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Could I have had the worst luck ever.. :(?

Is anyone here a miracle worker, if so can you send a little my way please!!

firstly, i have a condition called m.e its a neurological condition which affects my muscles/sleep/ etc and puts me in pain, etc. like having the worst flu ever, recently i have bee really ill, and its making me down in the dumps,

I was recently made unemployed due to my illness from my job which i worked for, for nearly 3 years.

The other day my other half had her car ticketed by some conmen company carpark which charged her 50 pounds although they saw us both leave and return to the car within 10 minutes, they laughed and carried on, she was helping me by parking close to our house, so that i didnt have to walk too far,

We both lost £200 in a scam which we will never see again, money that was meant to pay for a holiday we are meant to be going on,

This sounds silly but our cat jumped out of a window the other day, hes ok mind but still he has never been outside and thought jumping out of the kitchen window which is 10ft up was a good idea.

My old employer wont pay me any extra, and they also said that i have no holiday remaining as i left before the new holiday year or something like that.

The other morning i fell up the stairs and as i have weak bones/muscles i ended up knackering up my wrists, and have to wear wrist supports anyways,

We lost some money on ebay as we offered free postage to entice people into buying but the postage cost more than the items we sold, so we actually lost money :( money again to save for our holiday

In the 23 years i have been on this bloody planet all i have had is bad luck, escpecially at the moment, got no job, no energy, no money!!! GRAAAHHHH!!

Im not a person to ask for anything special i just wish someone would click their fingers and give us a cheer up.. :(

anyone help?? PLEASE!


Why are people so damn cruel nowadays? john especially, if you knew anymore i would have to write a book, m.e is quite a rare condition in someone my age, its misunderstood and as for me being the blame for my bad luck is a horrible thing to say..

Is it my fault i got ill? no.

Is it my fault my employer said i wasnt worth being there if i was ill so i should quit?

Is it my fault that we were ripped off?

Is it my fault that my employer is tightfisted and wont pay me holiday pay that is outstanding, or my 2 weeks in hand that i worked?

I have had enough with people.. how damn insensitive can people be?

Update 2:

Bob, i sympathise with you, a close friend of mine was killed by a drunk driver, in a head on collision.

And i also praise your courage, and i know what it must be like, its not easy.

I know that i am healthier than some people, i know people are dying around the world and whatnot, but like i said if i could write down all what has happened i think people would be affected by my story,

I was a healthy guy, i loved working i wanted to make the most of myself after a touch childhood with a mother who was disabled that i cared for, and a father who left us and never cared about us,

I have dealt with many hard things, i just want a little luck my way, thats all.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't suppose that I am of any practical help, and sorry to read of your misfortunes.

    But I can offer sympathy, in that I was nearly killed on my motorbike with a drunken idiot that pulled out in front.

    I can now only teach water ski-ing, no longer demonstrate it all.

    So I am on the incapacity to work list, and I like work, but I get pestered to show that I only have one leg that works.

    Darn !

    I am lucky in comparison to yourself.

    This "bloody planet" as you put it has a lot to answer for.

    The bloke that nearly killed me got a £30 fine.

    No justice sometimes !

    All the Best,


    Source(s): Life
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I*m not a miracle worker but I am a healer who has worked in that field for over 40 years, and the challenge you outline is something I have helped others with..

    M.E. is a very unpleasant condition which is partially created by your having very low self esteem, and that would also account too for all the *bad luck* you are experiencing..There is a natural law called Law of Attraction, sometimes known as The Secret, and both can be read about on the net..

    I suspect also that you are an Indigo *child*..There are books on what that means also..Email me for more info if you wish to..

    As we think and how we feel about ourselves, consciously and subconsciously, creates an energy or frequency within us and that acts as a magnet, attracting circumstances linto our lives that match our belief about ourselves, positive or negative..Low self esteem means we think we are unworthy, or not good enough, (subconsciously believing we dont deserve good things), and that belief is usually created within us in our childhood when we dont get the constant loving support, praise and encouragements as well as cuddles that every child needs to grow up into a confident and positive adult..

    Most of us suffer from that in some degree, but your brief comments about your childhood are typical of those who suffer similar *unfairness and apparent injustice* in life..

