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SurrepTRIXus asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

How do you tell the difference between a Black Russian Terrier and a Labradoodle?

Last week my husband found a stray dog on the highway (at 3 in the morning) and we're trying to figure out what breed she is. By doing a little research on AKC and other breed sites, I decided she sounded very much like a Black Russian Terrier. She is longer than she is tall, she all black with a few grey hairs, she has a wooly undercoat and curly/wavy hair. She also has thick hair on the bottoms of her feet between the pads and hair in her ears. She does not have the facial "mane" but it looks as though she was groomed at some point in the past and they could have been removed.

I was set to call her a BRT, but a friend of my m other-in-law's that works for my local animal control said she looks like she might be a Labradoodle too. She does seem to have good retrieving instincts, and since Labradoodles are not standardized, it's harder to say that she's definitely not one of them.

I'm looking for someone experienced with both or either breed to help give me some insight and characteristics or traits to look for. I would guess that she's about 9 months old based on how she acts, but I'm not an expert.

For those of you that might be concerned, yes I took steps to try to find her owner. I posted several ads and flyers and called animal control, my local human society, and the SPCA. She has a vet appointment Friday, because that was the earliest one I could get. Yes, I know what I'm getting into. My mother used to breed Irish Setters when I was a kid, so I know about high energy crazy dogs. I also own a dog already, so we do have the food, etc. that we need.


BTW, I have been looking into it, and I have not been able to find any BRT breeders within 200 miles of me. There is, however, a pet store in the mall that will order for you and sell you any breed you want. (it's a horrible place, but I won't get into that) I've seen Shiba Inu's, Labradoodles, and other breeds, so it's possible someone bought her from there.

Update 2:

I hate the practice of back yard breeding and puppy mills and designer breeds, but I think we should destinguish between lab/poodle mixes and labradoodles. A lab/poodle mix is bred from a lab and a poodle (an F1 generation pup), while a labradoodle is bred from two lab/poodle mixes (an F2 gernaeration pup). Although there is no standard, the F2's have much more predictable traits than the F1's. A lab/poodle might be an accident, but a labradoodle implies intention in the breeding.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I groom both a BRT and a few Larbramutts. And they are nothing alike. The BRT is a big heavy bodied dog. Built more like a Bouvier than a lab or poodle. The topcoat is very corse, undercoat is pretty thick. They are also rather rare, i personally know of 4 here in florida that i have laid eyes on. As for poodle mixes, Dime a dozen. I have also groomed a Labradoodle from the australian kenned of orgin and that dog sucked. He had a very nasty temperment, horriable hair that was always matted and very poor body conformation. His front feet pointed away from each other, very east/westy. Made his font end look like a seal, his legs were so crooked.

    I also disagree with the F1 and F2 breeding as it take 7 pure bred generations to make a breed, according to the Foundation Stock Registery.


  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    the black russian terrier is not a commen breed.

    How tall is it, the BRT is a LARGE breed at 27-30½ incs where as labs are 22-221/2 incs and standard poodles are 15 incs. so a labradoodle lets say up to 23inc.

    Also the BRT has facial fur with elong yebrows and beard which will grow back if cut. when brushed the BRT coat should be slightly waved not curly like poodle coated labradoodles.

    here are some photos of BRT

    But it is more likley a labradoodle

    not that im against cross breeds but Labradoodles and labXpoodle mixes are the same thing it doesnt matter if it was by accident or intentional they still crossed 2 breeds tougher which is the defanision of a cross breed The F2 gens are tecknicly muts as they ar a cross bred to a cross. they cant be classed as a ture breed until they can breed true (all look the same) for more than 5 gens, which they dont.

    From the corssbred club.

    "What’s the difference between a Crossbreed & Mongrel Dog?

    A Crossbreed dog is the result of a pure bred ***** mating with a pure bred dog of another breed.

    A Mongrel is the result of a Crossbreed ***** mating with a Crossbreed dog."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The chances of you finding a Black Russian Terrier are less then you winning the lottery.

    They are a very uncommon dog.

    Animal Control people have no clue in identifying breeds.

    Most likely its just a mutt, if calling it a mutt name like a Labradoodle makes you happy that is great. The fact that you like the dog is what matters.

    We have had several "doodles" come through our training class, all of them have been less then intelligent and have had extreme high energy. More like a Labrador in that sense, no good qualities of the Standard Poddle at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    a labradoodle looks a lot more like a poodle and has curlier hair.

    The Black russian has a face like a schnauzer or a wheaton terrier.

    Very different head shape. The Black Russian has a more rectangle head shape then the Labradoodle.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    F1 and F2 mean nothing. They are the SAME poodle/lab mixes.

    A l/p bred to another l/p is STILL half poodle half lab. This is no difference between the two except one has an ever higher overpricing than the first.

    And no F2 are not more predictable. If they were breeding with ANY sort of predictability the kennel in Australia that started all this would not have closed down the breeding program.

    Its highly unlikely that you have a BRT and considering that many of the poodle mixes have that same nondescript shaggy dog look its safe to assume the dog is some "designer" poodle mix.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Black Russian Terriers are pretty uncommon so the chances of you coming across one as a stray with no owner claiming it are pretty slim. chances are it is a mixed breed of some sort. As far as the person working at animal control saying it is a lab/poodle mix. Animal Control is notorious for improperly labeling even obvious purebreds as the wrong breed or a mix so I would say that is not a reliable source.

  • 1 decade ago

    Could you possibly put a picture up, that would make it quite a lot easier to tell. The best plan might be to find a BRT breeder and ask them to take a look for you but labradoodles and BRT look nothing alike!

  • Mary J
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Well as rare as the BRT is I doubt you found one. the likelihood is that you found a mutt called by BYB and puppy mills a Labradoodle. Thank goodness you found her and are taking good care of her, we need more people who will help a stray when needed.

    There is no distinction they are all mutts and should be referred to as such. Only BYB and Puppy mills spue out the propaganda that you are saying in order to sell there overpriced poorly bred mutts. They have no predictability at all.

  • 1 decade ago

    I really doubt that it is the beautiful but uncommon BRT. They are still pretty rare in the US.

    The hair in the ears and pads is more common in Poodles so therefore could show in the the mix

  • The BRT is a much larger and heavier breed. See image in link below.

    It should be much more substantial than a Labrador x Poodle.


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