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Were you spanked as a child?

I was but usually for something that would harm me if I continued doing it


geez I didn't mean it to be an abuse question.Take it easy.

42 Answers

  • ROXY
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes,quite often, i bawled a lot louder than was warranted,and mum stoped,and things went back to normal.

    looking back i realise i was not a bad child, just very creative and adventuresome.LOL.

    it was how mum coped ,it worked in the very short term.and no harm was done.

    there is a difference between a simple spank and child abuse as described by some of the above.

  • 1 decade ago

    Gee, I guess we know why child abuse became a crime and why so many people tried "time out" with their kids.

    Sure I was spanked and belted--by mom. Dad never hurt us but he wasn't around a whole lot, which was why mom was so frustrated. She needed childcare help and never got it. Dad would get mad at her because it was her job to raise the kids, and she'd take it out on us. I seemed to know this from a very young age, that it wasn't so much anything we did but rather her only means of venting her anger and frustration with life. I mean, I'd get whopped because I "allowed" one of my siblings to do something bad--like I was the parent or something and my sibs were often bigger than me. Or just because mom was on an rampage and you happened to walk in at the wrong time you'd get belted. Had nothing to do with keeping us from harm or teaching us a lesson. It was child abuse. But mom was abused too. I just made sure all of us siblings never passed it on to our own kids. Can't go back and fix any of it. Mom has completely blocked those memories but my siblings all concur that it did happen. It was the times; parents were allowed to do as they pleased with their kids. I don't think the current means of punishing kids is better, it's probably worse, though.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure and switched and once in while got the belt. Didn't harm my phyche (sp) one bit. I grew up to be a respectful, law abiding, hard working citizen.

    After reading the answers I can see that many people thought this question was about child abuse. Spanking is not abuse. Even a couple of licks with a switch or a belt is not child abuse. It's moderate punishment and sure gets a child's attention.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I got my last spanking when I was ten or so. We were playing a family game of cards and I kicked the table and cards went flying. I was a sore loser. I got spanked, but I, my brother and sister all turned out fine, have really well adjusted grown children who got little swats on the butt...didn't seem like abuse to me, because it was just a swat on the hiner. My son told me one day that he really appreciated the way his dad and I brought him up. None of us ever felt abused because we were a very loving family...we did a lot of fun things when we were young kids and when I had kids, we always had a great family life...but you know there are just a few times now and then. Geeeminy, though, when I had grandkids here they were just sent to the bedroom to only come out when they could behave. We are all well adjusted people. Oh, I did swat my grand daughters' but once when we were in Sears, and she hid in between a rack of clothing and scared me to death nearly. I watted her bottom and hugged her and told her to never scare me like that again. She was inside the rack of clothing I was looking at. Silly little girl...she is grown and has a child of her own...they just came to visit for Mother's Day...had a great day.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes but not anymore. My sisters aged 9 and 12 get spanked about once a week

  • 1 decade ago

    It hurt my parents more than it hurt me supposedly but I still got a spanking if I was out of line!

    EDIT: I don't understand why so many people feel hard done by because they received a spanking. Parents do it out of love and care. It is a way to show children that they have made a mistake.

  • Beulah
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My mother had a wooden spoon she used to use to whack me on the back of my legs. She said it was pointless whacking my butt as it was to well padded. But it did me no harm, I am still of the belief that a whack on the rear does not do any child any harm WHEN their behaviour demands it.

    From what I see of how an awful lot of kids behave these day, there is an awful lot of truth in "spare the rod and spoil the child" .



  • cookie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    wow...these are so sad. i have seen a lot of answers on here, but i'm really surprised by these...i don't even know how to respond. any thing more than a "tap" on a child is just uninformed and/or abusive parenting...period...those of you who went though this as a child and think, well i did o.k....think again...many issues of trust, love, defensiveness and tons of other issues can be from the way, as a child, you perceived what love can make excuses for what they did...but please don't believe that it was o.k. for you...the best thing i read on hear was the ones that got it and learned not to repeat the same things with the children they have been blessed with....such a sad thing to read on mothers wishes to all...and, happy mothers day.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I can count on one hand, how many spankings I got as I was very

    afraid of getting hit by either parent. My dad had hands so heavy and

    they hurt like the dickens. So I was careful not to anger him. My mom

    liked to use a 'Weeping Willow branch' on me since they stung to

    high heaven. I did get a one time spanking from one of my grandmas'

    when I wanted to go with my parents on a vacation once. And another

    time, I got 'strapped' by my grandpa with his shaving strap. Just because my cousin had been teasing me, and I was crying from my

    anger at not being able to catch up to him. So my grandpa felt we

    were making too much noise and strapped both of us. I haven't

    felt such humility and abuse before or since. I felt it was unjustified

    and unfair of my grandpa, who I thought the world of. My feelings

    were crushed at the way he handled that day. My mother only said,

    that it 'bothered' her to hear me cry.

    There was a time, when my dad was so drunk, he knocked me

    across the room at a motel once, when I interfered with a fight he

    and my mom were having. I lost consciousness for a few minutes

    and I'll never forget that abuse. As he hit me up along side of my

    head. That's when one of my grandmas' stepped in and quieted him

    down. He wouldn't hit his own mom, thank goodness. At least, she

    could control him.

    The last time I was ever spanked, was actually the day I had

    been threatened with that action when I spoke back. And I told mom

    if she hit me again, I would call the police on her for hitting me. And

    she stopped in mid air with the willow switch. And that was the last

    of any spankings I had. I guess it made her think.

    There was one time, where she washed my mouth out with soap,

    after a ride in the car, and I spoke back to her in the car. She warned

    me when we got home, that would be the price I had to pay. And I

    did. After that, the injustices deminished and we got along with each

    other after that. There was no more going to bed at 7:30 for not

    eating all of my dinner. And being sent to my room to be out of

    sight. My parents seemed to take little notice of me after that. I think

    that was about the time, my twin sisters were born. There is a nine

    year difference between us. From then on, the sun rose and set on

    the two of them. It made a major difference in my life. I was ignored,

    and very lonely besides, but at least there were no more spankings.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I was spanked a few times when I misbehaved. Many times when I was naughty, I knew I was not in my mom's good graces when she gave me "the look." I just backed away & went up to my room. I felt safe there. I usually layed on my bed & did some thinking about what I'd done.

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