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Do you feel our country, the United States of America was founded on Christianity?

I was helping my daughter with some homework, when I stumbled upon this letter written by General George Washington.

Head Quarters, Cambridge March 6, 1776

Parole Letchmore. Countersign Putnam

Thursday the Instant being set apart by the Honourable Legislature of this province as a day of fasting, prayer and humiliation to implore the Lord, and Giver of all victory, to pardon our manifold sins and wickedness, and it would please him to bless the Continental Arms, with his divine favor and protection"--All Officers and Soldiers are strictly enjoined to pay all due reverence, and attention on that day, to sacred duties due to the Lord of Hosts, for his mercies already received, and for those blessings, which our Holiness and Uprightness of life can alone encourage us to hope through his mercy to obtain.

This surely deserves some spiritual merit in the highest degree, by the first President of this country.


Thank you all for your answers.

May the Lord God bless you, one and all.

Update 2:

All "thumbs-up"! :D

Update 3:

Do you feel our country was founded on 'Judeo'-Christianity, or rather;

Faith in God?

31 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    the world was founded by God..spirit of God..Jesus..Father Son an Holy spirit...Genisis.1..His Spirit was on the water

  • John
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    George Washington is an important man in our history but he is still only one man. The Founding Fathers saw the religious persecution in most of Europe as a real evil. For that reason they specifically said that in America there must never be a religious test for political office.

    At the same time all of the Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence. It explicitly states that the country is founded on the principle that there is a Creator and that "All men are created equal." Clearly, the Founding Fathers as a group intended to acknowledge a Supreme Being.

  • 7 years ago

    Yes! In fact the early settlers believed very strongly that America was a new Jerusalem. They believed some strongly that Hebrew was taught in all the major colleges and many of their speaches and dissertations were given in Hebrew. They were just a few votes shy of establishing Hebrew as our official language. Our laws are based upon and built around God's laws of the Bible. George Washington spent many hours in solitary prayer as did most of our founding fathers. Google the early years of America and the Hebrew language. Its anazing! Many of our best colleges have Hebrew and Christian symbols in their crests.

    Source(s): Internet
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Some of the early colonists thought that God wholeheartedly approved of killing the heathen natives. Quoted from "Mayflower" by Nathaniel Philbrick: The puritans fell upon a Pequot fortress on the Mystic River. After setting the Indians' wigwams ablaze, the soldiers proceeded to shoot and hack to pieces anyone who tried to escape the inferno. By the end of the day, approximately four hundred Pequot men, women and children were dead. "It was a fearful sight to see them thus frying in the fire and the streams of blood quenching the same," Bradford wrote, "and horrible was the stink and scent thereof; but the victory seemed a sweet sacrifice, and they gave the praise thereof to God."

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I sure enough do believe that. If you do a search on the internet you will that to be true. All the original 48 states (not sure about the other two) show their faith in God by their state constitutions or by-laws I forget what you call it but they all make references to being under God's authority. I hope this helps you out honey.

  • 1 decade ago

    My dear Carole...'re absolutely correct with your "thesis" and as "Peg M" has extensively stated all in detail...-smile- May I add one More matter, since I (as a german) have had the privilege to live in such a GREAT country as the USA...where any individual CAN live peacefully and freely....and furthermore...the "allegation" that one can make it "From a dishwasher to a millionaire" sure applies to your fabulous country MORE than ANY other country in the world !

    Having a given talent....being ambitious and HAS all the opportunities one could "wish for" in the USA ! And one more "secret"...I am feeling MUCH MORE as an "American" (even though I am back over here in Europe) than I'll ever feel as a "German" in my heart & soul....and...I still get quite sentimental, melancholic and emotional at such significant "dates" like Thanksgiving, Labor day, etc. and regret that I can NOT be "there" with you guys to celebrate....-smile-

    America is the GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD and in my heart & soul...I'll always remain "an American"...-smile- Send you all my appreciation and LOVE for your terrific country ! Sentimental greetings from Germany with all my love and longing ....Annette****

  • 1 decade ago

    Many of the first European settlers in North America were refugees from religious oppression. They were holders of the less powerful, less popular Christian positions: Puritans, Huguenots, Catholics and Quakers. These people were clearly founding Christian theocracies in the places they settled.

    The founders of the republican form of government today known as the United States of America, however, were not strictly speaking Christians. More precisely, they were for the most part Deists or Theists. And, honestly, a great many of them were Masons.

    Fed up with the religious strife that terrorized Europe during so much of the post-Reformation, many were searching for belief that united and did not divide. Many found that belief in the Masonic Lodge. George Washington was a mason as were Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock and John Marshall. John Paul Jones, Robert Livingston, Paul Revere and LaFayette were Masons. (Thomas Jefferson was not.)

    The masonic ideals of the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God were instrumental in creating the philosophical climate that produced a republican government in North America.

    In Washington's letter, you can see a Deist's willingness to honor a "Lord of Hosts" coupled an unwillingness to be more specific about it. There is nothing overtly Christian about it. I think that pretty much sums up the spirituality of most of what are now known as the Founding Fathers.

  • papaw
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    On the Christian principles of the Bible. The primary reason men sought to come here and settle here was because their Christian faith in Europe was being attacked by the Catholic and the Anglican Church in England. I was definitely for CHRISTIAN freedom , not Islam, Mooslem,Hindu, or any of those "Non God, non Jesus Religions. Our faith was recognized as Judeo-Christian, which recognizes Jesus as Messiah!

    Looks like the devil's crowd is about to take us over again...anybody know another place we can nonviolently go to ? Or should we start standing up to what this country has been about all along?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes I believe this nation was founded by Christian leaders in the beginning & was once a Christian nation, but we are far from that now, are we a Christian nation, nope, I will pledge to the american flag, but if you look at what it stands for today its sickning, we are a nation that accepts murdering babies, we are a nation of marriage between men to men & woman to woman, we are a nation that no longer puts their trust in God, we are a crumbling nation & people think this recession and the banks getting bailed out & mortgages being lost is bad this is nothing in what is to come, & this is nothing in when we go back in history & compare to ooh lets say the dust bowl...

    Source(s): King James Bible
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most of the Founding Fathers were Christians. A few were Deists, and one or two were atheists. However, just because most of them were Christian does not necessarily mean our country was "founded on Christianity." They were all white men too. Does that mean our country was founded on white values? Male values?

    The principles the country was founded on were the principles of the Enlightenment, a secular philosophical movement. Our government was expressly based on the writings of Locke and Montesquieu, not on the Bible or any other religious document. The Enlightenment was a time in Europe when the power of the Church significantly declined. It was also the time when people stopped believing the power of the government came from God ("Divine Right") but rather came from the people (the "Social Contract").

    The writers of the Constitution were all Christian, yet neither God nor Jesus is mentioned this document. This shows you the Enlightenment was a bigger influence than their religious beliefs, at least when it came to government. Likewise, the Declaration of Independence refers to "our creator" and "nature's god," (a Deist phrase) not to the Christian God or to Jesus. Had the founders intended to establish a Christian nation, they would have just said so in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

    Some might point out that several of the 13 original colonies were established specifically for religious purposes, but that was back in the 1600s. By the time of the American Revolution, the political power of the Puritans and other early religious groups had declined. Freedom of religion existed in every colony and was included in the First Amendment. Had we been founded on Christianity, it seems to me that the Constitution would have declared Christianity to be the official religion, rather than making a specific point to say we had no official religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes by the looks of it, but did God thank the indians for looking after the land for those invaders as well.

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