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What the hell is wrong with the catholic church?

You claim to be the one true church yet you are constantly being rocked by sex scandals. One or two fine. But there are millions of scarred people in this world because of the Catholic 'Church'.


I not saying every other denomination is perfect. But you can't even compare the track record (a bad one at that) on Catholicism to any other denomination.

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As usual, the slew of lies flow forth after another Dan Brown book of lies and half truths.

    Do some real research into sex abuse scandals and you will find that as percentages go, the safest place for children is in the Catholic Church. YOU are more likely to sexually assault your children than a Catholic priest.

    The sex scandals in the public school system in the US alone are FAR worse and MUCH more frequent than in the combined Catholic Church world wide, yet where are the calls to shut down the public school system? Where is the outrage? Why are many of the offenders, the very teachers who rape our children, are not only released with a slap on the wrist, but are said to be victims of society?

    I strongly suggest that all you haters of truth would simply do as Jesus commands and stop pointing out the splinter in our eyes until you remove the logs from you own.

  • Daver
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    <<What the hell is wrong with the catholic church?

    Your first mistake is relying upon yahoo for your news. Yahoo is no beacon of journalistc integrity and, even places that are considered journalistic beacons constantly misrepresent the Church.

    <<You claim to be the one true church yet you are constantly being rocked by sex scandals.>>

    It is. Do you not know what the Bible has to say about the wheat and the tares co-existing in the field until the harvest?

    The field is the Church.

    The wheat represent the saintly.

    The tares represent the sinful.

    The harvest represents the second coming, when saints and sinners are finally separated and given either just reward or just punishment.

    A solid understanding of said parable shows how the Catholic Church can be the One, true, Universal, and Apostolic Church, even while some of the clergy are the tares.

    <<One or two fine.>>

    First, why is one or two molestations okay with you?

    Second, if one or two are okay, why not more?

    You, like most Catholic clergy and lay, should not tolerate any.

    <<But there are millions of scarred people in this world because of the Catholic 'Church'.>>

    Hardly. Most of "scarred" not by the Church but what they have been mislead to believe about the Church.

    Remember now, you're trusting Yahoo for your "news"?

    <<I not saying every other denomination is perfect. But you can't even compare the track record (a bad one at that) on Catholicism to any other denomination.>>

    Sure you can. Roughly 6% of the clergy are involved with the clergy sex scandals. That percentage is the same from denomination to denomination, secular organization to secular organization.

    With that it mind, one wonders why you are so tolerant of sexual molestation from all these other places, but totally intolerant of the Church.

    That's just it, I think - you're totally intolerant of the Catholic Church as a whole, and the clergy sex scandal merely provides you with ammo to voice your hatred of the Church.

    I say hatred because you're making a federal case over the victims. You haven't stopped and thought about your comments long enough to see that they make victims of ALL CATHOLICS.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Priests and other religious in the church take a vow of chastity, along with poverty and obedience. Because of chastity, some of the males such as priests and brothers break their vows, by engaging in homosexual relationships or become involved with a woman. Those who abuse children, will always be child predators. The vow of chastity

    is very hard to maintain because, we men have a very high sex drive.

    In the Schismatic Churches: Greek Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church their priests are permitted to marry. If their wife dies they must remain Chaste. Chastity in the Roman Church is for economic reasons. Religious in the Protestant and Jewish faith also have their sexual scandals. There are some very dedicated and holy men in the Church. Please do not judge all religious. They too are only human.

    Source(s): Being a former religious in the Catholic Church. 2 1/2 years and I left.
  • 1 decade ago

    Your assertions are false. The Catholic Church has no program to harm anyone.

    The Catholic Church is comprised 1/4 - 1/5 of the world's population. Many are affected.

    Last Sunday, President Obama spoke at Notre Dame at the bequest of the leaders of Notre Dame. Do you think it is good that the leaders of Notre Dame went against the leaders of the Catholic Church and invited President Obama to speak anyway? I hope you are as outraged at the leaders of Notre Dame as the leaders of these who abused these people since they also went against the leaders of the Catholic Church.

