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Protect and serve? Why have our "protectors" become our persecutors? Who are the real bad guys?

Around the world, and especially in the States, these incidents are increasing at an alarming rate. Police abusing those whom they are sworn to 'Protect and Serve' - THEIR words/motto, not mine - is a major growing problem. Often their rants and tirades cross the line from verbal abuse to physical abuse and certainly abuse of their police powers.

To wit:

While I can't fail to recognize that cops have a very difficult job, that doesn't justify this ongoing problem which puts every citizen in harm's way - harm from the very people sworn to protect us. The most egregious aspect of all of the outrages above is the way authorities are trampling all over our rights and the U.S. Constitution's guarantees of the freedoms that we, as Americans, are supposed to enjoy.

Is it time to do something about this outrageous and increasingly frightening trend? What can be done? What would you do?


Actually, having spent almost 20 years gathering television news on the streets, none of what I noted above is surprising. I have personally seen much that was every bit as disgusting as what was shown. Some cops and law enforcement types are thugs. Some are OK. But often the line is blurred, presumably due to peer pressure. Their attitudes are what are the root cause - unfortunately. This isn't intended to be an indictment of all cop types. But there are enough who should never be allowed to carry badges or guns or tasers!

As for using You Tube footage, that's usually more honest than edited news footage. You Tube footage doesn't generally appear to be content-edited.

Update 2:

Protagonist- Thank you for your heartfelt and, I feel, honest response. I don't agree with everything you said - because of personal experience - but much of what you said was straight and courageous, particularly in light of your profession. Your candor is laudable. Thanks.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I watched every video you posted in their entirety. I am a law enforcement officer and my answer may seem biased.

    What can be done about this? Exactly what you are doing by bringing attention to this group of officers that makes the rest of us look like a**holes. Law enforcement officers are human and we have a group of bad seeds like the rest of society. We don't endorse their behavior and we don't seek to emulate it.

    Don't think that this is suddenly and alarming and growing trend. While it's going to be constant that some officers do things that are way, way out of line, they are actually a tiny percentage. It's not a growing problem, just an age old one that will never completely go away despite the efforts of citizens and other law enforcement officers.

    The only thing we can do is make sure that these actions are not covered up and that any officers that breech their duty are held responsible for their actions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree, it is a shame how our Constitution and subsequently our rights are being walked all over.

    IT is time we do something, we need to educate the people as to their rights, so they know what they should and should not put up with.

    It is time that every day people add video cameras in their cars, so that they can record all that goes on during the stop. And it is high time that we started making lists of the crimes against the citizenry (like you have started to do), so that when we make our case, we have the necessary back up.

    It is also important that when we are abused, that we don't just let it go because we didn't get a ticket, we speak up, we file complaints, we come to court, and we testify if need be. These abuses have gone on too long. And you should not hesitate to file charges when your rights have been violated- it is the only way they will learn.

    And it is not all police officers, unfortunately, it's the bad ones who make the job tougher for everyone, and ultimately put all of us in danger.

    Don't be afraid to speak up- it is your right, and your responsibility!!!

    p.s. If you want to know what Thomas Jefferson would do, read the beginning of the declaration of independence- gives me goosebumps.

    ************I had to add this after seeing MNwoman's post...

    You mean youtube is edited so that it only shows what they want you to see... sort of like the news? (and your argument fails... now)

    Everysource has some bias, at least the people, control you tube, and not the marketing/war machine.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A study showed that a preacher is more likely to be corrupt or commit a crime than a police officer.

    You have to understand both sides of a protest etc. before going any further.

    Police enforce laws, they DO serve us as public servants, and they DO protect us. They watch over us, putting their own lives at risk all the time and without thanks. They are questioned and disrespected by the very ones they protect.

    You can't honestly believe that in those situations the cops were the only/ the ones at fault. There's no way (in the last vid for example) that a riot force would even care to fire smoke grenades at anybody unless they had to, it's expensive and time consuming overall.

  • 5 years ago

    Apparently you don't realize that there is absolutely no correlation between "experience" and the quality of a presidency. FDR, Lincoln, Clinton, Reagan, Bush: very little experience. Nixon and Calvin Coolidge: lots of experience. The qualities that make a good presidency include leadership, integrity, intelligence, values and a good grasp of history. You don't have to "merit" being president, and you don't have to have any particular experience. The Constitution says you must be 35 years of age and a citizen of the United States. Period. If the Founding Fathers thought that's all that mattered, that's good enough for me.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Mottos aside, the police represent the Power of The State. Those guys are dangerous, best to keep away from them.

    What can be done? Video is best. Remember, as society crumbles, we are going to need them more, so we'll have to do more overlooking of their running amok. If it gets too bad, well, We The People have dealt with bad government before and we can do it again. Says so right in the Constitution.

    Might want to read the Declaration of Independence again, it's sounding more and more like today's news.

  • x
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Resistance is futile.You will be assimilated.According to homeland security any one opposed to government actions must be either a white supremest,hate monger,racist,anti-American,extremist or terrorist.Just ask Napolitano.If you question or record police you are an enemy of the state.If you bring up citizens rights you are suspect and an extremist.Disobedience by congress is ok but disobedience by citizens will not be tolerated.Welcome to the new world order.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The police are the biggest and most dangerous gang of thugs in America! They are a band of lying murdering thieves! Protect and serve my @s$! Its more like harass and extort! Its only going to get worse as the police state approaches! Those videos make me sick! By the way the Texas state troopers shot another person today!

  • 1 decade ago

    I did not watch the youtube links because you only see what was on the video, not what was before the incident, etc. There's too much left open to assume when watching videos.

    But, I will bet that most of those videos have something to do with drugs (someone was high, or had drugs, or sold drugs).

    With that being said, the war on drugs is the cops' "Vietnam", and maybe if they chose a different approach towards drugs.....

  • 1 decade ago

    Quit using youtube as a source for your tirade. Youtube posts the opinion of the video producer. All are editted to only show what the producer wants,NOT Facts.

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