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What is your evidence to prove that atheism is the truth?

23 Answers

  • Bruce
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Kind of pathetic to see that atheists have no positive evidence for atheism.

    You would think they would at least have refutations for the evidence for God, e.g., an explanation for how the universe could have exploded into existence from a singularity at the beginning of time. Do they naively think that something "before" the beginning of time could have caused matter, energy, time, and space to begin to exist?

    What a copout to whine that the burden of proof is on theists, not them. If someone asks me why I believe something, I have an answer. I would certainly not show up in this forum if all I could say was, you have the burden of proving I'm wrong.

    Most atheists don't seem to have given the slightest thought to the worldview implied by a universe that sprang into being by accident, that churned up human beings by random, purposeless processes, and that is not guided by any moral laws with any greater authority than a personal opinion. This childish atheism is what generates false analogies to unicorns and tooth fairies.

    Many atheists are not only operating on faith alone, but without any evident critical thinking.



  • 1 decade ago

    To the atheists who say there is no God. That is an assertion. And as such demands it's own proof. Mtwondo: You at best are giving the position of an agnostic not an atheist. Aperson may not be able to prove he has never seen a dragon but he cannot prove there is no dragons. So to say there is none emphatically is inacurate at best. Besides Some have offered evidence such as the fine tuning of the universe which some scientists accept as evidence for a God. But you just choose to reject it. But you should have to prove why the fine tuning argument is wrong and explain where we find any other degree of complexity arsing in nature by accident.

  • 1 decade ago

    If there is no Eternal and Infinite Cause and Ultimate Transcendence, there can be no "truth' only ultimately meaningless and disconnected "facts"

    which in the area of speculation about meaning of life, etc have no practical use since might makes right

    I think all the real evidence is on the theist's side(causality, mathematical probability,conscience, contingency and yearning for purpose and immortality, etc)

    and atheism is as much a "faith" decision as any form of theism

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    THey will say the burden falls on us, and they are right but we have already won. The universe is here, everything is a perfect design, there is no way it came from nothing and no way it happened randomly. The end. Everything else is opinion and we can argue forever but the fact is our universe had a beginning and all the atheist says is "singularity" instead of God and they swear it was an unconcious unexplainable act that caused everything, but no way is it a powerful entity? Atheism makes no sense. Everything in nature is designed. Everything in our world was made to be what it is. Evolution has no evidence left at supports creationism and archaeology and history support the Bible. Period.

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    The wars happening collectively as a in simple terms and type god watches. a million Mason and different cults. 2 If Jesus eats at dinner, he could savor what he's served, that's Gluttony and Sloth. 3 it incredibly is not logical. 4 God can see the destiny, attempt us, understanding the consequence already, and nevertheless does it. 5 Bible tells of a senior citizen rounding 2 animals of all race, feeding them for 40 days/nights, and builds a enormous ark. 6 unfastened will grew to become into given via God to enable us to apply it, whether it incredibly is a sin. 7 those are motives i do no longer think in God. Atheism is in simple terms genuine in case you are able to teach faith isn't. teach it incredibly is not, you win. teach it incredibly is, you lose. yet Atheism on my own won't be able to be genuine. Why is air air and not carbon as a substitute? Why did Mason kill and not my mom? Like that. on my own, it won't be able to be shown genuine. With an opposing ingredient, it may.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I look at it this way. Those that ask questions about God are seeking proof and have doubt. People can say they don't believe but ask questions...why?

    Science cannot answer everything. Religion cannot answer everything.

    If you seriously....deeply....think about can make babies in test tubes...they can do many wonderful and scary things. BUT...they cannot tell you HOW life began. They never will explain how the Human Body can survive a car crash or an airplane crash or a zillion other horrible things...and yet be brought down and die by a virus that you cannot see with the naked eye. Life is very strong and very fragile.

    If there was no God...why has science NOT figured out how to end everything they expect God to end?

    You don't question things that you feel have no doubt. If you question....then you are not sure!

    So I don't understand people who think they are athiests or agnostics etc and want to question those that believe about their faith.

    To me they are afraid and in doubt and seeking answers they will never get. To be be be so absolutely painful in answers they give to raise even more questions in their stated DENIAL....just reeks of questions and uncertainty.

    I will answer questions if I see them...but I don't seek them out and I don't ask people of science to prove anything. I BELIEVE....

    Faith is something you either have or don't...or you ask questions.

    If God is so insignificant in anyone's life...why do they have to publicly question it.? What are they afraid of that they can't just have their own faith and allow others to believe theirs.???

    Why is God such an issue if you don't believe?

  • 1 decade ago

    A true believer knows the reality of God. The problem is that we are not trying to explain a magic trick to a blind man(atheist). (Ever think of how you explain a magic trick to someone who has never seen anything. He made the jet disappear. SO? Is a jet something you can hold in your hand?)

    Christians try to explain to a spiritually dead person about being alive in the spirit. Have you ever tried to carry on a conversation with a dead person? Same result from a spiritually dead person with the exception that they can voice their incorrect views of reality. Yet they know no difference because God has not made them alive.

    So remember when dealing with an atheist, you're dealing with a person that only knows what is there before them. It is not unlike dealing with a child whose only attention is the toy in front of them. They don't see the joy of wonders around them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. The total lack of evidence for any gods means that it is most probably true.

    2. There is not one sound and logical philosophical argument that can support the existence of gods.

    3. Given the scientific evidence we do have, none of the religious myths hold water.

    This is far more evidence than any theist can supply, and given this, the probability of any type of god existing is vanishingly small. Certainty died with quantum theory and Godel, so I think atheism is the closest approximation to the truth about gods you're going to get.

  • 1 decade ago

    How about you define "truth"?

    Atheism is reality. Truth is conceptual and subjective.

    If billions of religious people believe without proof, Atheists certainly don't need any either. Though Atheism is harder to prove false than is religion.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    that i dotn beleive in a god, so i dont have to prove there is no god, cos the prove is already evident, as there is no god to disprove it

    burden of proof will NEVER be on those who simply accept what is at the time

    the evidence so far, as it stands does NOT prove a gods existence

    which only SOLIDIEFS our stance SO FAR

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