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Truth Hurts, Doesn't It?

Favorite Answers16%

20 Year old college student, owned by two dogs and partially owned by one other over the past fourteen years of my life. I've worked with a few trainers over the past few years and have studied via books. Webpage:

  • Canine truth organization...?

    I'm looking to put together a small, local "group" of people dedicated to educating the public in regards to dogs, dog ownership, BSL, puppy mills, etc. I already do a lot of this myself but i have some close friends interested in helping out and though "why not make it a group?" The more people i have to join, the more there would be to spread the word.

    I'm also looking to make this a legitimate group at my local college where we would do fundraisers for organizations accepting donations when it comes to BSL, puppy mills, etc. If anime club can raise money for trips to conventions, then why not a "dog club" raising money for legit organizations trying to help save lives?

    But i'm stumped about what i should call it. I want something nifty, catchy, and simple. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Stuffy nose relief...?

    The whole family is sick after a weekend with toddler relatives. *sigh*

    I have a stuffy nose that literally plugs up both sides (worse it's ever been, usually i only plug up one side at a time.) Nothing helps - tried hot/cold compress, steam, moist heat, chicken soup, OJ, pressure point massages.....

    Now i'm going to try OTC medicines - anyone got any tips? I do NOT want nasal sprays (rebound effect) and Sudafed PE doesn't help (is Sudafed regular any different?)

    Hints? Suggestions?

    Started Wednesday, so might just have to let it run it's course?


    Oh, and my dad has pneumonia, how do i make sure that I don't catch it from him?

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What can cause extreme gas in a dog?

    I'm being blown away as we speak by dog farts. No joke. She's been having them on/off past few days - called the vet and they said something along the lines of "don't worry about them if everything else is normal - bring her in if anything changes" blah blah.

    There has been no change in food/diet and nothing else "new" going on. What could cause a sudden onset? She's never had gas this bad before.....

    **holds nose**

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Question re: heel work on Koehler...?

    For those of you that do a lot of Koehler (or similar) training (or anyone doing heel work at all i guess): My dog has been on Koehler and is doing greet - better than ever, in fact. She's more focused on me and very aware of my position.

    We're working on heel right now and i had a question.

    (Note: Let me make it clear - i do not plan on doing any competitive obedience with her at this point, i am "proofing" her so she might be better going into therapy work (she gets too excited around other dogs/people and Koehler training is helping me get her focused on me.))

    First, how far away from the handler is "too far" both to the side and to the back(out of curiosity?) She is a 17/18 lb dog whose shoulders barely reach halfway up my calf. She tends to "drift" away from me off to the side - how should i correct that? Or should i?

    We've done puppy basics through Petsmart with treat based training, i used a Prong collar to break her of lunging (which worked), and now Koehler. She sticks to me perfect on short stints but when you increase the distance even by a few feet she will veer to the side or lag until her nose is even with the front of my calf.

    Just a bit funny here... the suggested category was "Beauty & Style > Fashion & Accessories" lmao.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Gerbil cage cleaning and misc....?

    I was told by several people (and read on several sites) that you can use a very small amount of bleach with a lot of hot water to clean Gerbil cages (aquarium) every so many weeks.

    Then i find others that say DON'T. Then i find others that say use equal parts bleach and vinegar with tons of water.

    Which is it? I was thinking less than a teaspoon in a gallon with a teaspoon of vinegar....

    And has anyone successfully wired a "silent wheel" to the mesh on the top of an aquarium? I know people who do it with other models but i'm a bit worried that if i tried it with mine the wheel would disconnect from the base and fall on one (or both) of my gerbils.

    1 AnswerRodents1 decade ago
  • Songs re: puppy mill and dog fighting?

    I know this has probably been asked before but i wanted a fresh batch of answers. I now work in a shelter and was interested in doing a few vids to help them outline the sad truth regarding puppy mills and dog fighting.

    Any suggestions?

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Service dog questions..?

