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Not So Much A Question As An Affirmation?

No, just a statement:

I am so very proud of this country for having elected this man - and so very happy that he is supported by such a tremendous woman.

This is the start of good times folks - I've been around long enough to be able to see when things are sh*t (the last administration) and when things are promising (the current one).

Hope everyone has a great weekend - and remember, despite our differences we are Americans and want what is good and right for this country.

Have a good day all,



To all those who agree: Thanks.

To all those who disagree: Thanks even more.

Place would be awful dull if we all thought the same way wouldn't it?

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Huh? Let me see. Bush was no good because of too much borrowing and too much spending. So, we elect Obama and he does far more borrowing and far more spending. Good times!

    Bush was no good because he did not withdraw the troops from Iraq. Obama, has not withdrawn the troops from Iraq and has increased troop strength in Afghanistan. Good times!

    Unemployment was at an all time low under Bush. Now it is reaching record highs. Good times!

    My 401k was worth twice as much when Bush was in office. Good times!

    Bush was bad for making us too beholden to China. Now we are five times more beholden to China and may even loose our AAA credit rating. Good times!

    Bush was no good because he did not try the Gitmo detainees in criminal court but in Military Tribunals. Now Obama is going to try them in Military Tribunals, too.

    Bush was no good because of the Patriot Act. Obama has kept it, too.

    Bush was no good because he intended to hold the Gitmo detainees indefinitely. Obama is, too.

    You know, Obama is doing pretty much everything Bush did with terrorist detainees and is Bush on steroids when it comes to deficit spending. Some how this translates to "Good Times" in your head.

    Sorry, I don't see it.


  • Helios
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Well... sure couldn't agree more. Obama is a real treasure. In my lifetime I've seen really shockingly idiotic presidents - so twisted with hate like Nixon - or so unbelievably stupid like Li'l Bushy. Obama's like a normal human being - except behind that is a very superior intellect - but he doesn't beat people over the head with it.

    Mr Cool - AND with a sense of humor.... How did we get this lucky!

    I can sure see how the abused and abusive, sick, disgusted, whining right wing nuts can't stand this guy! Obama isn't the usual sack of dog sh*t they're used to.

    And maybe - just maybe - something good is going to come out of all this!

    have two good days.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes John I do agree that we are all Americans and this weekend is Memorial Day and we should all remember why we celebrate this day. It is for all of our fallen soldiers and our soldiers in harms way today. I wish people would understand that Freedom is and was not Free.

    I am pleased that you believe better times are coming. I also have been around a long time and I do not agree with your assessment on that.

    But Truly have a nice celebration for with out these soldiers we would have never been the great nation we are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree with you 100% John, enjoy your weekend as well,


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  • 1 decade ago

    Obama is Mr. New World Order, he works for the global banker elites.

    At almost every stop, Obama has made clear that the U.S. is but one actor in a global community.

    Obama is controlled by people (e.g. Brzezinski) and organizations (CFR) whose aim it is to dismantle American sovereignty. Quite clearly Obama knows that.

    Obama has been chosen by the elite because of his oratory skills and powers of persuasion. The global elite have charged him with the task of convincing free people in America and elsewhere that one-world fascist government is a necessary thing.McCain is the same, a puppet, like most politicians, by the time Americans wake up it will be to late

    Source(s): I hope you have a great weekend as well, but don't tell me Obama is special, I bet I am older than you and both parties are for themselves, and their agenda, but if you want to believe the bought and payed for media, more power to ya, enjoy paying taxes?
  • 1 decade ago

    You are missing it ALL then John. The current administration in comparison to the last is stripping our freedoms by the second instead of by the day. No matter how you felt about Bush--Obama is worse by a long shot. Fact.

    You have a good day too.

    Happy Memorial Day, let's celebrate it as it should be celebrated: In honor of those that defended our right to HAVE differences. And the ones who still do. ♥

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You not only made my day, but my long weekend, my month and my hope, for the next 8 years. I extend to you all my best wishes for the long holiday weekend. Take care.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The very Best to You as well

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thanks for your support.

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