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Why must people be so....?

This is response to a PM i got regarding the answer i gave regarding a small dogs behavior - i can no longer find the question (must have been removed?) and the asker does not allow PM or email.

I responded the way i do with everyone else based on my own experiences - that many people baby their small dogs and allow them to become aggressive. With NO description other than "my dog growls at other dogs while on walk" and "my dog growled at a friends dog that tried to sniff her bum" i answered based on what i knew about the situations described and my experiences with similar cases - that the dog was aggressive and poorly socialized.

Anyway, i do not appreciate being called "stupid little girl who is too big for her own boots" when the person i answered to begin with doesn't allow PM or any way to change my response based on additions to details of the question (how on earth can anyone respond properly if details are not given properly in the first place?)

Legit: Does anyone remember this question and does anyone else get such rude PMs when they answer questions honestly to the best of their ability based on their experiences and the details given?


Note: if i remember correctly, i answered her question as to what to do about her dog - and that is ignore the behavior and walk abruptly in the other direction to stop HER dog from aggressing.

She did not mention that the dogs approaching were off lead, just that she picked her dog up (which many people know is an enforcing behavior.)

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I didn't see the question or the answers.

    People get rude emails because other people don't agree with their answers. Childish people often have no notion of the concept that not everything is black and white or that there might be more than one correct way to do something.

    Wasting energy or emotion worrying about what the anonymous people here think of me is simply not on my agenda... I have better things to do. I suggest that you evaluate whether its worth your time/emotion as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately the internet has done a great job breeding a group of people I like to call "Monitor Hiders". They hide behind their monitor and ask questions they are afraid to receive an honest answer for. Also when pointing out that it's the persons fault, not the dogs fault, usually never gets a good response and that is because a lot of people are unwilling to place the blame on themselves. They'd rather place the blame on the dog. It's the dog's fault, it's the dog's problem, I've tried everything but there's just no reasoning with the dog and so on.

    You know your stuff about dogs. Feel confident in that. There are always going to be people in real life and on the internet who are not going to agree with you and are going to convey that in less than polite ways. The important thing to remember is to keep your chin up and don't let people like that bring you down. Because for every one person that disagrees with you you'll find there are ten that will agree with you. It would be an ideal world if everyone was open to everyone's opinion and advice (even when asking for it as there are people out there who will ask 10 people the same question until they hear the answer they want to hear, not the answer they need to hear) but we don't live in an ideal world.

    A piece of advice my mom gave me that I appreciate to this day is be a duck, let the water roll off your back. If you watch Cesar, think about how he perceives the world. Energy rules the world. Your energy is what creates your world. If you spend all of it on meaningless things then your life will be meaningless. Devote your energy to things that are more worthy of it. You only have so much energy to spend so instead of spending it on the junk in the world, spend it on things that mean something to you and let the crap fall to the wayside.

    Stay strong. You're a great girl never forget that.

    Good luck. Be well.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some people are just idiots. I know what you mean, i asked 'does anyone know where to find a dog...' the other day and all i got where 'i dont think you should be looking for one on here...' bla bla bla and i also got told that 'i shouldn't be giving such arsy remarksfor someone who's only 15' when all I did was point out that i realised about dog behaviour as I own 2 myself!

    I wouldn't worry the person probably just couldn't take good advice. People should read the question and answer properly, or thank you for good advice, or just plainly piss off.

    Sorry rant over XP

  • 1 decade ago

    Ya I get rude ones all the time. I don't mind. I've sent a few rude ones out to idiots. (Like BYBs and such.) Generally if they are ridiculous I don't respond, rather I just shake my head and delete it.

    Don't know that question, sorry.

    It bugs me when someone can dish it out on here but don't allow emails or anything. Makes me think they are a coward.

    See, that's why I would never own a small dog. I'd hate to get small dog syndrome. And I hate even more the people who have it and their dogs are spoiled rotten little beasts with no obedience training or manners and they don't know why or don't think there's a problem.

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  • Sybil
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I remember seeing such a question, but looked at all the thumbs down for good answers and decided not to waste my time with it. I figured it was just a troll trying to start something. But i have gotten some rather nasty pm's from people for what I thought were well thought out answers, so now I don't allow pm's for mine either.

  • 1 decade ago

    I didn't see that question, but I've had similar problems, luckily not by email, only in that person's edit. I've answered many questions that were very vague on the details, and they only added more AFTER getting several answers. What can you do? It sucks, it irritates me, because I actually want to help people and I feel I waste most of my time. I just try to shrug it off and move on to the next question where I might actually get a little appreciation...maybe!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Funny how jerks expect you to be able to read their minds. I did not see the post in question, but I've seen askers do what you describe - fill in important info LATER, after they've gotten a bunch of answers they don't like. Just keep on keeping on! Your answers are well thought out and good.

  • 1 decade ago

    I just don't read PMs. [I do read edits, though].

    All you can do is tell them what you know. If they wanna turn around and be sassy about it, they're the ones not listening to good advice.

    Edit: Really you can't help people that want to remain willfully ignorant. Sometimes we get answers we don't really want to hear, but that doesn't mean they're the wrong answer.

  • I get lots of silly PMs like that.

    I just ignore and delete. I'm not bothered about the rants of strangers on the internet.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't let it get to you. Some people have atrocious behaviour online, it says way more about them than it does about you. Just block the user and forget about her.

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