    I just read somewhere that dogs don't have to be tested OR certified to be service animals, that you just need a note from a doctor or psychiatrist and you can bring your dog anywhere you want.

    Is that true? I know that you don't HAVE to provide someone with a reason for having the dog and that if you have the vet on the dog you cannot be denied access to places, but I was under the impression that the dogs had to be trained and tested, maybe carry an ID card...

    Only asking because i've seen a number of teenage girls carrying their Chihuahua's in purses around the local grocery store. They have little "hand made" vests with ironed on "service dog" lettering and no one can throw them out (no joke - i counted four DIFFERENT dogs like this in the past week and all four dogs have horrible manners.)

    I'm working my dog to be a therapy dog (i know, it's different) but i find it appalling that people can take advantage of this...

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Link to dog evaluation statistics...?

    Does anyone have the link to the webpage where they compile all the statistics from behavior evaluations and rate each breed of dog based on how many passed and how many didn't?

    I had it but now i can't find it - i don't remember if it was a webpage from a single shelter or if it was a general site that multiple shelters sent to....

    I'm trying to put together a little info sheet about "pit bulls" and other breeds that are being "discriminated" against so i can hand it out at my next garage sale (last garage sale i did puppy mills... handed out over 40 flyers!!) Thankfully out town doesn't have BSL but there is still a bunch of ignorance.

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What breed(s) of dog would you NOT get?

    Just a little "fun" question - not out to "diss" or put down any particular breed. You see so many "what dog should i get" questions so i thought i'd turn it around.

    What breed or breeds of dog would you NOT get at this point in your life, and why? Include likes/dislikes about the breed or breeds. Would you ever at any point change your mind?

    This is, i guess, another way of helping other weed out what dogs they would or would not get and why some dogs may not be for every person.

    41 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why must people be so....?

    This is response to a PM i got regarding the answer i gave regarding a small dogs behavior - i can no longer find the question (must have been removed?) and the asker does not allow PM or email.

    I responded the way i do with everyone else based on my own experiences - that many people baby their small dogs and allow them to become aggressive. With NO description other than "my dog growls at other dogs while on walk" and "my dog growled at a friends dog that tried to sniff her bum" i answered based on what i knew about the situations described and my experiences with similar cases - that the dog was aggressive and poorly socialized.

    Anyway, i do not appreciate being called "stupid little girl who is too big for her own boots" when the person i answered to begin with doesn't allow PM or any way to change my response based on additions to details of the question (how on earth can anyone respond properly if details are not given properly in the first place?)

    Legit: Does anyone remember this question and does anyone else get such rude PMs when they answer questions honestly to the best of their ability based on their experiences and the details given?

    10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Jewelry Selling "Business" Needs..?

    I make jewelry as a hobby and i now have enough to be serious in selling it. I have a website about me and my merchandise, and a site on which i sell my stuff (Etsy.)

    I do not need a "business License" unless i go bigger and actually call myself a "business" (i checked with my town.) I might do that at some point, but not quite yet.

    So what are some things that a small "hobby seller" would need to make life easier? I plan on setting up my stuff at garage sales (mine and relatives, we usually have one per family each year) and there are some arts/crafts fairs i can sign up for. Mostly i will be selling via internet.

    What would YOU suggest i have in terms of supplies?

    Supplies I Already Have:

    - Tables

    - Work space

    - Money Box

    - Table Covers

    I'm basically looking for stuff that would make my "space" look nicer and more appealing (both my workspace and my table space when i set up places.)

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Opening a rescue shelter for all dog breeds...?

    It's my eventual goal to open a small, home based rescue and i have a few questions for those involved with rescue organizations OR who have their own.

    1) Adoption forms and legally binding contracts: How does one make SURE that any signed document is "legally binding"?

    2) How do you (or your organization) deal with behavior evaluations: do you hire someone to test the dogs as they come in (or do you have a behaviorist on staff to do so), do you do it yourself, or do you have a training facility that does it?