    The truth is, psychology was telling these leaders that therapy would help and change the abusers. Now that we know better, there are new policies to stop this from getting out of hand in the future.

    The same sex stuff is going on in the public schools today. Why aren't reporters on a crusade to stop it? Because this is politics and certain groups don't like the influence on politicals of the Church. Every week underaged women go into Planned Parenthood and are getting abortions, and the adult men do not get charged with rape.

    I recommend you get with current issues where people are literally getting hurt today.

    Source(s): Mistoday PRD for Peace
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) You claim to be the one true church yet you are constantly being rocked by sex scandals.

    Well, I'm not Roman Catholic, but it only makes sense that the largest Christian denomination is going to have the largest number of sex scandals. Realize that Roman Catholics make up more than half of all Christians, and that the other half is made up of several *hundred* other sects. Discovering that most Christian church officials who are child abusers are Roman Catholic is like discovering that most rapists are men instead of 14-year-old girls, or 13-year-old girls, or 12-year-old girls....

    2) But there are millions of scarred people in this world because of the Catholic 'Church'.

    Name 1,000 of them. Go ahead. What - can't even name 1,000? Then where does "millions" come from?


  • 1 decade ago

    why does it shock people that the church is full of sinners? the people are NOT the church. you are not the church. yes it's terrible the scandal is harmful, but it is the devil who tempts man, and some give in and sin. the fruits of the catholic church are not it's sins and sinners, but its virtues practiced and it's saints. too numerous to list here. from A-Z thousand of holy men and women. why don't you focus on the positive rather than the negative? look at the cross? It's a plus sign, a positive!! all you find in the negative is satan. in the positive you find Christ.

  • 1 decade ago

    read the report and not the attck you will see that there were 400 reports of 30 years out of 26 reform schools most the majority having to do with corpral punishment, which is not right but to judge the 1950s by 21st century stndards in that regrad would also be a mistake. the problem is with ap not hte church.

  • 1 decade ago

    This question has been asked since the idea of church was created. The "church" is actually all Christians in the world, and also referred to as the "body" of Christ. But we have corrupted the idea of fellowship, and it has lost its intention.

    Some use church to look down on people, stand out from people, use, abuse and hide other things from society. This is not just happening now, but throughout history.

    The key is to remember that where ever two or more are gathered in His name, to pray/fellowship, there also will be the Lord.

  • 1 decade ago

    Let me tell you something about what I'm learning in Bible class. In Relevation, a beast (yup, yet another one) with many heads and horns comes out of the sea. It is given power by the dragon (Satan) and one of its head is wounded to what seems beyond recovery (Pope Pius' fall). so, the Church is corrupt. I don't know why I've always tended to capitolize the Catholic Church, it really doesn't need to be, but its a habit.

    The Catholic Church grabbed power in the beginning of its time. The Pope's got power by leaving the people completely clueless as to what the Bible said, so people had to come to church to hear it. The priests and such (Christ's death meant He is the bridge to God, so priests, who were the bridge to God, were no longer need. Just church leaders. Once all the apostles died, though, people started getting priests again.) would mix up the Bible. They wanted money, power, and leadership over ignorant people.

    Martin Luther was a monk, so he could read the Bible. He saw all the things wrong with the Church and wrote the 95 Theses.

    The Spanish Inquisition was lead by two Popes. The first wasn't extra cruel and burned "heretics" at the stake. But the next one to come into power after the first died, Pope Innocent (great name, eh?) put the pear (oooh, nasty one!) and the rack and the water torture, and the burning, and way worse, into action. Anyone who was educated, heretic, or opposing would be tortured until death or "confession". If they confessed, they'd be killed. So, once captured - your dead.

    So, as you can see by its history, the Church has a bad foundation, making it to what it is today.

    Sin is everywhere, even in the best Christian. The people who did the wrong gave into it, sadly.


  • 1 decade ago

    What is wrong with you? A priest does not become a sex offender; rather a sex offender becomes a priest. If you were (I'm just playing devil's advocate to make a point) a child molester, would you try to become an electrician, or a school bus driver? My point is, it is not the religion or the Church, it is the freaks who enter the Church under false pretenses in order to use it wrongfully.

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