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Is this the transitional species Creationists have been looking for?

Scientists claim to have discovered the common ancestor of humans, monkeys, and apes.

Can we finally put this evolution debate to bed?


@ Liberal -- Your 7 year old son must be much more intelligent than you.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People have filled museums with fossil evidence for evolution. Geneticists have produced volumes of evidence for evolution. National Geographic has even documented the speciation of a wall lizard introduced to a Croatian island over the last 30 years.There have been cases of speciation documented regarding various fruit flies.

    With the extant fossil record and all its transitional forms, the DNA evidence, and even the DOCUMENTED instances of speciation within our own lifetimes, do you *really* think creationists believe this?

    Nothing short of an alligator jumping up and turning into an elephant will get their attention, and even then, 75% of them will claim it's a lie spawned by Satan.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ah, did you look at it closely? It is just another monkey and depending on the strata in which it was found it may not really be that old.


    According to thew work of Dr. Gerald Schroeder of Israel, (And I must agree with him and his mathematical calculations,... They are correct), both sides are right and both sides are wrong! The problem is not the science it is the secular vs. religious that like kids on a playground won't admit that there could be other possibilities and they may need to be less rigid in their various fields.

    Somehow various Scientists and religious leaders have decided that they do not err! Hmmm, sounds like the same problems that real scientists and true believers keep running into --- thick skulls, low intellect.

    To quote Rodney King, " Can't we all just get along?"

    Source(s): Paleontologist and Religious Scholar, (frequently chased by mobs from both sides seeking me at the end of a rope! {SIGH, run! here they come again!})
  • 1 decade ago

    Not "the" missing link, it is "a" missing link, showing simply one transitional stage of insectivorous mammal to primate. There are thousands of such transitions from basal species known in the fossil record. And the article should have said primate evolution, not human evolution, since hominids did not evolve until 4.5 million years ago. But that's what you get when reporters rather than scientists write these articles.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its already been in bed for a long time, the creationists need to understand what the theory of evolution means, throwing more fossils at them won't achieve anything.

    They have denined thousands of fossils before this one, they will just deny its significance. They need to understand the basics of evolution before they can understand where this fossil fits in.

    I reccomend this video:

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  • 1 decade ago

    There are many transitional species. Creationists wouldn't believe evolution even if their god put on a movie reel how species evolved over time for them.

    "If any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant." 1 Corinthians 14:38

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The level of evidence accepted by the disciples of evolution is astounding.

    When some yayhoo finds something in the dirt and takes a pic, CNN reports that it's a "possible" common ancestor, and YOU come in here and want to put the whole debate to bed, you're demonstrating a level of intelligence equal to my 7-year-old son.

    This is the level of evidence evolution accepts as proof enough to brainwash our kids for 12 years. It's a good thing Creationists have the presence of mind to challenge.

    (Hint: no testing has been conducted on this fossil. It's a damn rock. You can't take blood samples, you can't take DNA samples, and the only thing left to go by are physical similarities. That's like saying I'm related to Barak Obama because we look alike! What a bunch of morons!)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    they claim alot of things that change about bi-monthly .. you wanna know what i think .. i think we decended from rat-like creatures .. why does it have to be monkies .. i dont even like most of them .. just the cute orangutan types thats it ..

  • 1 decade ago

    Please check to see if your question has already been asked before posting it.

    This article has been posted constantly all day today.

    It's a 1 foot, 9 inch monkey.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nah, the image that they want is much closer to human, wearing a fig leaf.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    On one hand there's a story about a sky-god who is his own son... and on the other hand there's scientific proof and tons and tons and tons and tons of evidence supporting it.

    And what side do they pick?



    ║Those who regard a freedom from the false morals and obsolete

    ║practices regarding sex or religion as debauched are doing naught

    ║but corrupting their minds with foolishness.

    ║My morals come from compassion; my compassion from

    ║understanding. And I seek to know and understand... everything.


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