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Alreet im Nommie. im a very focused opinionated person ill tell the truth if needs be. i hate chavs and other people who have no respect... im the easiest going laid back person you could ever know. however i dont stand for people taking advantage and ill stand against those who think they know better. I also have a condition called *m.e* diagnosed in december 08' i'm currently seeking advice on treatments and work related help.

  • How to make a successful youtube channel?

    Hey guys, i'm trying to help my friend grow his youtube channel do you reckon his channel is any good? if people could give me some feedback so i can let him know,.

    his channel is

    is there anything he needs to improve on?

    2 AnswersYouTube9 years ago
  • Strange headache worried?

    Ok, so not to sound like a hypochondriac here but just had the strangest onset of headaches, lasting the last 5 minutes or so, a quick sharp pain in the front of my forehead slightly above my right eye, was pretty intense but felt like a cold sensation and then left me feeling a bit odd, serious answers please but is there a specific headache that fits this description?

    Cheers guys.

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Can epilepsy medication cause thrush?

    Ok, im a little unnerved by some symptoms ive been having, im epileptic and was recently put on 1000mg of keppra, and 400mg of phenytoin per day to help with seizures,

    recently about a week ago i noticed a red rash and an itching feeling on my foreskin, and under it, and also an itchin sensation near my anus,

    i have had a yellowish discharge also from my penis, and its really worrying, is this something that can be treated without going to the doctors? any other epileptics have an idea?

    serious answers only please, i was pretty distraught writing this up on YA thanks.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Lovefilm!! what happens if a game doesnt come in the post? lost so to speak?

    So i was wondering what happens if a game is lost in the post before i receive it? do i have to pay for it even if i havent received it basically ive waited over 2 weeks for a game and i think its been lost in the post, do i have to pay? HELP!

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Strange pins and needles in upper body...?

    So, ive been having strange pins and needles in my body, its usually in my upper body, and it effects my whole upper body, front, back, face etc..

    its really horrible and makes me feel strange, its like a burning sensation, like hot pins being poked into me, it only lasts a minute or two, any idea on what it could be? or what to mention to my GP?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • how much should i pay for someone to decorate my house? (estimates?)?

    So im looking into hiring someone to redecorate my house, it needs two rooms wallpaper removed and new put up, and a hallway done also..

    how much would i be expecting to pay? for a painter and decorator to do this job? as i want to get a rough idea of how much its going to cost.

    8 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • What happens to my mums house?

    My mum passed away recently and im her only son/will name, and everything is left to me with regards to her abode, however she had a mortgage, does that mean i have to pay it off now? as im disabled and dont get much help from the government.

    Im struggling to cope with the grieving yet alone this problem aswell, what do i do?

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • can my bank do this to me?

    ok, so long story short, i have a normal current account with hsbc, when i took out the account i didnt want an overdraft and as far as i know that has stayed in place, however for the first time my account ended up overdrawn buy about £200. however the transactions could of been cancelled, and declined, why did the bank allow me to go overdrawn??? are they allowed to do this, surely if i didnt have the money i shouldnt of been able to make the transactions in the first place!..

    so what can i do?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • ow! fell onto my arm which is in a cast worried!?

    i recently broke my wrist, and had it put in a cast last week, about 10 minutes ago i fell onto it and now it really hurts, the cast seems ok but is there any risks? what should i do? help!

    1 AnswerInjuries1 decade ago
  • strange pain in my chest, what could it be?

    ok, not to sound stupid or overdramatic, im not having a heart attack or anything serious, i would of called for help if i was in that state lol.

    anyways ive been getting weird pains in my chest the last week or two, its not all the time and only quickly happens, i havent got heartburn or anything like that as it happens with or without food etc. and it only lasts a few seconds and sharply goes across my chest.

    is this the early signs of anything???

    ill go to the docs anyways but wanted a first opinion. :)

    6 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • my bank account was used without my permission! HELP!?

    yesterday at around 4am in the morning a company called CASHCADE have taken around £700 out of my bank account, this company are a gambling agency, and i dont get involved with anything like that, what can i do if someone has used my details?

    i went to the bank and cancelled my debit card just incase but the payment to them is still pending, if this money gets transferred ill have nothing!. :( what can i do to stop them taking my money if it wasnt me who authorised it! please help im so upset.

    6 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • xfactor 2010 birmigham audition info NEEDED ASAP!?

    hi i applied for xfactor this year and i got a confirmation email saying i needed to be outside the venue at 8am, and so on but i lost the email and i need all the info! has anyone applied and got the same email? its apparently the 24th april is this right? HELP!

