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why do we force our beliefs on others?

I have asked this before but I will ask again

I have to say, I see it a lot with most Christians, if we do not agree with unbelievers we have to do it in a respectable manner the book of mark., even Jesus said "When you enter a house, stay in that house until you leave that town, If any town refuses to accept you or refuses to listen to you, then leave that town. Shake their dust off your feet. This will be a warning to them." -Mark 6:6-11

an example is the protest against president Obama's visit to Notre Dam, where people spend their entire time outside of the graduation to change other people's views on abortion. I am prolife and a very devoted christian but I have never felt at some point I have to force my believe on others..even Jesus Christ who is an example for us and we follow does not agree with forcing our believes on others .......Mark emphasizes it and if u need other scriptures I can find it as and respect one another irregardless of their views does not mean you condone it.

ANd lastly you dont have to fight God's battle for him


whatever it is should not protest forcefully against people that do not agree with us on issues.........look at the book of Mark.,

Update 2:

I never mentioned gun point

Update 3:

if they did the same does not mean we have to stoop to that level...afterall we cannot fight God's battle for him..that is why he is God

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It depends on how you define "force your beliefs on others". Jesus spent a lot of time talking about sin, judgment, and repentance. He spent time pointing out the sin in other people's lives (see the story of the woman at the well - John 4, the rich young ruler, his dealings with the Pharisees, etc..). But, yes, He still did it with love and compassion...but He never compromised the message of truth....and that message today still is offensive.

  • LD
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Sometimes we do go too far. But Notre Dame was a Catholic college, and for them to invite Obama would have been like the Jews inviting Pilate into the temple. As for forcing religion onto others because Notre Dame was a Catholic college the protesters had the right to protest there. It was really Obama who was forcing his belief onto the college. Lastly, remember that even Jesus forced himself onto the people when he made a whip and drove them out of the temple for desecrating it. Obama desecrated a Catholic college with his presence. I think Jesus would have drove him away with a whip if he was there. I would have liked to have seen that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Even John the Baptist spoke out against Herod and Herodias sinful union. He was not quiet about it. He was very loud and boisterous. He continued to tell them to repent of the union. Jesus knew of this. He never told him to stop.

    The people who stand up for babies lives are hearing from God just as you do. God will use people who are available. You do not believe in doing what they are doing. But that does not make them wrong to do it.

    These people are dying to self to do God's work.

    Read your bible again I think you have missed some very important info on walking the walk with the Lord.

    Jesus said Behold I give you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. And nothing shall by any means hurt you.

    You have a fear of man spirit on you. So you are afraid to step out and do what is right to save a tiny baby's life.

    I pray you find a way to be the man the Lord wants you to be.

    Faith without works is dead.

    Jesus called us to go out and lay hands on the sick, speak with new tongues, and set the captives free. If you don't believe that people who have a mind set that killing babies is for the good of the country then you best get some deliverance.

    We are not forcing our ideas on people. We are taking a stand for the unborn helpless babies being aborted by people too lazy to zip up their pants, and keep their pants on.

    It is inconceivable to believe that two consenting adults cannot understand that having sexual relationships leads to a baby.

    We used to be a civilized country but now I am not so sure.

    In China if they get a girl baby they drown her. Is that ok with you?

    We tried to put a stop to it. Because it is morally wrong.

    Please go pray because you need wisdom.

    God uses people to get things done.

    Look at the books of Timothy and read how in the last days men will be lovers of selves. It has happened.

    God sends us out to make a difference.

    I have the feeling you do not know the devil is real and is perverting peoples thinking.

    I will be praying for the Lord to open your eyes to the things you feel are not up to Christians. Because you believe wrong.

    God says when we are troubled by people that the battle is not ours but His.

    But I cannot find a place where God told us He does not need us to help.

    Source(s): Bible Knowledge of the Bible Believer ProLife Loves Jesus
  • 1 decade ago

    You write, "I have never felt at some point I have to force my believe on others."

    The problem, my friend, is that the strong and powerful are forcing DEATH on the weak and the helpless, and someone needs to help them. The Notre Dame thing came off badly because Obama is charming and used the event to make himself look even better. Attacking the slickest and smartest politician in the world probably is not an effective tactic, but the only thing being forced on anyone here is the death sentence that these monsters are forcing on these little babies.

