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Anonymous asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 1 decade ago

If god exists, why is there evil in the world?

Plain and simple. If god is benevolent, then that means he is good and would not have evil, if god is infinite, than he can stop anything including evil. The idea of evil contradicts one of the two no matter how you see it. This in turn, contradicts the idea that god exists, because God is described as a benevolent and infinite being. Please do your research before you give stupid answers that make no sense


I know there is no simple answer, but i'd like to hear all the different opinions and views

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The human race decided that it would invite its enemy to

    rule them (Satan) and God gave us that choice, so God

    lifted his hand from the situation and the law of decay

    and death resulted - major impact.

    We were blessed with the ability to choose and we

    can still make choices. No choice means no

    awareness, exploration, or learning (no life

    essentially) - would you give up those things

    for all to always be good?

    Evil has a short life compared to eternity.

    To God, time is like a blink of the eye.

    It can be excruciating to us, but God knows

    all is worth it and all things turn around for

    the good. It is God's creative process and

    God does not cause the evil. He did not

    ever say "Let there be darkness" (or evil) there

    was darkness and God said "Let there

    be light" (good) yet mankind chose evil

    instead. Let's stop blaming God for what

    we have done and still continue to do, though

    we have potential and opportunity to do what

    is right.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Many say God does not exist because there is evil in the world. But how do you know there is evil? We would have to have a standard to measure against. In Genesis man was warned not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They did and thus got what they wanted.

    How is it we all know evil when we see it?

    We know murder is wrong.

    We know lying and stealing and adultery are wrong too, how is that?

    God does will not force anyone to believe or commit their life to Him. He gives us freewill to choose to follow Him or do our own thing. Choose Him and live a life obeying Him or ignore Him and sin all you want.

    God allowed the ultimate evil act to be done to His only Son - Jesus. God's fury over sin was poured out on Him. He allowed evil men to do this horrific act for our good. Jesus took the payment for my sin, your sin, and the whole world's sin. God's plan is if we will answer His call, repent and make Jesus the Lord of our lives instead of ourselves He will give us a new spirit, born again into His love as an adopted child. Not only are our sins erased but God now sees us in His Son's righteousness. This is why it is called good news or the Gospel.

    Evil will not always be with us. But there will be a judgement day where we will all stand before God. Either He will see you with the righteousness of His Son, or he will see you as your own lord who never wanted Him in your life. No one will want justice when they stand before Him, there will be no excuse. None of us can ever say we didn't know we were full of sin.

    If there is no God than there is no evil. God did not create evil but it is like darkness, remove the light and you have darkness. God is omniscient, we are not. We do not understand how He can use evil for our good but there are many instances of it in the Bible.

    If the God of the Bible is who He says He is, then we should be terrified. Don't take anyone's word for it no matter how many don't believe, read it for yourself. He claims it comes directly from Him. We would be foolish to ignore it!

    In His service.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because of sin, that is why there is evil in the world. God hates sin and sin has destroyed society hence evil. Read revelations then it would give a clear description in when Jesus is coming back. God hates evil, overcome evil with good. People disobey God that is why there is evil in the world, if people would lift Jesus up then he would draw sinners to repentance. The bible says st Luke 5:32, I come not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance. Look at it from a natural sense, why do you parents punish you if they love you? They are trying to make you better as a person. Sin has ruled over this society that is why they are evil,we live in a corrupt society. However if you come to Jesus he would give you rest.

  • 6 years ago

    All the answers on here are great. I think we should look at where does evil come from first. Evil came from sin of Adam and eve. God told Adam and Eve what to do and what not to do in a sinless world. He also them what will happen to them if they disobey His orders. After they sin, its spread down to us all. God is so good that he even sent His Son to die for our sins on the cross so we can be made right with God once again. We all have the free will choice to do good or evil. God even gave us His Word telling us about all this evil that's going on in today's time and how to respond to situations. God is not going to force His salvation on nobody, but it is freely offered to everybody. Evil will be here on earth until Christ returns for the final time for His people. God is steady changing lives for the better everyday. So God is always a good God, it is us who chose to do evil. Hope this helps somebody.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The question presupposes that a god or god exists, so answerers tend to be Christian theists reciting the dogma and platitudes they have been spoonfed to make this enormous and excruciatingly problematic contradiction go away. Clearly the gross injustices and senseless suffering in the world suggest that no god or gods intervene in worldly affairs so as to distribute justice. The concept that this situation is remedied in the afterlife is a convenient yet completely specious cop-out. Resorting to the story of the advent of evil in the Garden of Eden is simply pathetic. So, millions of children die of starvation because Eve ate the forbidden fruit? Does anyone actually believe this kind of absurd nonsense? Were it so that would be one twisted and heartless god.