    1 AnswerSinging1 decade ago
  • broken leg and going mad, what can i do? to keep myself occupied? i need a hug. :(?

    stuck on the sofa, going mad from being so bored? any suggestions?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • help publishing a book on self harm life experience etc.?

    im currently writing a book on my life and things that have happened to me and how i changed my life around after some hard times i was wondering if anyone has any advice with regards top how to publish it etc.?

    any advice is appreciated thanks muchly.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • need benefit advice, panicking!?

    So ok, i have recently been laid off work due to illness, (m.e.) and some other health issues i had to leave as it was making me ill, my partner and i have now split and she is moving out, but i need to stay where i currently am as it close to doctors etc. i pay £370 in rent atm, and i have no income

    i have applied for disability living allowance currently waiting for their reply but what can i do with regards to the rent etc.. how much can i expect to recieve?

    i dont want to sound scummy i have worked since i left school im not a scummer. wont go spending it on booze etc. im just trying to get by as life has been a bit harsh on me, so trying to deal with all of this whilst im ill is making it hard.

    Any advice is appreciated.

    I have applied for income support recently but no reply as of yet will that pay my rent? im worried that i will have no money for food etc..


    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Could I have had the worst luck ever.. :(?

    Is anyone here a miracle worker, if so can you send a little my way please!!

    firstly, i have a condition called m.e its a neurological condition which affects my muscles/sleep/ etc and puts me in pain, etc. like having the worst flu ever, recently i have bee really ill, and its making me down in the dumps,

    I was recently made unemployed due to my illness from my job which i worked for, for nearly 3 years.

    The other day my other half had her car ticketed by some conmen company carpark which charged her 50 pounds although they saw us both leave and return to the car within 10 minutes, they laughed and carried on, she was helping me by parking close to our house, so that i didnt have to walk too far,

    We both lost £200 in a scam which we will never see again, money that was meant to pay for a holiday we are meant to be going on,

    This sounds silly but our cat jumped out of a window the other day, hes ok mind but still he has never been outside and thought jumping out of the kitchen window which is 10ft up was a good idea.

    My old employer wont pay me any extra, and they also said that i have no holiday remaining as i left before the new holiday year or something like that.

    The other morning i fell up the stairs and as i have weak bones/muscles i ended up knackering up my wrists, and have to wear wrist supports anyways,

    We lost some money on ebay as we offered free postage to entice people into buying but the postage cost more than the items we sold, so we actually lost money :( money again to save for our holiday

    In the 23 years i have been on this bloody planet all i have had is bad luck, escpecially at the moment, got no job, no energy, no money!!! GRAAAHHHH!!

    Im not a person to ask for anything special i just wish someone would click their fingers and give us a cheer up.. :(

    anyone help?? PLEASE!

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Help with M.E (worries)?

    Hi, i'm currently 23 i have recently been diagnosed with m.e and im finding things really difficult, i have had to quit my current job due to it being too demanding i have never had to turn to benefits or anything but until i can find alternative work what should i do?

    Am i entitled to any state benefits? (without sounding like a scummer!)

    I'm in a rut right now, i struggle with most tasks now and im worried its going to get worse i have a lot of muscle weakness and pain, standing for a period of time is really painful etc..

    Im going out of my mind! i used to run about and things! and now i feel like a wimpy old man. :(

    Anyone have any good advice?

    2 AnswersOther - Health & Beauty1 decade ago
  • i have been diagnosed with m.e. recently *worried*?

    I was wondering is there any good advice for dealing with it? it affects me kinda bad, i have trouble lifting weight i.e a kettle for example, *i'm only 20!! surely thats bad??*

    plus i get a lot of bad pain in my back and such, i have flat feet which doesnt help, but i also work too i dont want to end up being a scummer on benefits but sometimes it's really difficult anyone got any suggestions on therapies that are good?

    *the hospital has given me medicine and a physiotherapist*

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Sales of goods and refunds?

    Ok, my partner purchased some boots yesterday from a store, she has worn them once and due to the fact they have no soles they are dangerously slippy, the fact she has fallen 3 times already doesnt bode well for a serious injury in the future. She has the reciept and tried to return them is she entitled to a refund for the fact of her own safety?

    Serious answers only please.

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Tooth ache!! HELP! :(?

    Ok serious answers please!!

    i have really bad tooth ache, apart from the normal things, taking paracetamol+ibruprofen, what else is good to help relieve it?

    i know dentists etc.. but i mean for now? it's been endless since last night i didnt sleep at aLL!

    so im not a happy bunny..

    help pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasse!

    21 AnswersDental1 decade ago