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blphnx asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Is it good or ridiculous to have a day for celebrating the planet earth?

Do people who make a big deal out of Earth Day, are they out of touch with reality, are they good people, bad people, enlightened, or ignorant?

Is Earth Day just propaganda for the green movement? Is that good or bad? Is it dumb for there to be a day we show appreciation to our planet? Would we be better off without Earth Day? What good comes from having Earth Day?

Why do some people care so much about April 22, and others think it is completley ridiculous?

Anyone with an opinion of Earth Day, your thoughts please, just wanting to get an idea of any conflicting views or agreement on this. I understand that Global Warming category in Y-Answers is teaming with people who must think Earth Day is a joke... I would like to know why, and who in here thinks it is good for anything, thanks. Looking for different 'contrasting' opinions on this (or would have otherwise posted in Green Living or Holiday-Earth Day).

For anyone who cares... Happy Earth Day 2009...

Best Answer will be based on either what generates the most thumbs, whether up or down, but as long as there are more up then down... or I may decide to let this go to vote. I'm not basing best answer on your opinion of Earth Day, whether positive, neutral, or negative. Just so long your answer is interesting (and perhaps controversial, lol), you should have a shot at it.


Wow... 20 minutes in, and zero answers... though I asked this question in a slightly different way elsewhere at about the same time, and it has over a dozen answers.

I'm wondering if there is a connection between conservatism/extreme religious belief in 'end times', and global warming denial/ people who hate any idea of a 'green movement', etc...;_ylt=AvGQn...

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've been volunteering at a local Earth Day celebration since 1990. It is incredible to meet the families that come out to expose their children to the information and fun available that day. Earth Day is a reminder, a celebration, a cautionary tale. It is an opportunity to reconnect, a chance for those who are connected to share what they know.

    It would be nice if all such celebrations were Zero Waste. But for me, the day is an inspiration, and a reminder to me of why I work and volunteer to help the planet. It is also inspiring to see how many others are doing the same thing, each in their own way.

    There is an Earth Day category somewhere in the Yahoo Q&A, might be more active today than this one!

    Earth Day Every Day. A trite expression but one that resonates nonetheless.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We have forgotten our connection to all of nature and so need to be reminded.

    Wild Geese by Mary Oliver

    You do not have to be good.

    You do not have to walk on your knees

    for a hundred miles through the desert repenting.

    You only have to let the soft animal of your body

    love what it loves.

    Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.

    Meanwhile the world goes on.

    Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain

    are moving across the landscapes,

    over the prairies and the deep trees,

    the mountains and the rivers.

    Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,

    are heading home again.

    Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,

    the world offers itself to your imagination,

    calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting —

    over and over announcing your place

    in the family of things

  • 1 decade ago

    Earth Day is a good idea in that it raises awareness about environmental issues. In our day to day lives, a lot of people lose sight with their impact on the environment, from failing to recycle to eating a meat-heavy diet to wasting electricity and gasoline. It's true that we should always keep our environmental impact in mind, but sometimes that's difficult to do, and reminders like Earth Day are important.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The worship of Gaea the earth mother was once a major part of culture before the ascension of the Greek and Roman thunder gods.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    actually, its smart. its not stupid. for one day, why dont we celebrate and help what made us become what we are? it gave us all this, why not, for one day, give it something in return. in the earth hour thingy millions of people participated and gave earth a break. with all this electricity running, we're being cruel. so i think the point of earth day is give it a little bit of what it gave us in return. i think some people think earth day's stupid because they dont care about the future and what lies ahead. and maybe they should for once.

  • long story short... you either love your planet or you don't.

    picking 1 day per year to celebrate your love for your planet is just as ignorant & moronic as picking 1 day per year to prove to your lover that you actually love him/her!

    if you love someone, you love them EVERYDAY!!! not just when it's convienient, or when your government & businesses tell you to. the same goes for EARTH DAY.

    who invented EARTH DAY anyway? your ignorant government or your local businesses who want yet another excuse to guilt you into spending money you don't have to waste? was it invented by the Nurseries so they can sell more products?

    i for 1 refuse to celebrate Holidays because every-single-one-of-them was created to guilt someone into spending $$$ on useless stuff.

    here's a question for you Blue Pheonix... since you ask so-o many good questions... when is Blue Pheonix Day? & why don't you deserve a holiday all-your-own?

    Happy Blue Pheonix Day my internet friend!


  • 1 decade ago

    I believe in a higher power, and celebrate christmas, easter, etc. (not christian though) and I think it is less ridiculous to celebrate something that no one can deny is their whether than something no one can agree upon and everyone argues about.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is the ultimate good. Our college makes students attend one activity for credit. This brings awareness and motivates students to get it people faces about how they are ruining their future.

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