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What do Jews think of Obama?
I have always had bad feelings about the Jewish state after they waged the 6 day terrorist attack against Palestine and stole their land. It has also seemed strange to me when the world condemns a teenager that builds a crude home made device and gives his life, to a cause he truly must believes in, by killing himself to wage war with a country that wants to eliminate all his kind. But when that far better armed and military aggressive country retaliates against this one small act of aggression by blowing up whole neighborhoods and even small towns, killing hundreds if not thousands, with the most modern of weapons, the world says they are simply defending their homeland. But even after all this I feel sorry for the Jewish people today. They are all alone in a region of the world where they are truly without friends, for with our current administration they don't even have the United States on their side. Wonder what they think about this New World Order?
Sorry, but I am not an anti semite! It is those in charge or Israel that some times get under my skin. It's political not racial. I do sometimes think the guys in the black outfits or kind of on the edge or maybe over it. But I do have some Jewish friends and their beliefs are just about like mine. I can even talk them into some pork ribs when I get the smoker going.
6 Answers
- Grunge is deadLv 41 decade agoFavorite Answer
Most of the jews I know lean democratic or liberal, though a few of them are republican. Some of them like Obama, some of them don't. It's not such a broad thing that all of the people of one background or ethnicity or religion are going to all like or dislike someone, they are individuals and have their own opinions about the man and his administration. You could walk up to a group of jews and ask "What do you think of Obama?" and you'd have some who like him, some who hate him and some who are in the middle.
Something I think you fail to understand about the "Jewish state" of Israel is that ...
a.) It is not only jews who live in Israel. Many arabs/muslims and christians live there as well.
b.) Jerusalem is their holy city and has been far back as biblical times. Their land was stolen from them and it was their land long before it was palestinian land.
c.) The suicide bombers are terrorists. You are defending terrorists? Do you fail to realize that they would kill you in a heartbeat if they had the chance? It isn't only jews that they hate, it's Americans too. They see America as "the great satan".
d.) Israel is the ONLY "jewish nation" in the entire WORLD! And they are surrounded by Arab nations that have attacked them many times over. In the Arab nations jews are treated as second class citizens and aren't allowed to worship as they would like. But in Israel arabs/muslisms are treated as first class citizens who have all the same rights as everyone else.
e.) There are over 50 arab/Islamic nations. There is ONE jewish nation! ONE vs. 50+... are you seriously sympathizing with the enemy? (FYI - they declared themselves our enemies when they said they vowed to see "the great satan" brought down and destroy the western way of life. Don't let Obama and his cronies fool you into believing they aren't that bad. They are.)
- jwthoughtsLv 71 decade ago
Unfortunately, they like democrats more than democrats like them. The dems have a history of not standing with Israel, and Jews in America still vote for dems. I have no idea why.
As for your assessment of the Israel/Palestine conflict...
Responding in kind is the most idiotic idea EVER in a war. If Israel would have attacked with that force the first time and 10 times that force on the next attack by Palestine, and escalated it each time, there would only have been a couple of attacks before Palestine realized that the consequences outweighed the action so much that it was not worth it.
Israel should announce that the next attack against them will bring a bombing of a community. The one after that, 10 times that response, and a third would mean that they level a city. Guaranteed that there would not be a third attack.
- 1 decade ago
They love him,half of them are on his cabinet!Start at the top with Michael Chertoff head of homeland security.
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- Anonymous1 decade ago
They despise him and see a little Hitler coming to the NYC flyover--we're scared to death of a nazi who wants to take our liberty....and make us into EAST GERMANY AGAIN..but osama studied the history and he's going about Hitler's ways very effectively....
- nostradamus02012Lv 71 decade ago
didn't read your ponderous statement - i read the question instead.
it's pretty silly to think that millions of people worldwide would have one single opinion about any one thing - let alone one person.
hope this helps...