  • 1 decade ago

    God is a contradiction any way I look at it. To some a 'god of love and peace,' and a 'jealous god' and 'god of war,' to others. Everyone pretty much believes that god's "good" is on their side regardless of whether others see them as good or evil. Before I could even begin to answer the question I'd have to know beyond a doubt that god exists or does not, which someone, or some religion or philosophy has yet to prove. What convinced me that there is no answer to the question, which I myself tried to answer for years is "The Blind Men And The Elephant" by John Godfrey Saxe (1816-1887). Hope you find the answer you're looking for... :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Evil does not exist. Good and evil are concepts that the subjective mind creates. Outside of the mind in the objective world everything is as it is and it is perfect in being what it is. What is 'evil' to you might actually be good for another.

    So no matter what 'evil' a person does, they are committing it because it will do some good to themselves or those they love. This is part of the infinite goodness of God, that He should allow so-called (as per humans) 'evil' to exist, and out of it produce good. That is, to produce greater good out of lesser good.

    If the question had been: why is there suffering? Then my answer would be very different.

  • 6 years ago

    There is a purpose for pain and suffering in God's perfect plan See the links to videos in the sources I have provided first, then continue reading:

    Now think about this, If you were a perfect God, that wanted to have children, what would be the most perfect way to teach your children things they must know in order to grow up and become as you are? (consider that you are all powerful and knowledgeable and capable of of creating any sphere of existence for any purpose that suits your perfect and righteous purposes?) How would you as a perfect being who would not have any part of evil in your presence teach your children of such things, remember, you have the choice to do anything but also choose to stay righteous and perfect as they should also have, and accomplish this without corrupting yourself in the process by personally being exposed to it yourself? You get help! Jesus is part of the help that God has to accomplish this goal, The Holy Spirit is also a big part of it. We are also part of his plan and contribute to his perfect plan of happiness! Some grow more or less than others,some were more advance than others before they came here. These are the things that are not apparent to us if we only assume that this life is it, and don't understand eternal perspective. God's love for his children is perfect and eternal. There is nothing that he will not want to give to his children! He wants you to be as he is, for if he didn't his love would not be perfect nor eternal, it would actually be imperfect! It says in the scriptures that we are joint heirs with Christ to receive ALL that he has! This is how much God LOVES you! Perfectly and eternally with all humbleness and benevolence. Temporary lessons are to be learned, but he is all powerful and merciful and knowledgeable. Do not let those that only understand the scriptures with a lacking in fullness tell you otherwise. Rather seek for your self, read ponder and pray for the holy spirit to reveal the truthfulness of the fullness of the gospel. Continue to seek by learning from those you are prompted to by the spirit. Heed not the spirit of fear for fear comes not from God. There are those that use fear to convince or scare you from the truth. You will know the truth through the Holy Spirit. I say this in the name of Jesus Christ Amen!

  • 1 decade ago

    I just did an extra credit question on this and got a good grade.

    God created mankind with free will, it can't be logical for a man to remain sin free when they are making their own choices so, man makes choices, moral, immoral or amoral.

    Immoral acts result in evil, if God intervened it would be going against the freedom of will that was bestowed upon humanity.

    Source(s): I will be checking back so if you want me to continue let me know and I will.
  • 6 years ago

    Evil exists so that happiness can exist as well. Think about it. If you haven't ever felt sadness, you can't have felt happiness. We are here on this earth to be tested. To "taste of" good and evil so that we CAN feel and BE good.

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