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Former independent video producer, photog, and racing stringer. Previous marketing manager and consultant. Multiple business owner. Fan of F-1, Cup, most motorsports, and the Soapbox Derby!
Is KERS just a way to legally cheat those who aren't using it?
This is the 800 pound gorilla in the room. Been waiting all season for someone to ask this. Since none of you have chosen to take it on by asking the question, hopefully you'll rectify that with a lot of answers on this one!
My biggest problem with the KERS system and the way it's been implemented this season, is that you're dealing with two mechanically different animals. Running them head to head ALWAYS leaves the non-KERS car at a distinctly serious disadvantage - defensively or offensively.
I realise use is optional under current rules. So perhaps it ought be reflected in the myriad of F1 rules that either all competitors use it, or none do. I'm disgusted at the disparity between the haves and the have-nots! I just think it's unfair fair, competitively. What about you?
6 AnswersFormula One1 decade agoCan you successfully co-mingle two vines, such as a Morning Glory and a Honeysuckle?
I have a Honeysuckle plant split into two separate vertical "columns." There is a wooden pillar in the middle of this plant's two vertical columns.
I recently found the most beautiful Morning Glory hybrid I've ever seen, and it's colors will beautifully compliment my Golden Blaze Honeysuckle. So, for next growing season, I was considering adding a Morning Glory vine to the pillar itself - right in between the two columns of the Honeysuckle. I do recognize, however, that the two vines will undoubtedly reach out to one another and co-mingle.
Considering the nature of each of these two vines, is there a downside issue to consider, or will they just entwine, embrace, and live happily ever after? (I've done a fair amount of gardening over the years, but never had to consider something like this. Seems like it should not be a problem, but asking just to be sure I haven't missed something..)
3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade agoAs we listen to "God Save the Queen," Lewis Hamilton Wins!! Is his Mojo back?
After a lackluster first half of the 2009 season, our reigning champion, Lewis Hamilton, finally gets back into his winning form of yore. Is he back? Has McLaren/Mercedes finally got their act together? Will Hamilton fans have more feel good moments like this yet this season?
6 AnswersFormula One1 decade agoWhat Would Be Wrong With F-1 Racing At Donington Park?
Within the last couple of months some answerers here have decried the move of the British GP from Silverstone to Donington Park. I watched an FIM race from there today and the circuit looks like a wonderful venue; wide, seemingly smooth, nice elevation changes, at least 3 potential overtaking corners, a couple of good straights, etc.
An animation of an F-1 car on that circuit can be found here:
The circuit layout can be found here:
Now call me crazy, but this appears to be a good and challenging course. I understand the attraction, history and tradition of Silverstone and the BRDC's role and presence there. But if Donington gets its financial house in order - or whatever is causing the questions about it being ready for 2010 - then what would be wrong with the British GP moving there - from a fan's perspective? Any other perspective would be enlightening, for that matter. Would particularly like to hear from those who've been to either circuit or those who've grown up in the UK with the British GP.
5 AnswersFormula One1 decade agoWhat Is Wrong With Bernie Ecclestone? Is He Secretly A Nazi?
Just when you think it's safe to come out and watch F-1, the Old Grey Geezer opens his mouth and chases everyone back into their bunkers.
He slams democracy as a government form, and voices support for Hitler's method of governance. Is it obvious to everyone else, too, that this pygmy is also endowed with a midget brain?
See this:
Can it get any more bizarre? No! Wait. Scratch that. As sure as we think it's gotten as bad as it can get, it will get even worse! What do you think?
6 AnswersFormula One1 decade agoIs Sarah Palin Just Another Quitter?
She just stepped down from her FIRST term as Alaska governor. What's up with that?
Has the heat gotten too great for her, or has the Peter Principle just caught up with her? (she's reached the level of her incompetence). What do you think?
28 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoProfessor Tolkien's "Hobbit" and 'Trilogy' are masterpieces. How often have you read them? Are you an addict?
I've read the Trilogy probably fifteen times in the last 17 years. The Hobbit maybe a dozen times. I seem to go about a year before I'm drawn back to my bookshelves to pull them out and have at it again. Even bought a top shelf (no pun intended) boxed edition of "The Lord."
Each reading for me is like the first time - except, of course, that I'm re-connecting with so many old friends and visiting so many old and favorite haunts.
How many times have you read them? Are you addicted? Were you disappointed with "The Silmarillion?" (I started and tried several times to get through that one but just couldn't stay interested. Am I alone here?).
Just a personal note - I realise how long it took him to write "The Lord of the Rings," but so wish he'd lived long enough to write at least one more volume. Wouldn't have to have been a "Lord" epic, another "Hobbit" type would have sufficed. His writings changed me forever. I only knew him through his writings, but miss him very much..
10 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoMika Häkkinen, Where Are You Now?
When he left in '01, there was plenty of noise about this being a step back and a rest and regroup time for Mika. Then we hear very little.
Then he shows up driving in a German touring car venue for Mercedes, where he completed the '07 season.
At 41, he is a bit long in the tooth, but, could he possibly return to F-1 for a couple of swan song years? Or will he, as he claimed in '08, stay behind the scenes and work in some sort of driver management capacity?
Wikipedia sees him thusly:
Opinions please. Can he, would he, will he try to turn back the clock and get back in the cockpit of an F-1 machine?
6 AnswersFormula One1 decade agoTamara Ecclestone is arguably one gorgeous woman. Which begs the question: Who was the sperm donor?
She's a lot taller than the midget who calls himself her father. She's sure as hell a lot prettier than the goofy dwarf. And she seems to have her head screwed on straight, unlike the aforementioned pygmy.
So for everyone, and particularly for all you Brits who are closer to the players than we in the States, who do you think actually contributed the male dna to her?
4 AnswersFormula One1 decade agoIs Malduni correct after all? With today's win, maybe Jenson Button IS Great! What do you think?
With know-it-alls abounding, (right, M?) perhaps one is finally correct. Jenson Button maintained his cool as would befit a champion, didn't so much as place a wheel wrong, and won the Monaco GP. Granted he started on pole, but with so many turns in so many laps, it's easy for a single momentary mental lapse to translate into catastrophe (just ask Vettel, Kovalainen, or Hamilton).
Jenson kept his cool, maintained his line(s) and drove a very intelligent and skillful race. OK, so I'm forced to bow to the Malduni's superior powers of observation; Jenson Button really is the GREAT Jenson Button. Thanks for opening all our eyes.
Is this guy becoming one of the Greats? What do YOU think? :oD
6 AnswersFormula One1 decade agoWhat's up with the IRL?? Why did they sign with Versus? Are they trying to kill the series?
For over 10 years they tried to destroy open wheel racing in North America by splitting into Champ Cars and Indycars - or whatever they called themselves. The good news was you could still find a race on ESPN or SPEED or ABC or whatever - so-called 'normal' cable channels.
Last year they got smart and reunited the series. The races were broadcast and easily accessible on ESPN or wherever they were.
This year, the first full year after reunification, when they need as much viewership as possible to maintain sponsorship for the teams and the races, they go to a newbie network that isn't carried as a 'normal' channel on many cable systems. Are they backpedalling and trying to kill the series again?
10 AnswersIndy Racing League (IRL)1 decade agoWhat's up with the Prez?
If he can do it, why can't we? He might be cooler than we gave him credit for. What do you think? :oD
6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoAre you concerned about our President?
Maybe he's cooler than many think. What do YOU think? Check it out. If he can do it, so can we. :oD
8 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoProtect and serve? Why have our "protectors" become our persecutors? Who are the real bad guys?
Around the world, and especially in the States, these incidents are increasing at an alarming rate. Police abusing those whom they are sworn to 'Protect and Serve' - THEIR words/motto, not mine - is a major growing problem. Often their rants and tirades cross the line from verbal abuse to physical abuse and certainly abuse of their police powers.