    3) Would it be a good idea to talk to or hire a lawyer to take care of the contracts (make sure they are legally binding) and to "have my back" in case new owners become disgruntled?

    4) How does one acquire the "experience" to run a small scale rescue so that potential owners are comfortable with ME and my dogs (i plan to work with all dogs on basics like manners and obedience)?

    By small scale i mean 10-15 dogs MAX. Any websites would help as well. This won't happen for a looooong time (need to have more money saved up AND my own place away from the general population first!)

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Two unrelated dog questions....?

    1) My dog's been off her food for a couple of days - i contributed it to the excitement of having our neighborhood garage sale (all the hustle and bustle getting ready, the people, etc.) She accepted treats yesterday from myself and other people (she's had the brand of treats before with no problems.)

    Yesterday she pooped really runny light brown stuff - again, contributed it to her over-excited behavior (she does tend to get the runs when she's really stressed or excited.) Today she ate a little bit of kibble and pooped a small mound of bright blend-in-with-the-grass-green poop that was formed and otherwise normal.

    What can cause the bright green poop?

    2) My dog is perfectly fine in her crate when we leave the home (and in the kitchen when we leave her out.) Video camera revealed NO problems what-so-ever. But lately i've been noticing that she gets very upset when i leave the home to go outside or when i leave her with one of my parents holding the leash (she also gets a little worked up when they leave us.) My mom reported that the entire time i was outside she sat by the back door and whined. We don't make leaving/coming home a big deal.

    Is that a form of "separation anxiety" and if so, what can i do about it?

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dog door size question?

    Okay, i finally found one of the doors you can install in a screen door (in a store as opposed to online.) I nabbed it (last one there.) The workers told me that the door opening should be shorter than her and the width should be just a bit wider or equal - is that accurate?

    The door is labelled for pets up to 30 lbs. The opening is about 8" wide not including the surrounding plastic (my dog is roughly 7" or so, maybe a bit wider) and about 10" tall (my dog is about 13".) I can return it but they don't know when (or if) they'll have it in stock any larger - i guess i'm asking people WITH dog doors... is this too small? Should i go a size bigger or would that be TOO big? Also, how high up should i install it?

    Note: She can walk through it with minimal difficulty (i hold the flap up for her - i'm not installing or really working with her on it until the parents give the okay to cut a hole in their screen lol.)

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Dogs on prevention and ticks...?

    Just a quick question.... my mom found a tick on her and she's blaming the dog (go figure.) The dog has been on flea/tick prevention (she is on it year round.) I thought that stuff killed fleas/ticks when they bit - am i wrong?

    Could a tick potentially be picked up by a dog on prevention and deposited in the home? She has short fur so i wouldn't think a tick would just hang on instead of burrowing and biting... plus mom found it up by her hip (not on a leg - she was wearing shorts.)

    Note: mom found the tick on her after our walk - we did not go in the brush and Kiley was trotting with me while i biked.... she was in the lawns but, again, moving quickly and you would think the moment she stopped a tick would burrow around and bite...?

    Any clues? Mom's totally freaking out - went so far as to literally shove the dog away from her yesterday morning, screaming about ticks. Kiley was so confused...

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Biking with my dog....?

    Before anyone says anything, i got the approval from her vet: she's in good health and he says to go ahead and see if she'll enjoy biking. She's also leash trained and has no more issues on lead (used to lunge at birds/squirrels.)

    My walking pace apparently isn't fast enough for her and i'm not fit enough to jog or run with her (no balance to speak of on rollerblades so that's also out.)

    Any tips on how to get her used to biking? How to build her up slowly so she can go at a good pace for a good length without "hurting" her? She is a schnauzer/poodle mix, 18 lbs and pretty high energy - how long/fast is too long/fast?

    I bought a WalkyDog and it isn't "illegal" to bike with her where i want to go with her (around my block, the trails by my house.) The neighborhood is pretty nice and i can bike on the road while she mostly runs on grass. I plan on doing this two or three times a week to drain energy (in addition to regular walks on non-biking days.)

