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Danielle asked in SportsBaseball · 1 decade ago

Dodgers fans:Thoughts on Manny's suspension?

Note: I am specifically looking for a Dodger fan's perspective of this recent news.If you are not a Dodger fan,go ahead and answer,but specifically I would like to see how this affects the fans of the player and the team.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well I'm a former Dodger fan (no home team in the state I grew up in, when the DBack came I became a DBacks fan) and as weird as this is to say, I actually think I believe his reason. As unfortunate as it is, there are several reasons to give what would be a "false" positive. Ramirez is saying the result of the test came from medication presribed to him for a personal condition (and we all know the exploits of Manny being Manny). And while I'm not a chemist, I am a law enforcement officer and there have been several cases I've seen where certain foods have caused people on probabtion or applying for jobs test positive for drugs. I'm sure that the testing process in baseball is very much the same concept, they're testing for the presence of certain chemicals, and I'm sure that if someone is on different medications which have the chemicals baseball is testing for then a positive test will come up. It's disappointing that no matter what the reason or the outcome (say he appeals and it is found it was a "false" positive) fans will not forget and Manny will be associated with the likes of Bonds.

    Edit: O.k. now that there is a little more info out there, Manny isn't going to appeal because the medication he took was on the banned substance list, so either he did it or he's a stand up guy I let you make the choice here. And to Joe, doctors don't administer random drug tests, it's done by an independant contractor who uses a test kit, that is filled with urine and a chemical tablet is placed in the container and will turn a certain color based on the what the chemical tests for and while yes the person being tested gives a list of anything that could cause a "false" positive the contractor is there to collect the urine not read tests and determine what caused them, they're just there to send off the samples to a testing lab for that purpose.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a Dodgers fan and I have mixed emotions about this. I feel hurt, disappointed and angry about what he did. I have absolutely no problem with him being suspended because I think that anyone found using banned substances should be suspended no matter how big of a superstar they are. What really bothers me is how this makes the Dodgers look. I've read so many question in the past few hours about putting an asterisk next to the Dodgers winning streak and I just don't think that's fair to the rest of the Dodgers players. With or without Manny I know the Dodgers will continue to do good.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Dodgers should take the opportunity to sign Bonds.

  • 1 decade ago

    Doctors know that prescription meds can cause a test to show up dirty. All they would have to do is look at what he was prescribed and if it was something that could cause his test to show up dirty, they would discount the results and order another test.

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  • All i will say is that lets see if those who attacked Alex Rodriguez for months will now do the same for Ramirez. Bonds & Rodriguez don't look so alone anymore do they?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Supposibly it was medince that his doctor gaved him lol

    Source(s): lolol
  • 1 decade ago

    Let justice be served.

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