whenever God is mentioned.

It's not enough to say 'I am a atheist' or 'I don't believe in God'. They go into a vitriol diatribe denouncing everyone and everything even remotely associated with the concept of God.

What I would like to know is why some people can stand the idea of God even in the abstract.

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are a lot of people who find it enough to simply say "I don't believe in God." Most of the people on here are quick to launch into debate over religion, on both sides of the spectrum. I think some people react in the way you describe because they feel they are a threatened minority. But you're right, a lot of people need to calm down. I don't see the point in arguing religion, it's not like you are going to change the other person's beliefs, right?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hate the idea of God because it has caused

    1) Death

    2) Ignorance

    3) Hatred

    4) Prejudice

    5) Anger

    6) Intolerance

    7) Discrimination

    By the way, I don't "launch into a rage whenever God is mentioned".

    Source(s): Atheist
  • Erika
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    because of the fact ppl look on the atrocities that have been committed in his call. At a funeral I attended a mom improve into instructed that her newborn improve into mandatory in heaven. incredibly asserting god took your newborn I advise who does not hate something like that. the quantity of hypocrisy it is approximately, Church leaders lining there own wallet with money from the flock. The bible states that god is a god of affection, how can a god of affection take a seat via and watch this crap bypass on. It additionally spks some heaven and a hell which at times ppl pay money to get a church chief to desire for their ineffective kin so as they might of long previous to purgatory or hell. I advise come on no the place in the bible does not point out that money will atone on your sins. is declared the wages of sin pay is demise you have already atoned via demise. to not point out the quantity of babies that have been abused, or ill dealt with on the hand of the church those places are meant to be holy and that they are meant to have gods blessing. I advise incredibly is it any ask your self that ppl hate god after all the quantity of stuff it is supposedly completed in his call.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'll assume that you mean the Abrahamic god in the context of christianity. You must remember that christianity dominated the western world for over a thousand years. It accepted no opposition, did not tolerate other beliefs and people were imprisoned, ostracised and even tortured and killed if they did not accept it....

    ...some christians still think that they should be running the world and, unsuprisingly, that makes some people angry.

    Source(s): Agnostic
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  • 1 decade ago

    Some people so hate the idea of being wrong that they will do anything to make themselves right. Even be complete douche bags. It's really sad. But, there are Christians who react this way as well if someone says there is not God.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Sinners do run from the very idea of God. With acceptance of the reality that God indeed exists, comes the responsibility of keeping His laws and being accountable to Him.

    Sinners who love this world try to rationalize that there is no God; therefore thinking they are accountable to no one for their actions.

    However, the Bible says otherwise; that no one has any excuse to NOT believe in God because He has written His law in their hearts...

    "the work of THE LAW IS WRITTEN IN THEIR HEARTS" -Romans 215

    ... and that they will subject to the (soon) wrath of God:

    "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

    Because THAT WIHICH MAY BE KNOWN OF GOD IS MANIFEST IN THEM; FOR GOD HATH SHEWED IT UNTO THEM. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE" -Romans 1:18-20

  • 1 decade ago

    Some people believe that the concept of God and religion in general has caused nothing but war, suffering and oppression in this world, and so hate the idea because they think it's dangerous. These are, of course, the same people who believe that guns, rather than people, cause violence. This train of thought leads them to believe that because suicide bombers blow subways up, there is obviously something wrong with the concept of God, rather than something wrong with the particular individuals who engage in such atrocities.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Personally, I think the most vocal are ex-believers, probably former fundamentalists. If a person is raised that that is the way you respond to things, old habits probably die hard. A person's beliefs might change, but habits and behaviors since childhood are hard wired.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they are rebellious and like to contradict people, or want to stand out, or are strong in their belief, or they dont have the faith for belief in God, or they think it is against logic and science, or ... well you get the idea, theres plenty of reasons.

    Most of all though, i agree with christopher ramos

    ("the Bible says that in the end days people will be haters of God and lovers of evil")

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they want to be God themselves. They think they possess the knowledge and ability to make all decisions for themselves. But what can they do about death. Jesus Christ conquered death forever for those who believe in Him and accept Him as Savior. Death for the believer only means leaving this life to spend eternal life in Heaven. What can the atheist do about death? Where will they spend eternity? You know, we will all have eternal life somewhere. I prefer to be with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. How about you?

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