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What Is Wrong With Bernie Ecclestone? Is He Secretly A Nazi?

Just when you think it's safe to come out and watch F-1, the Old Grey Geezer opens his mouth and chases everyone back into their bunkers.

He slams democracy as a government form, and voices support for Hitler's method of governance. Is it obvious to everyone else, too, that this pygmy is also endowed with a midget brain?

See this:

Can it get any more bizarre? No! Wait. Scratch that. As sure as we think it's gotten as bad as it can get, it will get even worse! What do you think?


My sincere apologies to all Little People out there. I truly intended nothing derogatory toward this group. My verbiage was intended as an exaggerated diminutive metaphor with ironic overtones. Sorry.

Update 2:

I forgot; he also shot his mouth off about female drivers, those on the public dole, called Blair a liar, etc., ad nauseum. (Hate to admit it, but I did agree with his comments about Blair's hooking up with the criminal george bush and invading Iraq). But my agreement with that little elf stops right there!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I guess there are two ways to answer your question:

    The sarcastic one: Bernie had to come up with something to steer the attention away from Max. He felt everybody was so involved in bashing Max that he felt left out. He certainly brought chaos his way.

    The semi-serious one: A person who is a very important key in a given sport has the utmost duty to use his words with extreme care. I am sure that in his life Bernie did not achieve what he did by being careless in his interviews and speeches. But one wrong sentence or thought, and you can open up a can of worms. It is irrelevant what he thinks as far as I am concerned. What I am astonished is that what he has said is an unnecessary deterrent for F1. If you want to find a way to push people away from F1, just act like Bernie, and you'll succeed. It goes against his own interests as well. He, in search of Jewish F1 afecionados with extra finances to spare, has stupidly gone to push them away instead of inviting them into the world of F1. A complete act of self destruction. And then again, regardles of your beliefs, there are certain things in life that you don't use as a reference. For goodness sake, even a serial killer or an outlaw could have gotten things done at one point in their lives. So what? You don't make reference to them when you try to make a point of efficiency. It's just wrong, like the Hitler's references, just plain unacceptable, wrong and stupid. Bernie, the one who criticized Max for his Nazi themed sexual escapades, which irritated many, mainly Jewish people, and now he is the one creating the same tensions. It goes to show all of us that certain key people in F1 have reached an age of no return. Bernie in his good old days would have been way more attent and carefull with his words. Now the guy is approaching the 80s. He should just leave the duties to someone else who has less ability to self destruct. It's a clear sign that Bernie is overdone. He should admit it himself. We all are constantly debating who may replace or may not replace Max Mosley. But nobody is talking of who may be able to replace Bernie! FOM has its place in F1 and the sport is not ready to get rid of its management instantly. Well, if we all make the simple deduction that Bernie is overcooked, then what? Is there a plan for the after Bernie? Or should we just keep hearing more non-sense from a man who has way too much control over a sport, but who at the same time is definitely "losing it"? If FOTA are serious, they should have a plan to dislodge FOM and replace it with another management structure, and let the old heros play pretend F1 in retirement homes.

    But selfishly speaking, what bothers me the most is how I have to handle myself when I entertain with friends and acquaintances. Most of them are not F1 fans, but when I mention my beloved sport, they say to me: "Ah, yea, the sport with the spy saga that lasted forever. The sport where the President enjoys himself in Nazi oriented sex parties. The sport where there is always a penalty for someone who tries to pass. The sport where its manager is a pro-Nazi Hitler idol. Etc., etc." You see, I'm running out of explanations. I feel beat up.

  • WinWin
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    We all know that Bernie is a thoroughly despicable individual. But, I'm not so sure he really is as daft as he leads us to believe.

    I think his outrageous comments are a smoke screen. He's trying to whip the media up into a frenzy to divert attention from something else. Don't know what yet, but I really don't believe these comments are not part of some sneaky PR manoeuvre. I just can't believe he would randomly decide to air his offensive views in public, especially with the recent battering that F1 has been through. It's in his interests to protect the profile of F1 with sponsors (I'm sure he doesn't give a toss about alienating the fans or offending Jews, women drivers etc.). Is Max linked to this is any way?

    There is more to this than meets the eye. Watch out.

    Or, maybe he was doing the groundwork for a plea of insanity in some upcoming court case?

    Sorry if my cynical mind has gone into over-drive.

    Oh no! That would make me a woman driver, which means I must immediately go on maternity leave even though I am currently leading the World Cynical Mind Driving Championship (yes, even with my weak neck). Damn, that's the 3rd season in a row I've thrown the championship away because I don't understand contraception. ;-)

  • 1 decade ago

    The Poison Dwarf is trying to show everyone that not only there's a big problem with the current Formula One,but his mental status and brain too!

  • Allan
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Emm where's the secret Bozo?

    But seriously, the F1 Munchkin ain't tall enough to be a Nazi, can you imagine those little pygmy legs trying to goose-step! ha ha.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's Ecclestone what do you expect.. This is just one of many reasons people tend to hate him; for these types of remarks. He is an old troll, who has money and doesn't care what people think or want in F1.

  • 1 decade ago

    You want to know what is wrong he is not getting it up the but anymore.

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