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Fundies, if you want me to try to disprove your god?

how about you provide some evidence for me to refute?

Without providing evidence for me to refute is like asking me to disprove the existence of a magic little man that lives in their eye, and then covering that eye with a eye patch and saying, "just have faith"


"no one asked you to disprove god" oh contrare, I can not count the number of times a fundie has said "prove to me their is no god"

Update 2:

Chanello, how dose it take faith to believe in things that are backed up by evidence?

Update 3:

Thank you Suzie, for being one of the few rational people on this site

Update 4:

Jaicee, your "proof" is primarily speculation with no actual evidence. You have posted the work of philosophers that already believe in a god, and therefore are working backwards. Working from a conclusion to evidence that it never reaches

Update 5:

JD290, it's alright, you said what I wanted to

Update 6:

rolling stone, that is not proof that is speculation, I am tiered of asking for proof and getting speculation instead.

If you can provide no evidence for your god, then I say, that you base your beliefs on your own foolishness and you are intellectually dead

Update 7:

I love chaellos little reply "look it up some time" I love how you provide no link to prove your point, not even a link to a fundie website full of idiotic propaganda,

you hold no intellectual curiosity at all, and accept whatever your pastor tells you, that is pathetic.

It makes me ashamed to live in the 21st century and be the same species as you

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have no desire for you to disprove God, my friend.............You have every right to believe whatever you wish..............

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Chanello needs to pick up a science book. just because its the Big bang Theory, or the Theory of evolution, does not mean its all based on what one man said. their is scientific proof that proves aspects of the theory. You chose to believe in gravity, but its only a theory. Go to a real college please :D

    sorry for yelling at Chanello on your question.

    that the beauty of a Theory, it can be revisited. so if for instance something is proved the other way we can go back and edit it. and what evodence is there that disproves evolution and the Big Bang?

    you, and what you say mean nothing to me. we as humans have big egos and like to prove were right. so i'm also bored being 1:30am and I love debating.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    All you will possibly be able to desire to do to instruct god is define it, describe it and have a repeatable try that shows validity or falsification of the hypothesis. That’s the scientific approach maximum spectacular. Are you quite that ignorant which you do no longer understand that there is not any might desire to define or describe the non existent. while you're in that lots choose of a few one to help you detect a god then you are one sorry yet-head. You no longer even clever adequate to be an agnostic including your stupidity and ranting that make any experience.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First let me ask a questions.

    Can your naked eye see things like "black holes" in space? Science & astronomers say they are there. Ever really seen one? No? Just pictures? Ever seen a picture of Christ?

    Ever SEEN gravity? You have seen the EFFECTS of gravity but you have never actually seen gravity.. Ever actually seen the laws of logic? Nope. Do all the above exist? Yes.

    Do you go to church to (in effect) find God?

    The heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the work of His hands. --The qualities of God have and can, be seen.

    God can be seen through the person and work of Jesus Christ.The incarnation of Jesus is God's self-revelation.The ministry of God-the Holy Spirit, can be seen in true Christians & Christianity.

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  • jaicee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Please, disprove this logical proof of the existence of God and post your refutation here. Thank you.

    However, you are under no obligation to believe anything that you don't like.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you don't believe in a creator God, then you have more faith than people who do! The fact that you believe everything could come from Big Bang, Evolution, or whatever takes more faith than believing God made everything.

    Well, evidence has now proved alot of science evidence is wrong. It is only just now leaking out. Look it up sometime.

    I love how I get talked about the most, that only means what I said has affected you the most and you can't stop thinking about it much less write about it....if you really thought what I have to say is worth nothing then you sure are making a big deal out of nothing....that's my opinion.

    BTW, science has proved that a person can't walk and proved that a person has cancer all over their body and will die in the next week and then these people get up and walk and have tests done that same week showing no signs of cancer. Stuff like this happens every day, and I have seen it with my own eyes and heard about it with my own ears. I would actually like to know what science explains these miracles that happen every day??

  • 1 decade ago

    trying to prove God exists is like trying to smell the color nine.

    nine is not a color.

    even if it was, you can't smell a color.

    The same for God,

    you can't force him do to your bidding,

    God doesn't listen to the prayers of the wicked.

    but even if he does listen.

    He is God, He isn't the one who needs to obey.

    Trying to prove God with your kind of attitude is like trying to find an elusive creature in the forest while you march in with trumpets and drums and shouting "Show yourself".

    What the Bible says?

    Jesus says- if you keep my commandments I will manifest myself to you.

    He had 2 commandments

    Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself.

    Obviously you got troubles with part 1. There is a loophole.

    Jesus is God, and thus Loving Jesus is Loving God.

    Jesus said- what you do for the least of these my bretheren, you have done it unto me.

    So it goes down to the 2nd commandment.

    If you can do that with an open and honest heart then Jesus has to fulfil His part of that promise.

  • 1 decade ago

    Im no fundie but just to bring Descartes into this how about you proove to me that reality exists?

  • 1 decade ago

    Nobody asked you to disprove the existence of God.

  • 1 decade ago

    teh bibel is all troo hurrr duurrr

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