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Feminism is leading us to economic slavery?

Feminism is not about woman's right, it was and has always been about money. Feminism was nothing more than an excuse to double the workforce. In the 1960's the average male worker managed to provide for his entire family due to high wages, now today both wife and husband have to work side by side just to scrape by. Two people are doing the same amount of work as one person just to survive, where is this extra money going to? The capitalists and the industrialists, by doubling the workforce they can pay people less for the same work thus increasing profits. In fact the main sponsors and donaters to feminism where industrialists like Rockefeller and capitalists like Rothschild.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah you need to be looking at neo liberals or the anglo dutch liberal banking cartel to get to the bottom of debtism, they are in the business of enslaving people and countries in debt and the now the ideologies of feminism/liberalism are part of their apparatus.

    Dark eyes

    Its not down to men being morally inferior to women.

    Its a transfer of wealth from the masses to the ruling class, its far more complex than something you can explain with your black and white, supremacist, blame masculinity for everything ideology.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    hm,i think it is on the contrary in Europe sexuality has reverted to Renaissance times . many older couples have accepted younger lovers for both partners and gender does not seem to be an issue any more . many people that i know are on their 3rd marriage .kids sometimes having multiple parents and far less kids ,to start of with a particular community in Africa that i know is about 10 couples maybe 5 kids all together and the partners have shifted along the line , the kids don`t loose out they get much more Xmas presents on friend in England was the only son of a divorced and then remarried parents each one was a millionaire in his or her own right this kid had 4 millionaire parents shame poor kid Most modern marriages that i know do not last 3 years . Many wives is a much better Idea, as they still do in some parts of the world ,take new ones but don`t discard the older ones ,they can still cook ,ash ,look after the kids ,and the number one wife keeps control And I have older rich women friends who collect lovers like plants , having quite a garden at any given time . Now is economic repression creating sexual slavery ? YES that is already common.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yep, it's feminists running the multinational corporations, the political machinery, set up the banks and mortgage loan companies to fail, ruined the car and textile industries, raised oil prices, destroyed the housing market and construction businesses, caused inflation, and this was all funded by Rockefeller-why was I spending all those years donating time and doing bake sales in the 1970's and 1980's if we had big bucks supporting feminism? Why aren't feminists getting the bail-out checks for the banks, taking over the failed car companies, running the multinational companies and getting huge CEO bonuses and stock-options, if we're in control of all of it, and have the backing of some of the wealthiest ppl around?

    I know quite a few ppl who grew up in poverty, and now live a middle class life-style, and if they cared about money, they'd be wealthy. Many Americans are suffering now, but many are doing much better than their parents or grandparents did-and have had educational opportunities prior generations never had.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Really, now every family is just scraping by because women work. The average family has more than two TVs, almost three cars per household, two pets, two refrigerators, three freezers and 74% of households have some kind of recreational automobile (boat, jet ski, dirt bike, motorcyles...) Doesn't sound like too many families are just "scraping by"

    Plus the cost of living has raised too. Electricity bill is around $160 a month, along with all the car payments, mortgage, health, and water bills which have all risen over 35% in the last 50 years. The price of food and transportation has gone up. Interest rates, medical insurance...everything has gone up. That has nothing to do with women wanting to work.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You really do a good job of pulling these ‘feminist theories’ out your @$$. There’s a big difference in wages of yesterday and wages of today that you fail to mention; COST OF LIVING!!!!!! The cost of living in the 50’s and 60’s are completely different than the cost of living in today’s age. During those time periods you could purchase a home for under 50K. Today, that’s almost a two to three year down payment on a condominium. In those days ‘high wages’ was classified as making in between 30 to 50K. You can’t live off those wages (take home pay after taxes) any more unless you have two to three jobs or two people in the household working. So of course it was fine for a man to be the sole provider for his family at that time, but time has changed. The value or the dollar rose, there for the stock markets where doing well and the prices on certain purchases (i.e. cars, homes, clothes, even goods and services) increased. And I would like for you to provide proof that industrialist and capitalist like Rockefeller and Rothschild funded feminism. I want you to not just make ‘blank’ comments about feminist, but prove to everyone here that what you’re saying is factual and not just something that you sat around and come up with on your own. Because feminist being funded by Rockefeller and Rothschild is news to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    No it isn't.