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  • 5 years ago

    nicely no longer each physique follows the christian perception and for some reason maximum christian human beings think of each physique could stick to the comparable policies contained in the religion while all religions are distinctive,My neighbor is a christian and because I have been given my tubes tied she suggested i grow to be a woman of the international rather of GOD,because of the fact her faith says you will be fruitful and multiply,she knows no longer something approximately what i've got self belief approximately GOD,and he or she's residing in an exceedingly cramped 2 mattress room abode with 2 sons and 3 daughters who sleep contained in the comparable mattress.i would not prefer my youngsters transforming into up like that.yet because of the fact she lives via GOD it truly is high truly is 2006 and the international is already way too over populated and we don't could so fruitful and multiply to that quantity anymore.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is a big difference between forcing your beliefs on others and sharing what you believe. Your choice of terms is shallow. We are to be salt and light in the world. We are commanded to go and share the gospel and to stand against evil as good soldiers of Christ. We are to take unto ourselves the whole armor of God to withstand the wiles of the devil. THE Bible makes it expressly clear that THE GOSPEL IS AN OFFENSE TO THOSE WHO PERISH but to us who are saved it is salvation. Even Jesus was hated by those he came to save, and he taught that Christians would be hated because they are not of the world as he was not of the world. The scripture also declares that ALL who woudl LIVE GODLY in CHRIST JESUS would suffer persecution. We are in the world but not of it, and it is imperative that the short time we have here is invested in reaching out to a lost world before it is eternally too late. It is a biblical guarantee that this will bring hatred and opposition. WE DO RESPECT OTHERS RIGHT TO REJECT WHAT WE BELIEVE, but sharing our beliefs is a command from God which far too many Christians refuse to obey in this wicked generation.

    You would have a problem with reading Matthew Chapter 23 where Jesus is sharing what he believes with the Religious leaders of his day. He actually uses the words, "hypocrites (numerous times ), children of hell in verse 15, blind guides in verse 16, fools and blind in verses 17 and 19, blind guides in verse 24, full of hypocrisy and iniquity in verse 28, and serpents and generation of vipers in verse 33."

    In another instance he drove the money changers out of the temple whipping them and kicking over their tables while saying they had made his father's house a den of theives.

    Genuine evangelism and care for the lost involves risk of rejection and in some countries horrible persecution that ends in torture and death. We will not cease to make know the glory of Christ to a lost and dying world because it is our mandate from God.

  • 1 decade ago

    My friend, there is a difference between "forcing" and "protesting." Was anyone at gunpoint? Was there physical violence? Did anyone have somebody at the edge of a sword? Is it wrong to take a stand for what you believe? Ever hear unbelievers call profamily groups "hate groups?" Ever see homosexuals call people who disagree with them "bigots" and "homophobes" Did you see what Miss California and Sara Palen went through just for being supportive of traditional marriage. Were the people who attacked them with vicious words "forcing" their views on them?

  • 1 decade ago

    We are told to "go" and make disciples. Matt 28:18-20.

    If you are going to be an obedient follower of Christ, you need to be sharing your faith. You don't need to be forceful, nor arrogant, nor offensive, but we do need to "GO" and share.

    We are forced to accept others beliefs, but to the non-christian that's OK.

    Take for instance if my children go to public school they will learn allot of things that should not even be taught in school, such as that "it's OK to be gay!" well I disagree, and quit trying to force your perversions on me and my family.

    Quit trying to force me to accept that it's OK to kill the unborn, because it's not.

    I find that the crowd that cries for Christians to be "tolerant," are some of the most intolerant people around.

    Do I seek to please man or God?

  • robbie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You cannot force a belief on others. You may convince them but you cannot force them. So your premise is wrong. Convince a man against his will and he remains unconvinced still.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i'm with george carlin...

    there should be only one commandment:

    1. Thou Shalt Keep Thy Religion to Thyself.

    the time and energy that people would save, and could then spend on actually DOING good and benefiting boggles the mind.

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