    So any tips from any other bikers?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Thyroid "abnormality" question...?

    For once, not a dog question! Anyways, i've been having trouble sleeping lately. I'm always tired, never want to get up... falling asleep during my morning classes at the local college.

    Went in to the doctor who had blood drawn. Got a call saying my thyroid levels were "abnormal" and to re-test mid-May. Now, this is the fourth or fifth time my blood work for thyroid has come back abnormal, and every other re-test had it going back to normal.

    What could cause this? It's really frustrating to be fine for a while, then drop down and be really tired. And to have my blood work be so... random (abnormal, normal, abnormal, normal... on and off.)

    Anyone experience this?

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Starting agility... questions?

    I do not have a fenced in yard (yet.) I would like to use the mini agility set i bought last summer but had a few questions before i actually start.

    One: How do i give her the freedom to do agility without a fence? Long leash, short leash...?

    Two: The weave poles do not come with the guides.... how do i start her on those?

    Three: Will a cheap-o set withstand weather so i don't have to take it down, put it up, take it down...

    This is the set i got her:

    I don't plan on competing but this seems like a fun way for BOTH of us to get exercise....

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Would you like Pet Stores better if...?

    I know that pet stores (99% of them) get their animals from puppy mills. The rest from greedy BYB... and I do not support that and never will. However i was playing with a gorgeous Mini Schnauzer with an excellent personality today and got to thinking:

    If pet stores offered to take (not buy) puppies from families who (were irresponsible enough to) have accidental litters.... and sold them for a low fee would you be more inclined to buy from them? What if the "sellers" were more knowledgeable and truthful about where the pups came from and screened potential homes carefully?

    I'm asking this because one pet store in my area has been trying to "turn around"... at least in the knowledge and care department. Their people are more knowledgeable and they don't just hand the pups over to people - in fact they've STOPPED several people from buying dogs based on the little info they got about the home life (family with two high energy children wanted the "cute little Maltese" and the worker said "they need tons of grooming and are fairly delicate, i do not think they would do well with your kids... why not look at a sturdier breed...")

    Just speculating here, but would anyone "like" them better if they made changes? IE no more puppy mills. Maybe if they did adoption days from local shelters (like Petsmart does on weekends?)

    I feel horrible about the dogs (which is why i try hard not to go in) and really loved the little schnauzer (would have scooped her up if she came from a reputable breeder.)

    16 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Any raw feeders out there...?

    I'm interested in raw feeding and I've done a bit of research: i was wondering if there were any raw feeders out there to answer a few questions i had....

    1) What do you feed and where do you get it?

    I saw stuff about chicken necks, back, wings... then more mention of beef and other stuff like fish. Sounds like a lot... Is there a site out there with a simple list of meats to feed? And where would i get some of the stuff?

    2) How much to feed?

    On the leerburg site they had an equation thing to tell how much to feed (or about how much) and it came out for me as feeding less than a pound of food (about .34-.51) to my dog (who is 17 lbs.) Is that correct?

    3) How did you transition?

    Again, on the leerburg site they said for a healthy adult you can go "cold turkey" and fast for a day then feed raw. Is that a good idea?

    4) How much did it cost you compared to a high quality kibble?

    I feed wellness ocean at $13/4lb bag, which is gone in less than a month. Would raw feeding be much more expensive?

    5) Can you store stuff?

    Like if i buy in bulk, can i mix a weeks worth and store it in a fridge or freezer? Or can i store the food itself and mix it by day?

    6) What changes did you notice in your dog?

    7) I know vets don't like raw feeding, should i find one that DOES or should i just stay with the one i have (who is very nice, helpful... both of my dog go/went to him and he hasn't led me astray yet?)

    8) MUST i add supplements, and if so which ones?

    The Leerburg site was VERY helpful but i wanted to hear from actual raw feeders. Maybe even see if anyone knew some good websites with easy to follow info and instructions.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago