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Why are census workers required to take GPS coordinates of my house?

The census workers are taking GPS coordinates of each residence in the US. They have to document the coordinates within 40 ft. of the front door. The census worker documents it, and then their Supervisor confirms it. What in the heck is this about????!!!!

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To know exactly where the people are.

    You can use your own imagination as to what use this could be put.

  • Lisa
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Calm down. There is no trespassing taking place, it has nothing to do with ACORN, and this is nothing new. (Perhaps looking for other information than the dozens of sites that are publishing the exact same wording from only one article.) The census collects lots of geographical data to help the United States Postal Service, and publishes the aggregated information for free or inexpensively for the public to use for geocoding. They've been doing this and publishing the data for years, just in a lower-tech way. Now they're getting precise latitude/longitude information using GPS. The census is doing the public a favor. The USPS will be able to plan expansion better, web-based mapping services like Google Maps will have an easier time, and businesses will be able to figure out where the population growth is happening and plan accordingly. All sorts of entities need to figure out where your house is, from the police to the post office to Domino's to your visitors trying to get good directions from their Garmin device. This project helps everyone.

  • meg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The reason they give is

    "To help ensure the accuracy of the census and improve its efficiency, the Census Bureau has moved away from using pencil and paper to update its address lists and maps. Now, census workers will update the information electronically, using hand-held computers and coordinates from the Global Positioning System (GPS). GPS coordinates will be added to each residential structure to make sure it’s recorded within the correct city, county or other geographic unit — which is particularly important when lines for Congressional and state legislature districts are redrawn. The dress rehearsal serves as the Census Bureau’s final opportunity to fine-tune its plans for collecting data with the hand-held computers. "

    It has been in the planning stages since at least 2007 and is not an initiative of the Obama administration as some blogs are claiming.

  • .
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    Because they can. Why are you upset?

    Because they shouldn't. You are right. You have a right to have the government not know everything about you. But Obama does. Obama wants to count how many bristles on your toothbrush, the location of each zit on your face and place it permanently in the Federal Data Base of All Things They Need To Know About You.

    Someday they'll use it it against you. Maybe you will refuse some "fair" terms of a loan that The Obama demands you take on. Maybe you missed paying the proper toothbrush bristle tax. Maybe you have too many zits and are thus too ugly and ineligible for Single Payer Federal Medical Care. Too bad for you. This is what the "liberals" love and work for. The Big Mama State. You may NOT breathe without Obama's permission.

    * * *

    Those who defend this on the basis that it is reasonable and predates Obama have some merit -- BUT ... they miss the thing the rest of us are now justifiably terrified of. That in the hands of an evil regime in power -- such as it is now obvious to us that Obama's is -- such accurate and easily usable maps are major dangers to all of us.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm curious, too. They could just sit one person down at a computer with Google Earth on and get the same information. No need to send armies of Federales door to door

  • Big E
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    So the government will know exactly where your door is when they kick it down in the middle of the night and drag you out for re-education. We are headed toward a communist government. Sad thing is, we obviously have not learned from the mistakes of other nations. These govenments have failed everywere and left the people as nothing but sheep to the slaughter.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anybody can already get GPS co-ordinates and pictures of your's and anyone else's home on Google Earth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To confirm you're not an illegal immigrant or falsifying information on a census.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am sending over one of the FEMA Camp extraction teams to explain it too you.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are also taking pictures of homes. Curious, isn't it?

    This was illegal under Bush; anything goes under Barry!

    "In the name of the People.........."

    Guess Obama wants his people to win in 2010, doesn't he?

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