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Two unrelated dog questions....?

1) My dog's been off her food for a couple of days - i contributed it to the excitement of having our neighborhood garage sale (all the hustle and bustle getting ready, the people, etc.) She accepted treats yesterday from myself and other people (she's had the brand of treats before with no problems.)

Yesterday she pooped really runny light brown stuff - again, contributed it to her over-excited behavior (she does tend to get the runs when she's really stressed or excited.) Today she ate a little bit of kibble and pooped a small mound of bright blend-in-with-the-grass-green poop that was formed and otherwise normal.

What can cause the bright green poop?

2) My dog is perfectly fine in her crate when we leave the home (and in the kitchen when we leave her out.) Video camera revealed NO problems what-so-ever. But lately i've been noticing that she gets very upset when i leave the home to go outside or when i leave her with one of my parents holding the leash (she also gets a little worked up when they leave us.) My mom reported that the entire time i was outside she sat by the back door and whined. We don't make leaving/coming home a big deal.

Is that a form of "separation anxiety" and if so, what can i do about it?


The treats never gave her green poop before though some pieces were green - i guess excitement might affect that?\

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    To your question 1 I am really not sure how to answer. I mean there's a ton of reasons why a dog could go off their food. Having runny stool and then green stool is indicative of an upset stomach based on what you said. It could just be from the excitement. If other signs start showing up ie: lethargy, refusal to drink, complete refusal to eat, then I'd start to be concerned and would take her in to the vet.

    To your question 2, yes that is a mild, mild, mild form of separation anxiety. All dogs will experience a mild form of separation anxiety. On a scale of 1-10 (one being the mildest, 10 being most extreme) she is a two. Just because she's not destroying her kennel or trying to tear the house apart doesn't mean it's not separation anxiety. Most, if not all, dogs don't want to be left alone. The anxiety can range from very mild (like laying down with her head between her paws looking 'depressed' and waiting patiently for you to come back) to destroying things.Just because someone says that their dog does not have separation anxiety doesn't mean their dog doesn't. It just means they don't know what a mild form of separation anxiety can look like. Dogs are pack animals, you are part of their pack. When you leave, they get a little sad. When you come home they get very happy very quickly. Some ways to avoid separation anxiety or lessen it is ensuring that she doesn't really see you when you leave. Or bring her outside with you. Change up your routine so that she doesn't clue in on the cues that suggest you're going to leave (ie: putting on your shoes, grabbing your keys and then walking out the door. in that order) Change it up somehow. You really don't need to do too much at this stage as her anxiety is very low. She'll eventually calm down and rest and wait for you to come home. If you can bring her outside with you do so. She just wants to be with you. Otherwise you are valid to be concerned but she is only displaying a mild form of anxiety and unless something traumatic happens, no idea what there's a lot that can happen (ie: big thunderstorm, loud bang, etc.) I doubt it will escalate and she will be fine.

    You are an excellent dog owner. She will be fine she just misses you when you're gone. Just keep her kennel a safe spot and she'll gravitate towards that and get comfortable to wait your return.

    Good luck. Take care.

    Source(s): Veterinary Technology Student
  • 1 decade ago

    Some treats contain dyes and they will be visible in the poop. Could she have eaten some grass?? It can come out very green too. If it happens again take a sample to the vet.

  • 1 decade ago

    excitement,too many treats ,grass ,all contributors of her having the runs and green

    as for her staying by the door and whining,while you are outside,if she can see you,she will whine,and then eventually she will tire herself out

    also depends on how old she is?I leave a 18 week old puppy out all the time when I am out

    one of my males he too whine once someone leaves even if I am still home,when he realizes and this is only seconds,,he stops and goes on his reg routine,weather playing,napping,chewing or going outside to potty

    I don't think its separation anxiety ,if it were he would do damage in his crate and or kitchen when no one is home

    just sad

    my male I mentioned,sometimes as he see's my husband by the front door,he comes and sits on me,he thinks if he keeps me down I won't leave either,lol

  • 1 decade ago

    i know it is part of separation anxiety but honestly I'm not really sure what to do about it I haven't had to face this problem with any of my dogs.

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