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Is Sarah Palin Just Another Quitter?

She just stepped down from her FIRST term as Alaska governor. What's up with that?

Has the heat gotten too great for her, or has the Peter Principle just caught up with her? (she's reached the level of her incompetence). What do you think?


Gawwlee. Looks like a lot of trolls have climbed out of their little hidey holes.

For the edification of those who have called me - let's see - liar, loser, ingrate, one who cares naught for others, typical dem, one who piles on, and-I love this one- Demolemming (!), I'll enlighten you. (Let's not forget the religious hypocrite who slammed, then blessed me):

I'm a lifelong registered Republican wno's always voted for the candidate and not the straight party line. Unlike today's Repubs, I'm intelligent, analytical, and am able to think for myself and not fall back on non-secular slams and idealogue rants. I thank bush for my most recent enlightenment - the ability to recognize the difference between intelligent thought and lunatics' BS.

For those with the temerity to call me a liar, you owe me an apology, right, tedex, and L7 chuckjr? And a couple even suggested she couldn't take the heat. Heard that before?

Wake up children. Get your facts straight.

Thanks anyway for answers.

Update 2:

Unlike several here, I don't think there's any more of a scandal here than her attempt to compete on the national stage for which she was obviously not sufficiently qualified. I do believe she has family issues and that was a major part of her reason for stepping down. But I also believe there's much she's not saying. What it is, we'll find out sooner or later.

If this is just a ploy to grab headlines and set herself up for a 2012 high office run, I think she'll have made a major mistake. No one - even her supporters - will want to deal with someone who gave up when the going got tough and quit her only important executive office. Yeah, she took a lot of heat, but her ineptitude and verbal gaffes begged for it.

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a moderate Democrat (liberal on some social issues; conservative on table manners and simple courtesies), and I'm truly glad to see Sarah Palin will, in all likelihood, not run for higher office. She is just not suitable. With her attractive appearance, she may be suited to a TV talk show, but her lack of intellect on just about every issue, her personal foibles, and her publicity-seeking behaviors rendered her unfavorable even to Republicans. There may be some behind-the-scenes scandal or family problem that was the inspiration; however, this is a good decision for the field of politics, and probably for the Republican moderates as well. My guess is she'll get some sort of six-figure book deal and then make the talk shows for a while, or else someone (Rupert Murdoch?) may have offered her a chance to have a show of her own, which is more in line with her personality.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes..she is quitting, stepping down because even she can see her hypocrisy is not helping her state or her family.

    chuck and ted...She has quit on live TV. This is not spin, its a fact.

    octane... Where were you during the last election ? You did not see any defamation of Obama? What did you think sean Insannnity was blabbing about for months?

  • Joe S
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't see her as just a quitter. There are two possible reasons that I see for her stepping down. I either see her stepping down to start a machine to get her a step ahead of all the other Republicans in the next presidential primary race, or I see her stepping down because of family issues. I don't think she's just going to quit for no reason. Everyone who knows anything about politics knows Sarah. So her popularity, whether you love her or hate her, within the country is outstanding. Let's remember that she single handedly revived the McCain ticket in his race against Obama. So I don't think she's quitting on the entire law making stage. My guess is that she's most likely just gearing up for something else, possibly the 2012 elections... And conservatives shouldn't be ashamed of Palin or her most recent decision either. Because she has been a much truer conservative influence than lieing thieves of the tax payers like Mark Sanford.

  • Curt J
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't for a minute believe that being scared, or just a quitter had anything to do with it. The Demolemmings have done nothing but excoriate her and Alaska since she ran for the Vice Presidency and I would venture to guess that she is putting the good of her State and family ahead of her political aspirations.

    Too bad a delusional woman like Hillary "I got shot at by a sniper" Clinton doesn't share similar values. But then again, why should she, seeing as how she still allows Bill to mess with girls that are just beyond the age of consent?

    Source(s): Just my opinion
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  • 1 decade ago

    I can't say I blame her for this. The Big Three media outlets, as well as most newspapers, have been brainless and heartless in SEEKING information with which to damage her. During the presidential election we didn't hear anything from those same media about Barrack Obama's questionable friends, pastor, or associations with election-fixing organizations, but we sure heard about governor Palin's family life!

    I've seen enough nonsense about Republicans falling by Democrats who are enjoying the feeding frenzy. I think it's time for them to stop having double standards. What is more significant--a president who has associations with domestic terrorists or a VP candidate with a pregnant, unmarried daughter? Hmm...

  • 1 decade ago

    She wants to steal Michael Jackson's thunder!

    ...and maybe some other small reasons, like a possible presidential campaign, or spending more time with her family, or simply taking a back seat in politics to help a broader range of republicans.

    But yeah, her main reason was MJ.

  • jack w
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If Governor Palin is so insignificant, why do you keep 'piling on' her? Along with most members of the Democrat Party? Could it be that you and the Dems fear her influence in national political circles?

    She's endured having her 14 year old daughter suggested for sexual intercourse on national TV, did you come to her defense? Or do you think attacking a juvenile family member is all right?

    Seems that more thought might be necessary.

  • 1 decade ago

    I didn't know she was even close to quiting. Sanford yes, her no. It can only be because she is a quitter or some one finally got something on her that she wants quiet and will quit in exchange.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe she decided to put her family first over her political career. It's highly doubtful you ingrates are going to except that answer though. It's hard for you see a person as caring for anyone other than themselves seeing that's how liberals live the majority of their lives. God bless.

  • 1 decade ago

    For those who haven't heard and don't believe the news,

    she is stepping down.

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