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shoshone asked in PetsHorses · 1 decade ago

Does anyone think Ty Murray deserves to call himself King of the Cowboys?

Seems he gets his kicks out of chasing elk in deep snow with a snowmobile then jumping on them and riding them. Sick way for a rich jerk to act.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    considering this happened a long time ago and he was cited with two tickets,what does this have to do with his autobiography?he didn't call himself "king of the cowboys"he was given the moniker by those who are in the rodeo profession.yes he may have money but he earned every penny of it by putting his body through something that most people couldn't even imagine and he is paying for it as he gets older.there are a lot of us who know Ty and have worked with him or protected him that know he is a generous and real person who would give you the shirt off of his back.most of the time you are trying to convince people about slaughter,why don't you stick to that !

    Source(s): 4th generation cowboy/wrangler/ rodeo bullfighter/barrelman
  • 1 decade ago

    I highly admire Ty Murray...always had! I was so happy he did well since I always rooted for him! He's a great Cowboy for sure and deserves the title. He took a whoopin'.

    As for doggin' the what. Why should I care. No harm, no foul.

    It's not like he's doing a drive by shooting. Maybe people should think THAT is sick.

    Too many people are worried about what's going on in other peoples lives and forget about their own troubled ones. Fix your own issues first.

    Source(s): king p234
  • Read this, MEMORIZE this!!!!!!

    "It is better to stay quiet & be thought a fool, than to speak & remove all doubt"

    For your information, Ty does NOT call HIMSELF the King of the Cowboys, ALL of rodeo calls him that & it is TRUE!!! Do you know him? Have you ever met him? Do you believe everything someone tells you? Look Ty up, check out his rodeo career before you go around shooting off your mouth about stuff you know absolutely NOTHING about!!!!!!

    Ty is a really sweet & a very nice man. He is also intelligent & funny. He is NOT a jerk!!! How do I know this? Because I HAVE met him & I DO know him........

    Here is another quote for you to read & MEMORIZE!!!


    EDIT: As to the comment above about Roy Rogers. Roy Rogers could sit a horse, but we are talking about a "REAL" cowboy, in & out of the arena. Roy was simply the King of the singing cowboys & as far as I'm concerned....John Wayne was the King of the acting cowboys.

  • 1 decade ago

    well, as a cowboy yes. I mean he DID when the World Champion Rodeo title NINE TIMES!! And the World All-Around Rodeo Champion title seven times. You have to admit, that's pretty beastly. Not to mention that he retired at the age of 33!

    As for the chasing elk thing, yeah lol that's disturbing..but that doesn't mean he is should not be named King of Cowboys! Where did you hear that from, anyways? That's actually REALLY wierd

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    funny how you judge a person you never met.. what he did with the elk was stupied but it was probly one of those * HEY!!! watch this man moments.. that he did later apoligize for.. as for being a rich jerk hunny that dosnt even come CLOSE to ty's personality i have met the man a few times years back when he rode in the PBR i have several autographs he was always very kind with hello miss did you enjoy the show.. and he would always make sure that everything was all right for any fan of his he would ask questions strick up convos..he is one of the greatest men along with tuff headaman and lane frost to ever grace the rodeo arena

    Does he deserve to be called the king of cowboys well this cowgirl says HELL YHA!!

    Source(s): was a hardcore ty fan in High school
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes he does, what you are refering to was in 1999, and he didnt ride it he bull dogged it! LOL I am only upset I didnt get to see it. Personally I bet he could have rode one and would have loved to see him try!

    Like he said in his interview he agreed not to do it again but he doesnt regret it, it is something he can tell his grand kids and so can the elk tell his kids that he was bull dogged by the king of the cowboys:o)

    Source(s): BTW that isnt a direct quote from the interview I read he didnt claim the tittle or use. I added the aprt about the king of the cowboys, I totally agree with Bull.
  • Jenn
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    How does that make him a Rich Jerk? I don't get it. He seems to be a really nice guy. You must just have something against cowboys.


  • 1 decade ago


    Wonder what we'd find if we went through YOUR closets???

    Anything hiding in there that you've haven't owned up to?

    Ty owned up. And he doesn't call HIMSELF that. No more than YOU call yourself the name that your YA peers call you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I guess this is where I show my age. As EVERYONE knows, there is only one King of the Cowboys, and only ever will be one, and that was Roy Rogers.

    Yes, I know that was when dinosaurs roamed the earth. And that's okay.

  • 1 decade ago

    When you have won half of as much as he has. You may have room to talk.

    Source(s): 27 years training/showing horses 15 years riding rough stock
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