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Is Equality possible?

Pretty people get more job offers and higher wages compared to ugly people in addition to lower sentences for similar crimes. Short people, disabled people, dumb people, animals etc.. are all being discriminated against.

Why is discriminating against a ugly person allowed but discriminating against a woman is wrong?

Well one could argue that being born ugly is only the fault of Luck, but what about being born a woman? isn't that the fault of luck? being born weaker and less intelligent? isn't that the fault of nature?


@ Goose

Albert Einstein was Jewish, does that mean that everybody in the world is Jewish?

Honestly what a foolish retort.

Update 2:

Your retort is foolish because you are attributing the success of an individual to the success of a group

>Albert Einstein was Jewish, does that mean that everybody in the world is Jewish?

This statement was made to point out your fallacy but alas it appears that subtlety was too much for your meager mind.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No its not, its a cynical way of selling government control to naive idealistic people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Of course equality is possible.

    Not everyone is so stupid as to always favor good-looking people over less so people.

    The point is to not discriminate against any irrelevant characteristics.

    You think all women are weaker and less intelligent than all men? HAHAHAHHAHA

    Someone with no brain at all really shouldn't try to judge other people's intelligence.


    No, go tell your mommy you posted on a site meant for those over 13 years old. You can come back here in 5 years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wait so who thinks it's okay to discriminate against the unnattractive?

    So Einstien and michelangelo and Abe lincoln all should have been prevented from contributing to society because they weren't hot?

    EDIT: what? who brought up judaism? The dude wasn't exactly the sexiest man alive but he was a genius we shouldn't discriminate against him based on "luck".

    And you call My retorts foolish? :)

    EDIT: You are saying that discrimination against groups , such as the unnattractive, is natural. My point is that Einstien. Michelangelo and LIncoln were all unnatractive, but did great things for humanity. So obviously we can't allow looks to determine who is important and who is not.

    Can you wrap your 'meager' brain around that? and by the way, tossing the word fallacy around like a high school debater doen't impress people :D

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, Bill Gates is the sexiest man alive.

    Your examples are foolish. Everybody, even the "beautiful", are discriminated against in some way. Some people just take it too far, and I think the problem lies with their inability to be open minded and inability to realize we ALL deserve a chance.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, someone will always be repressed or underprivileged. It is human nature for people to do these things to one another. Living by a specific moral code is the best we will ever get to a eutopic society, and in my opinion that moral code is treat others the way you would like to be treated. See people as human beings, instead of sex, race, financial status, size, looks and all that good stuff. We could divide everything equally and place people into jobs they are capable and willing to do. Nothing works because most people are to greedy, selfish, corrupt, conceited, and power hungry. ;-)

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, in answer to your initial question, no, equality is not possible. It is not possible along gender lines, intellectual lines, appearance lines or socio-economic lines. All humans are flawed, thus human logic and human response is flawed. Therefore there will always be a "pecking order".

    Now to address your theory about appearance. Recently I saw a study that theorized that babies respond more favourably to "attractive" people. The babies stidied were shown pictures of attractive faces and their respoonses were monitored. According to the study the babies reacted with more pleasurable responses to the pictures of of atrractive faces, much less so to pictures of unattractive faces. Seems very simple and concrete. However I noticed something about the pictures that was not mentioned in the study. The 'attractive" faces wore very pleasant expressions, smiling, laughing happy expressions. The "unattractive" faces wore expressions of displeasure, frowning unhappy. So it was much more likely that the babies were responding on a much more unniversal level to expression rather than attractiveness. Just an interesting tidbit I thought to share.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope. Human nature. Can't be avoided. When you are in public, isn't your eye drawn to the attractive? What about the cultural differences of attractiveness? Have you ever asked someone taller than you to get something beyond your reach? And haven't you noticed how often the dumbest person on the planet seems to be the one in charge at work? ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    Equality is possible (and has been achieved) on a social level (as in being treated equally under the law.) But equality among individuals is impossible.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think equality will ever be possible

    There will always be ignorant people who think women are inferior or women who think men are inferior or people who just can't think for themselves

    So I don't think we can be equal since we can't accept that we are all equal

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ''being born weaker and less intelligent''=women????

    the feminists here are going to make you pay for saying that mate..ow dear...

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