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What can cause extreme gas in a dog?

I'm being blown away as we speak by dog farts. No joke. She's been having them on/off past few days - called the vet and they said something along the lines of "don't worry about them if everything else is normal - bring her in if anything changes" blah blah.

There has been no change in food/diet and nothing else "new" going on. What could cause a sudden onset? She's never had gas this bad before.....

**holds nose**


She is not allowed human food - barring a little bit of boiled egg every so often, which hasn't given her any trouble before.

I certainly don't feed her scraps but i suppose my dad could be (he used to sneak food to my other dog....)

Update 2:

Glad my suffering makes some people laugh. :P

She is on California Natural (the fish/potato one.) NO wet food (gives her the runs.)

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are certain types of bacteria in the stomach that can cause noxious gas. One of my bullies picked up a bacterium and it caused her to have some serious gas, my bullies rarely ever have gas unless something is wrong. She unfortunately spread it to a few others of mine and my mentors. So my mentor and us have been fighting this, some have gotten better and some are completely better.

    Maybe she picked up some kind of bacteria somewhere and it is causing the gas. Try giving her some plain yogurt should help some.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Cause Of Extreme Gas

  • 1 decade ago

    In the case of my Lilly - a big slab of pork will do the job. I was seriously ready to spend the night at my parents house. It was unbelievable.

    For many dogs, lots of grains will cause gas, but usually switching to a good food will do the trick. But, this doesn't seem like that is the cause. Sometimes it's just a case of the bacteria in the stomach going a little haywire.

    The best solution I can give you is probiotics. If you can get some lactobasilis & acidopholis tablets or capsules and add them to the food, it should help. Also, it's a good idea to give some between meals as it will have a better chance to make it through the stomach and into the intestines where it needs to be. Yogurt works, but sometimes the dairy is a double edged sword. I always keep the capsules in the house.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dogs pickup gas for no reason, they can over eat or over drink the water, this will do it as well.

    Is the dog eating fine and drinking fine, if so then should be okay.

    But, as Chaos said, dogs pickup bacteria and that will blow the gas bubbles your way for sure.

    You could have given the dog a few too many treats, this will certainly do it....

    Canned dog food is the worlds worse for causing unexpected gas, so if your feeding any kind of canned dog food, stop it, it builds up in the intestines, then bam, here comes the green cloud..

    Check the dogs stomach, feel of it, does it seem bloated any at all, if it does, call your vet, it could be something other than just gas.

    Good luck, oh and I will send you some really good air freshners..LOL Poor baby....has to let it go sometime.....just like humans do.....but why does a dogs poots always seem so much worse.

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  • 5 years ago

    There are a few real keys to dog training, whether you are trying to train your dog to come when called, sit, stop barking or any other behavior. Understanding their importance is critical to achieving rapid results that are long lasting and help develop the bond between you and your dog. Read more here

    The first is simple; you must win your dogs mind. If you don't achieve this first then you will be struggling the all the way. When I talk about winning your dogs mind what I really mean is that your dog looks to you for all the decisions. Before you do anything else watch one of the amazing video sites that show you the 5 Golden rules to establishing yourself as the pack leader. If you aren't putting these in place then you are setting yourself up to fail. Just at the crucial point where you really want your dog to listen they will go and do their own thing. For sure your dog may play ball occasionally or even most of the time, you may even have a dog that is obedient 99% of the time, however if you want a dog who always listens to you and does as you ask then you need to win your dogs mind.

    The second key to success is to motivate your dog. It is really important that you discover what it is that your dog enjoys both in terms of exercise and play but also in terms of a reward. If you can make the experience enjoyable then you will both achieve more and look forward to training.

    Some dogs love to fetch, others love agility, and other dogs simply love obedience training, or swimming out into water and retrieve. At least to start with find out what your dogs love is and help them develop this, what I am saying is work with your dog. The other point to recognize is to make training enjoyable reward your dog.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    One time, my Dachshund ate about a half a box of hershey's kisses and most of the foil on Christmas I accidentally left out and he got through the gate *shameeee*. but he was perfectly fine. Nothing is severely wrong with your dog, unless it has a different effect on seperate breeds, which i doubt. but if it continues to get worse and more things start happening to your dog that may be the cause of the chocolate and foil eaten, then contact your vet. Chocolate can be poisonous to dogs... keep an eye on him.

  • 1 decade ago

    A little bacterial infection, or she could have ingested something that you did not see, or there hopefully is not an underlying condition....Sometimes, you may get a bad batch of dog food, even if only some of it in the bag or can has been contaminated. One of my dogs had bloat, many years ago and trip to the emergency vet occurred. Boy, I know how that is..SBD's lol.....let us know how she is doing!

  • 1 decade ago

    well have u been giving her human food under the table?

    certain foods

    give dogs terrible gas

    certain veggies


  • 1 decade ago

    depends what food you feed her, like those wet dog foods in a can, like cesar, mighty dog, those types of food cause gas

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    fatty foods, new foods, dairy...are you VERY sure she hasn't gotten into something forbidden?

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