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How many times can the SAME question be asked?

How many times can the SAME question be asked?

Over, and OVER, with the 'wood-chuck' thing...

CAN the 'BA' CHANGE from one iteration of the question to the next??? "("I' KNOW that one! I've HEARD it before!!! What 'flavor' would you like YOUR answer to be?")


Luke A: I guess 'barking' does come into PLAY... especially with regard to WOOD CHUCKS!

2 Answers

  • Lew
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    About 1600 times so far, but I fear the woodchuck fanatics have much more mileage with this question. In the scheme of things that's not actually a lot, the "Am I fat, pretty, tall, pregnant?" have been asked many more times. Obviously, there are more fat, pretty, tall, pregnant, people than woodchuck fans.

  • 1 decade ago

    What are you barking about?

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