    Feminism IS about women's rights. The people telling you otherwise have been lying to you.

    Money is one aspect, but it's the whole thing.

    No, the notion that women should be able to live their lives, and make their own decisions was not about doubling the workforce. Nor is it why wages have fallen.

    Dismantling unions, deregulation, and other economic forces are why most people's real wages have fallen.

    Uh, when two people are working, what makes you think they're doing the work of only one person?

    Uh, doubling the workforce does NOT mean they pay people less for the same work; they're now paying TWO people.

    None of this has anything to do with feminism.

    Sponsors? Donators? The impetus for feminism was women's desire for equality under the law, and equal opportunity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Feminism was not just an excuse to double the workforce. GREED was and still is the driving force behind that. Feminism was just a convenient tool that helped make it happen.

    "Two people are doing the same amount of work as one person just to survive" Oh, please.

    If people believed they could survive without big screen plasma TVs with 300 channels and new cell phones every 18 months for every member of the family, and jeans with the right name imprinted on the pocket, you'd see a lot more families with one parent at home.

    Don't blame feminism for the greed of the Rocks and the Roths.

    Economic slavery is nothing more than a set of misplaced priorities.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Feminism is just a tool used by the New World Order. So is psychology and most other forms of medical sciences. This is the reason God is no longer allowed in the classroom unless it is to discuss how horrific, unfeeling, and bias his commandments are. They have been programming our children right under our noses for quite some time now, this is the main reason they needed to tear apart the family unit because if parents wouldn't have been so busy working and had time for their children, this would have never worked. The sad thing is most people don't understand what they are fighting for or where their ideas will take us as a civilization. Anyone who attempts to speak up is labeled as crazy or a radical. What I don't understand is how these people who claim to be so educated refuse to consider that anyone, especially those in power, are not capable of conspiring against the masses, when history suggests the exact opposite. Brainwashing is my guess. There is so much evidence that supports these theories that it is overwhelming, all you have to do is decide to have an open mind. I'm not saying it is true but I'm not saying it isn't either. I think if it is true, we will find out soon enough. I better go out and buy some guns. Oops, Obama plans to put a stop to that to, along with making a civilian army that will take care of all the crazy radicals who try to oppose him. Americans are either the most trusting individuals on this earth or the most gullible. ;-)

    Source(s): Open mind
  • 1 decade ago

    Women had nothing to do with this.

    Car manufacturers were very, very much aware that we needed fuel efficient cars, long before 9/11, but definitely shortly thereafter...since a 2001?

    They produce vehicles that are delibertately put together so that a lay man, or someone with a general idea of mechanics is no longer able to fix and perform routine maintenance on their own cars, or on their neighbor's and friends car.

    Industrialists followed suit, or the auto industry followed industrialists, but how old is the water heater in your house? I guarantee you that if you've got a new one, you'll be replacing it before you can fix it, essentially because it costs just as much to repair it as it does to fix it. Same goes for ALL your major appliances.

    Then, you go and take a look at lending institutions lending money to people that had absolutely no business getting a loan. As far as I'm concerned, if you're living on welfare, or state assistance and have no other source of income, you shouldn't ever have been granted a loan.

    That my friend is the downfall to the economy, not women. Essentially, it's male greed! How many female CEOs did you see sweating their @sses of in front of Congress begging for their bailout? How many??? Zero!

    EDIT: Is there something I said above that's not true?

    EDIT: Max Power

    People [not I] were buying Escalades, Expeditions and trucks of all shapes and sizes...aka Gas guzzlers [wrong granted], however, they could of and should of made more fuel effiecient for the same costs [quite feasable] for the same price they were making the "gas guzzlers" for.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Damn I wish people did not get their economic lessons from the media. Due to the unions and government regulations car companies lose money on small cars. So what does the government? Force car companies to sell small cars via the CAFE standards. No one is willing to pay the premium to buy a hybrid car right now so the mass production of hybrids would add additional loses.

    Edit: why do I even attempt to share my knowledge of economic issues here. Two thumbs down by those ignorant of how the markets actually work.

    The car bailouts were union bailouts. How else does the UAW that owns 10% of the debt get 55% of the company with Chrysler.

    Cars are better and more reliable today than in the past.

    Source(s): Over twenty years of investing in individual stocks. I know what I am talking about.
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