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What are your best ideas for organic garden pest control?

I have already planted marigolds all around my veggie garden to help reduce pest, what else should I do?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    organic pest control is multifaceted I have learned from over 15 year managing organic farms

    Crop rotation, do not plant your crops in the same spot in the garden develop a 4 to 5 year rotation

    Beneficial insects. 95% of the bugs out there are beneficial or neutral. Learn your bugs and avoid all insecticides like the plague as these kill the beneficial insects as much as the pests and when this happens the pest insects will invade the garden long before the beneficial insects come back because the beneficials will wait until there is big population of food.

    Row covers are cloths designed to cover crops. these exclude insects and also protect crops from wind, hail and cold.

    Soap sprays are sprays made from dish detergent (if you want to be really organic you have to use certified organic soaps and not detergents). I TBL per gallon of soften water will work to control soft bodied insects such as aphids. This does not work on hard bodied insects such as the various beetles. This will harm bees. For this to work well spray all surfaces of the plants every other day for about 6 to 8 weeks.

    Companion planting is planting crops that have benficial effects on each other. Planting marigolds is an example of this. i have found this is of very limited use but many people like to think it wirks even if science does not bear this out. The Book carrots Love Tomatoes by Riotte is a good book on the subject.

    Good soil management-healthy plants do not attract pest insects, stress plants do. So be sure to feed your soil (it is teeming with life that keeps your plants healthy if they are healthy and in balance) with good compost and stay away from synthetic fertilizers that are not good for the micr-herd in the soil.

    I find hand picking pests is very, very effective (and if I can do this in a 3 acre market garden any home gardener can do this on their much smaller plots) as long as it is done daily

  • 7 years ago

    Organic Pest Control acutally includes the rotation of the crops in a regular manner to keep pests away. These are really safe and easy as they provide biological and non-toxic solutions.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Gardening can be a great way to save money and eat the freshest food available, but it can also come with its fair share of frustrations. From pests to proper watering… there are a lot of factors involved, especially if you are using organic methods to avoid chemicals.

    Fortunately, the healthiest approach can be the easiest with a little preparation and research. Companion planting, proper spacing and natural methods of disease and pest control can ensure healthy production without the need for chemicals.

  • Blank
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Here's a great link that will cover the basics. It's worth printing out.

    In my personal arsenal I think of the water hose as my number one tool and my homemade bug spray second.

    I have been at war with ants and aphids this year. I hosed the aphids off my broccoli and collards. Yes, they come back but it's not a lot of work to hose them off again.

    I thought maybe I was going to have to resort to poison with the dang fire ants. But I read somewhere on line to pour boiling water down their hill. It really worked. I used about a 1/2 gallon the first day. They were back in fewer numbers about two days later. I did it again. Haven't seen anymore.

    I've also drowned ants by putting the hose spritzer into the hole. Set the spritzer on on high and blasted them for a good 5 minutes.

    Get a butterfly net so you can catch insects, identify them and learn what gets them if they are bad.

    My homemade bug spray, when all else fails seems to work for most things. I use a few drops of Ivory dish soap in a spray bottle with some really hot pepper water added. I put a couple of cups of water in a pan, add a couple of hot peppers, I cook them, strain them and that's what I add to my spray. You can add garlic if you want. I've never bothered because the soap and pepper have worked for me so far.

    And, just hand pick and smash bad bugs and caterpillars. If you are squeamish, get some cheap gloves at the dollar store.

    Frankly, my garden isn't big enough to do the whole crop rotation thing which helps.

    In the past I've bought sticky traps. But, I have on my to-do list for tomorrow to research home made sticky traps for white flies.

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  • 6 years ago

    Controlling pest infestations takes time, and using pest control products in a timely matter is key to successfully protecting your home. If you are looking to do it on your own, you can easily forget when to retreat your home . A local pest control company is not to be confused with an exterminator. Exterminators are more like a mafia clean-up crew, while a Eugene pest control service is like a holistic practitioner. This holistic approach involves examining your property and incorporating a strategic plan to eliminate pests and prevent their return.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pests can be controlled with an artful array of scents, odors, heat, oils, or soaps. We’re talking garlic, salt, cayenne pepper powder, mineral or vegetable oils, and soaps. We’re talking birds, beneficial insects, and complimentary plantings.

  • 6 years ago

    i think that pest control is away that clean your home from noisy insects

  • Traci
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    insecticidal soap! also wormwood and citronella plants are natural pest repellents.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to Start Growing Pot.... Do it Now hahahaha

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