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Dogs on prevention and ticks...?

Just a quick question.... my mom found a tick on her and she's blaming the dog (go figure.) The dog has been on flea/tick prevention (she is on it year round.) I thought that stuff killed fleas/ticks when they bit - am i wrong?

Could a tick potentially be picked up by a dog on prevention and deposited in the home? She has short fur so i wouldn't think a tick would just hang on instead of burrowing and biting... plus mom found it up by her hip (not on a leg - she was wearing shorts.)

Note: mom found the tick on her after our walk - we did not go in the brush and Kiley was trotting with me while i biked.... she was in the lawns but, again, moving quickly and you would think the moment she stopped a tick would burrow around and bite...?

Any clues? Mom's totally freaking out - went so far as to literally shove the dog away from her yesterday morning, screaming about ticks. Kiley was so confused...


ROFLMAO throw a rubber spider at her.... never tried it but i used to put fake mice in her purse when i was little (she doesn't like them either.)

Yes she has a fear of insects. But only ones that bite. Can't really blame her as i'm terrified of wasps and bees.

I always check Kiley after walks (starting when it gets warmer) and we stay away from brush, long grass, etc. Kiley's never had any ticks OR fleas (thank god.)

I guess we'll just have to be more careful... how long can ticks live on clothing? She and dad were going yard work last thursday(ish) and she found the tick on her Saturday night... could that be where she got it?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ticks sit in trees. when they smell CO2 under them, they drop.

    your mom probably picked it up herself.

    it's a tick, for crying out loud- does she have some irrational fear of insects?

    i'd love to throw a rubber spider at her.

    p.s.- it takes a tick a while to burrow and bite- they are pretty slow moving.

    always brush dog and check yourself over after a walk. i found 7 on my daughter after a hike last week. have someone else check your hair, back, and behind ears, etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some flea/tick products repell ticks from being on the host and others only kill when they bite. I sometimes find ticks walking on the outer coat of my guys after they have been outside, the park, or even on walks. It is possible that she got it from the dog. I always do a quick check on them when they come into the house. It depends on where you leave. We're getting into that season so it's best to keep an eye out. Spraying around the perimeter of the house helps as well. Also we switch back and forth every 6 months between Frontline Plus and Advantix. It seems to be more efficient then staying with one year round.

  • 1 decade ago

    There really isn't any way that the tick would've jumped from the dog to your mom. Ticks generally don't do that. They land on a host and they bite that host, they don't go jumping around from host to host. When a tick latches onto a host they start to engorge themselves on the host they're really not all that picky, it's not like fleas. Once fleas have had a blood meal they can jump from host to host but ticks just tend to pick one host and go with that.

    One thing your mom SHOULD worry about is Lyme disease, as if a tick latches onto a host and manages to get a blood meal over the course of 48 hours the disease can be spread from the tick to the host. If the tick never engorged itself on your mother (so didn't eat and didn't get bigger) then you don't need to worry about Lyme disease unless she notices a bullseye shaped lesion appear where she was bitten. If a bullseye lesion does not appear within 1 week (so 7 days) then she doesn't need to worry whatsoever.

    The tick prevention that you are using on your dog is sufficient enough to keep ticks off of your dog. Ticks don't jump from host to host like fleas do (too much work involved lol).

    I sat down in a long patch of grass at my local humane society and sat with a dog and patted her and I found a tick on my rear 24 hours later. It was not engorged and I pulled it off completely. I made sure to check the spot the entire week and called the humane society to let them know I had found a tick and that the dogs be checked for them. No lesion appeared, I am in the clear :) so if the tick did not engorge on your mom then she has nothing to really worry about provided a bullseye lesion does not appear. If a bullseye lesion appears she should go to the doctor immediately, but only if a bullseye lesion appears.

    She doesn't need to push the dog away. It didn't come from the dog. It came from the environment.

    If you're finding ticks on your dog whatsoever I would change to K9 Advantix (Unless that's the one you're using) by Bayer. The only downside of K9 Advantix is that it is toxic to cats and if you have cats then don't get it or keep your cats from bathing your dog :)

    Hope that helps.

    Good Luck.

    Source(s): Veterinary Technology Student
  • 1 decade ago

    From your description i'd say it's highly unlikely she got the tick off Kiley.

    A good flea/tick prevention spot on makes your dog a very toxic place for ticks to live, so as long as you use a good bran (like frontline combo) and you use it rregularly your Mum must have picked it upo on her walk.

    Poor old Kiley, hope shes back in the good books soon.

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  • 1 decade ago

    She could have picked it up from the dog, or just picked it up from her surroundings.

    They make tick repellant for humans, too. Maybe that would be a good investment for her. :o)

    Source(s): lots o dogs
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