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Aren't those that threaten hell immoral?

You are telling someone that disagrees with you, not a god, not a religious text, as those can be interpreted a million different ways, that they will burn in a hell forever. That is the most disgusting and horrible thing I have ever heard.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    The biblical definition of hell is “the grave” and yet millions hold on to that eternal torment bull that they have been taught, rather than read what is in the Bible.

    I don’t think I could serve a God who promoted and satisfied Himself by watching people burn forever.

  • Demi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You've never seen me when I feel threatened. I don't threaten to mace someone, I do it. Then I zap 'em with the stun gun and kick them - repeatedly - while they're down.

    If I just threatened and I had no mace, I'd be an idiot, a farktard, a douchenozzle, an many words for that kind of person. Anyone who threatens hell is overstepping their own authority and is an idiot, a farktard, a douchenozzle, an asshat............

    Edit: ginchi, the word "homosexual" is only about 150 years old. How did it get in Paul's mouth almost 2,000 years ago? That's a mistranslation. The original sentiment had nothing to do with consenting gay couples at all. As a matter of fact, same gender marriage used to be a common christian rite. There was the "Office of Same-Sex Union", the "Order for Uniting Two Men" and "Order for Solemn Same-Sex Union". Same gender marriage didn't stop in christianity until well into the 18th century. At least that's the last recorded one. You really should pick up a history book to go with your bible once in a while, you know. I, personally, find it a bit disturbing that a Nordic Heathen such as myself knows more about the history of christianity than most christians do. (and I was raised a heathen, too!)

    Sara, that's one of the most sensible things I've heard a christian say in a long time. Thank you. I think ALL decent christians should call their brothers and sisters in faith on that kind of behaviour whenever they see it.

    Source(s): and if they do that kind of thing to a child, they should be jailed or have their children removed from their home, period. THAT is immoral and cruel.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    First, Hell isn't made up. that is genuine. The Bible speaks of it everywhere, and Jesus teaches it frequently interior the gospels. whilst the insurrection of devil against God took place, he grow to be forged out of heaven. He exists able thoroughly cutoff from the affection and fact and lightweight of God. This place is so dark and so evil that that isn't any longer something however the vilest of hate. no longer using fact using fact of sympathy or longing or harm or something different human attachment we positioned to it. this variety of hate won't be able to be fixed. that's organic, burning hate. there's no end. there's no getting punished for a speedy time and then going lower back to God. Hell is often. it rather is the devil. And it rather is what he desires to do to us. infants would desire to study approximately Hell. that's a lesson of the religion. many human beings, i've got seen, tend to brush aside Hell as made-up, or superstitous. that's a deadly mistake. We would stay interior the twenty-first century, yet Hell has been there using fact that till now time began. coach them, and coach them properly. God bless, Danny

  • 1 decade ago

    Perhaps if you read each and every answer a bit closer you would see that most of the time what is being said is from the Bible, and simply reflects what the Bible says about that subject. As when some one points out that the Bible says that homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord, THEY aren't saying it. That's what it says in the Bible. Now, I'm sure, that most non-believers reading this answer are going to automatically attribute that to me as though I said it. You should also read some of the answers that athiests give. Reference is made to inbred idiots, degenerates, whore mongers, hate filled morons. I've read about every description you could imagine. Trouble is there isn't a science book that they can point to. Those are their words.

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  • Sara
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Personally I think that predicting someone else will go to Hell is one of the worst things I've heard from my fellow Christians.

    Jesus himself cautioned about judging others, and said that we're trying to get the speck out of someone else's eye when we have a timber in our own eye. He said, "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

    It betrays a hatred of the other person, a desire that they should suffer, and sometimes the person who says this seems to take glee in the thought of a non-Christian writhing in agony in the flames.

  • anon
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    millions of interpretations for like:Rev 20:15 And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.

    name 2

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a terrible thing, but it is the truth. Hell is not because they disagree with you though.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have to agree. There is no hell that torments and to be told that you will burn there is an insult to the truth.

  • Muffie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It's immoral to threaten people, period.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hell's not a threat, friend; it's a choice!

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