    Invariably, that is because our parents themselves had guardians who were not able to show their feelings or to act openly and lovingly either due to the circumstances of THEIR childhood, and it continues generation after generation until someone takes the necessary action to change their inner feelings about themselves, and thus begin to transform their lives for the better, for all of us are *trained* by the actions, positive and negative, of those who brought us up and we grow into adults often repeating those same, sometimes limited qualities when parenting our own offspring..

    Blaming others is not the answer and is pointless, for that dysfunction usually goes back generations, and what is required is that you now learn about how the process works and take the necessary action to change your own inner feelings, often working with your *Inner Child*, a term you may have heard about..

    You can get books on changing low self esteem from all major bookstores and, although the process is simple and repetitive, it does take a while to finally begin to change those inner negative beliefs which we have held for a lifetime, but it is extremely worthwhile, for as we learn to love and respect ourselves more so we begin to transform the quality of our lives and health too..

    Hope that helps..

    Source(s): 42 yrs a healer aware of Angels
  • 1 decade ago

    I sympathize with what you're going through. My mother has a really rare illness that's been hammering her for years...a hereditary illness that is supposed to only be gotten by men, but she's got it and won't ever be cured from it, so I do feel what's going on in your life. Sometimes life deals some really nasty blows to people who least deserve it and I wish there were something more that could be done to erase some of your pain.

    However, as hard as all this is and as undeserving as you are to suffer this, there are a few things you can do to fight back a little. The first thing is to keep your spirits up. Your luck can never change if you dwell on your misfortunes, so maybe listing all of the things that you do have going good in your life will help? I would suggest making a physical list and keep adding to it every day as you think of more things. Then, whenever things are going bad, read that list so you can get a more positive outlook on your life.

    Second, as far as all of the money problems are concerned, the first thing to do about the ones you can't change are to learn from them and chalk it up to life experience. Thousands of people get conned or con themselves out of money every day. It's a common human affliction and one that we're all prone to make at some point in our lives. With the Ebay thing, you know now to avoid offering free shipping. With the car park people, number one, don't ever deal with them again, and two, find out if you have a legal recourse that can be settled in court. Third, if nothing else works and you know the broke a law but can't prove it, get a video camera and go back to them and try to catch them doing it...then call the police and file charges. Fraud and extortion are crimes that our two countries both prosecute, I believe, and I think that's what happened to you with them.

    Same thing as with your boss. Get what documents you can and contact a lawyer or solicitor to see what can be done. In the USA, some lawyers looking to boost business will give you a free consultation on the condition that they can take a percentage of your settlement. Here it's usually 30-35%. I don't know about where you are, but I'd ask to find out.

    Also, I don't know about your local laws, but an employer is not allowed to fire you here for an unavoidable illness. They can replace you temporarily or lay you off (which would make them have to pay someone else to do your job or pay you for unemployment), but they can't just fire you. Find out what the employment laws are where you're at and then find out what you can do about it. Again, a lawyer will help a lot. Maybe lawyers aren't the best liked characters in the world, but you can count on them (a good one at least) to have their own best interests at heart and that would be (if they take your case) to see that you win.

    Basically, I believe that a lot of luck has something to do with what you do with it. Learn to fight back and educate yourself on your options. Learn from your experiences what you can and shape it to suit your needs. I know...this is really hard and sometimes you're not going to be able to do anything at all except survive. However, surviving is half the battle, right? Keep fighting, keep trying and learn how to reverse bad things into good. You CAN do it. Just keep trying.

    I wish you good luck and happiness in the future. Take care.

  • 1 decade ago

    Surely you have enough money for petrol or a train ticket. Go with your partner and vist somewhere nice when it's nice weather. Take a picnic and just be careful. Most of the things you have mentioned are to do with the resession (if I spelt that right). Its happening to lots of people not just you so calm down.

    Good luck x

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i've got not got faith in undesirable success. undesirable success is a few fantasy. issues ensue for a reason, some for sturdy some for undesirable. undesirable success is in basic terms yet another ingredient to scapegoat on or responsible people for.

  • 1 decade ago

    It could always be worse. some people have aids or terminal cancer.

    ETA: M.E affects people in most age groups, so it is not "rare" in someone your age. It is however rare in children under 7.

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