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Is there anyone who says they don't discriminate against anyone?

Cos I do. I've always thought of myself as pretty liberal and left wing, but I do discriminate against right wing people (in particular racist and homophobic ones...they really piss me off) and pious Christians make me really f*cking angry. But Its not just the thought of Christianity - I like Christians who believe in the whole "God loves EVERYONE" thing, cos that is what religion is meant to be. Its mostly that lots of religions are simply a platform for people to discriminate, which is not what they should be. So I remain happily atheistic. Anyway, my point is that it would seem that I discriminate against, well, discriminatory people.

Maybe I'm a big hypocrite.



Yeah I didn't mean all Christians are homophobes, but there are a lot who are, just because of the bible. Like the pope.

Update 2:

I actually had Fred Phelps in mind when I wrote that.

5 Answers

  • Ray M
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, I'd say everyone discriminates in some form. Usually, they aren't even aware of it. Heck, I've noticed I'm paranoid around police and my father was one. It's more of a fear I'll do something stupid right in front of them, but it still taints my behavior around them.

    next - just because a religion believes homosexuality is a sin, doesn't make them homophobes. That's like saying that anyone who voted against Obama was racist. You can believe it is wrong and still treat them with respect and dignity. Sure, some don't. Kansas has the Phelps family, after all. Heck, that guy protests at Catholic churches after the churches there made an announcement that God doesn't hate the sinners, he hates the sin. That God loves everyone. Now, all the Catholics are apparently uhhh Homosexual lovers (I don't like using his F word for homosexuals).

    I think I'm mainly discriminatory against a couple of categories

    Prejudiced people who are crude about it. Heck, I honestly don't care if you don't like a group. But if you are a.... jerk about it, then you don't need to be heard. Talk about it intelligently. Example: I see a lot of Athiests in the religion and spirituality group who are very insulting against anyone who believes in any form of God. I ALSO see many Christians (mostly them, I don't see many other forms of believers asking questions...) who are insulting back. That just proves those specific individuals are idiots. It doesn't say anything about the group as a whole.

    I'm also prejudiced against stupid people who like being stupid. A little information: Uneducated is not a bad thing. You just haven't learned it yet. Uneducated people can still learn. But (IMO), STUPID is people who don't know something and don't want to learn. I taught high school before becoming a stay at home dad. I'd have eighteen year olds reading at a fifth grade level who didn't care and didn't want to improve their reading level. THAT'S STUPID. It isn't the lack of ability that's stupid, it's the wanting to STAY there. So I have a big problem with people who like their stupidity. You see this a lot in politics. Obama is bad because <reason a>. Uh, that's not true. SHUT UP! Stupid. Obama is great because he's <reason b>. Uh, that's not true. SHUT UP! Stupid. I don't want to argue whether Obama is a great president or not, but you have to admit he was a bit of a polarizer. His main theme was change, because the republicans messed it up. Doensn't exactly endear him to EVERYONE. Either you liked him or you didn't. Just my opinions tehre.

    Have a good one!

  • loar
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    how have you learnt each and every African American and Jewish man or woman? it's the identical with the Asians the Mexicans the Christians there are a few in each and every organization that can discriminate in opposition to the gays in each and every nationality. You are not able to say it's only the African Americans and the Jews

  • zhi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Lots of people say this. Its a lie to save one's own skin or to make someone seem rosy. Everyone discriminates, but discriminations differ - some are more rational than others.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ok, you cannot tell a person just by looking at them what they believe, how they vote, etc. So if you are a checker in a supermarket, and I come with groceries, are you going to not check my groceries due to my religious beliefs or how I vote?

    I like most everyone. I don't necessarily agree with everything you do, but then you don't agree with everything I do.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To be honest french seem to be very open and accepting...

    They do all those peace treaties and plus they have the french foregin legion.

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