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ALEX ROCKS asked in SportsWrestling · 1 decade ago

what happend to tazz?

I've been a little busy and when I come back,,,, tazz is not on smackdown nor ecw. did he get fired? what happend??

I'll give the 10 points to the one who gives me the best details possible. let me know asap. thanks!!!

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Taken from Tazz’s Myspace

    -My contract expired the end of March and I had given my notice several weeks prior

    -I ask WWE for my release to pursue other interest

    -I offered to call Wrestlemania while I was not contractually obligated….and offered to call the show for free to the company.

    -I have fulfilled EVERY obligation to the WWE, and pride myself on leaving the proper/professional way.

    -On my way out, from Vince McMahon, Kevin Dunn & Stephanie ALL treated me great…which was cool.

    -I APPRECIATE all of the offers for appearances but right now I’m just doing very few appearances (if any). I’m gonna chill out and watch my kid hit baseballs.

    -I am done wrestling. At 41 years old, several neck and shoulder issues…not happening. I would be a former shell of myself.

    -I too have hated the extra “Z”

  • 1 decade ago

    There was more to that Myspace post that was left out there. Like how he said he was going to "Cross the line" and make a "Impact" soon.

    TAZ has signed a 3 year deal with TNA. He cant debut till his 90 day no compete clause is up which would put his debute at Slammiversary in Detroit. TAZ's deal with TNA will allow him to work 4 to 5 shows a month and spend the a lot of time with his son who is a promising baseball player. This is the exact reason why many people privately want to work for TNA because of the lite schedule and the fact that Dixie Carter actually cares about the wrestlers unlike Vince.

    TAZ will be Joe's mentor for a while and then will replace West as color commentator.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    His WWE contract ran up and both sides couldnt come to terms on a re-negotiation, so he left. Rumors are hes TNA bound once his no compete clause is up.

  • RJW
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    he didn't renew his contract with WWE and there have been clues he will be on TNA after his no compete clause like Samoa Joe wearing the towel on his head and Joe doing all those suplexes

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  • 1 decade ago

    He decided not to renew his contract with wwe and has been seen at TNA tapings backstage.

  • 1 decade ago

    He got fired, WWE is just cutting back on everything.

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