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What breed(s) of dog would you NOT get?

Just a little "fun" question - not out to "diss" or put down any particular breed. You see so many "what dog should i get" questions so i thought i'd turn it around.

What breed or breeds of dog would you NOT get at this point in your life, and why? Include likes/dislikes about the breed or breeds. Would you ever at any point change your mind?

This is, i guess, another way of helping other weed out what dogs they would or would not get and why some dogs may not be for every person.


Example: I would NOT get any of the herding dogs because i just don't have the energy MYSELF to provide them with the exercise they need (that includes collies, aussie shepherds, sheltie, etc.)

Working dogs would be next on my "not to get list" for the same reason, followed by the Misc group, the Non-Sporting, Terrier, and Toy.

41 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Any small dog, my 19 month old daughter could accidentally hurt them. Any dog with longer fur, I'm just not that in to grooming. I choose short haired dogs for a reason. This could all change when my dogs pass away, but for now I'm thrilled to have my two girls.

  • I probably wouldn't get any Terrier, Toy, or Hound. I prefer bigger dogs that have energy. Likes: If I was ever in a situation where I needed small dogs, these are the groups or breeds I would look at. Dislikes: Mentioned above, I like dogs with more energy (Aussies, Border Collies) I would change my mind if I was living in an apartment later in life (I only 13), or got a job where I couldn't spend ample amount of time exercising a dog.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lets see... this could be a long list.

    In my current circumstances, no herding, because I couldn't give them the exercise... however, I do want a farm some day... but that's some time off.

    Overall: Nothing requiring constant professional grooming, with the exception of standard or giant schnauzers (I love the freakin' beard), or any of the absurdly small terriers (manchester, rat, PRT). I'd never own a dalmation, or pretty much any of the non sporting group. There is probably more that I just can't think of at the time.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow that list would be incredibly long for me...

    I wouldn't get any Hounds. Why? Because I love letting my dogs run off-leash and almost all of these breeds are designed to shut off everything around them and track. They wouldn't work for me!

    No Terriers either. Why? Own two cats currently and that would end very very badly in most cases.

    Most Toys I wouldn't get. Own a Great Dane right now and if I got another dog I'd want one close in size to her so she could have a play mate. I also have an irrational fear of squishing small dogs!

    Currently no herding dogs. Simply too busy to satisfy their exercise needs and I honestly don't know if I could keep up with them!

    No hairless breeds. They creep me out!

    Usually no double coated breeds because I live in Arizona where it's HOT and they wouldn't do very well here.

    No smaller dogs with long backs because I would fear back problems in them. For example, Sussex Spaniel.

    Would only get few Mastiffs. Don't like the drool that much and most are too lazy for my liking.

    None with "mustaches" or hair falling over their eyes or excess hair on their faces. Would think it would be too much work to keep them clean and I don't enjoy tear stains or having food hanging from their hair.

    Brachycephalic dogs wouldn't work for me either. As I said, live in a hot place and they would over heat very easily.

    Wow... the list could go ON!

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  • 1 decade ago

    Wow that could be a long list.

    I would not get

    Poodles - any type (yes even the standard poodle)

    Chows- Not the nicest dog


    Great Dane

    Saint Bernard

    Most Terriers (except jack russel)


    All spaniels



    I happen to love the Bully Breeds, I own a beautiful, healthy and intelligent Bulldog.

    Source(s): 10 years of owning dogs, and working with them
  • .
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't know that there is any breed I would not get if it were in need of rescuing. However give the choice. Other than the Shar Pei I'm not really fond of any of the non-sporting breeds, I'm not really a small dog person so I wouldn't get any of the toy breeds. Other than Border Terriers not any of the true terriers. I'm just not a terrier person I guess but I'm kind of fond of Border Terriers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Chows? Aggressive? That I have no noticed in any of the dozens of Chows mixes I've lived with. They are pretty laid back too. A little difficult to train, but otherwise loyal dogs.

    I would never get a sled dog breed. I live in a hot climate, and a I wouldn't be able to deal with the exercise needs. I wouldn't get a herding breed either.

    I think Am Staffs fit me best.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

  • rott
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Any dog that I can't provide the right amount of space, time , training, exercize and grooming for.

    I guess that says it depends on my situation in life at the time. But my heart is really with the Rotties, Great Pyrenees, Shepherds, Britts, and chihuahuas who run with the big dogs.

    I would base my decision more on temperament and the dogs needs than preconceptions about any breed. They are all pretty awesome!

    Source(s): Life and licensed obedience instructor.
  • 1 decade ago

    To be real general about it i don't think i'd ever want any of the dogs in the "non-sporting", "terrier", or "toy" category.

    I'm more of a working/herding/sporting kind of person. They seem more sturdy and stable to me for some reason. And i find them more attractive than the other groups.

    I'm sure it would only take the right kind of dog to change my mind. Hey if a pom pom fluff ball can hold his own with a house like mine... that's my kinda dog! :]

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I would absolutely NOT get a Komondor. They are my absolute favorite breed and I will always dream of owning one. Unfortunately, I will never have the ideal environment for one to thrive in since I don't plan on owning livestock or having children.

    I love the protective aspect of their personality, I love the way the coat looks and could easily dedicate the time needed to separating the cords as the dog ages but in my ideal home, there would be nothing for a herding dog to be stimulated with, therefore, my dreams of owning a Komondor will forever be dreams.

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