To wit:
While I can't fail to recognize that cops have a very difficult job, that doesn't justify this ongoing problem which puts every citizen in harm's way - harm from the very people sworn to protect us. The most egregious aspect of all of the outrages above is the way authorities are trampling all over our rights and the U.S. Constitution's guarantees of the freedoms that we, as Americans, are supposed to enjoy.
Is it time to do something about this outrageous and increasingly frightening trend? What can be done? What would you do?
9 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoHow much information is shown?
If you click on a 'contact us' link on any given website, one of two things will happen; 1) an email form (on your email account) will pop up, or 2) a generic form will pop up to fill in and it may ask for different info such as name, phone, email address, message, etc.
I know about #1, no question. However, on #2, other than the IP address, can the website recipient of a #2 type message see other info like ISP, an email address (other than what you type in as an info field fill), etc.? I'd like to think that other than the IP address, no other distinguishing information should be available that I don't personally input, like who the ISP is, for example.
True or not? What other info might they see that is identifiable to the the computer or individual? I'm trying to retain anonymity in some cases and want to know exactly what they can see. See?
2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade agoHow can I upsize downloaded photos?
Some pix I've downloaded for wallpaper and my virtual photo album are very small (e.g., 110px x 73px). Seemingly too small to do anything with.
Other than a Photoshop-type solution, is there another way to enlarge a picture without obvious [bad] pixelation?
2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agoSince we taxpayers own 80% of AIG, why not cancel the $165 Million in bonuses?
The execs at AIG are saying their performance bonuses were negotiated and contracted to before the bailout. Since we control the company, I say screw 'em. Cancel the bonuses and let the 'poor' execs sue.
Should we, or shouldn't we? Do you have a better idea?
9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoWhere does all the rubber go? (Longtime passing...)?
Nope, not going to sing. But consider this: There are literally millions of cars and trucks on the 5.7 million miles of paved roads in the U.S.
Each tire on each car wears down as more miles are driven. Tires last anywhere from 20,000 to 60,000 miles depending on how much you pay for them. What wears off the tires is, of course, the rubber. But other than skid marks here and there, we don't see piles of rubber dust along our roads, do we?
So, this begs the question: Where does all the rubber go?
C'mon, do a little brainwork and give me an answer. If I like it, I'll give you 10 points and a gold star for your forehead. :o)
Road miles source:
4 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoSPEED TV: Have they lost touch with their viewers?
When SpeedVision started up, they had all types of racing - and from all over the world. World Rally, Australian Touring, even some big rig Tractor Racing from Europe (I really enjoyed that) and more that I can't even remember.
In the last year or so, they have decided to appeal to non-race fans with reality stuff like Pinks, Blues (just kidding), Passes, Bullsquash Run, and a bunch of stuff that isn't really true racing. Oh, and let's not forget the Whips, the Low Lifes and the Pimps (Wait! Maybe the real pimps are the ones doing SPEED's programming..). I really miss the World Rally, and can't get A1GP either.
So if you're a major network freak and love reality programming, I guess you wouldn't mind what SPEED has come to. If you're a true sanctioned-race fan, how do you like hours on end of non-racing reality shows? Is SPEED being true to their original mission of bringing racing programming to the US viewer or are they just caving into profiteering and going for cheap reality shows?
15 AnswersNASCAR1 decade agoRace Fan Rants; What is wrong with those who rudely and stupidly insult others?
Recently asked a question about Kimi Raikkonen's behaviour. Was taken rudely to task by someone with obviously limited mental functioning and a poor command of the language. The answerer even found 4 links where I only showed 3 (some folks shouldn't drink and write). She then warned me against ever posting in F-1 Q&As again. Oops! Guess I just did, eh? He's baaack... :o)
So, should we be insulted by these asinine people and their rants, or just consider the source?
5 AnswersFormula One1 decade ago