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What logical reason is there for homosexuality being a sin?

Don't say its unnatural. Plastic is unnatural. If it happens without any interferance by humans then its natural. And don't just say "cos God said so". Why did he say so, exactly?


Ginagirl, then why does it happen? If God is omnipotent, and doesn't like it, then he would stop it from happening.

Update 2:

Sun, I'm straight.


Update 3:

MOJ, thats not really a probability, is it? Because only one in ten people is gay. Its not like everyone is suddenly going to change their sexuality.

Update 4:

Vcat, drug addiction and sexual abuse are harmful to others. I don't see how homosexuality is.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If the inabilty to reproduce is a sin then all infertile people are sinners

  • Dr. D
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The logic runs something like this:

    1. All persons credit their lives to the heterosexual relationship. No person has been born from a homosexual relationship.

    2. All life is sacred and should be treated with respect. The act which creates life is also be treated as something sacred. Not only is homosexual sex considered a sin, but heterosexual sex is considered a sin when it is outside of marriage.

    3. God has created male and females as complements to each other. Women need the protection men can provide them. Their children need the support and protection of their father as well.

    Society has recognized that male/female marriage as their foundation for the family and the family as the central element of society. This is largely because of the male/female role each plays in rasing their children.

    Therefore the introduction of homosexual marriage is a threat to traditional marriage. It means that marriage must be redefined. It means that the traditional male/female roles must be redefined. And it makes meaningless the creative elements of marriage.

    One is left to wonder if life is sacred after all.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a variation on the Euthyphro dilemma, and it's a tough one to counter. Philosophers have been working on it for centuries.

    Is homosexuality a sin because God said it wrong, or did God say it sin because it is wrong?

    If it's only because God said so, then why should we listen to God? Your question enters the picture: what makes it a sin other than God's say-so? The standard is arbitrary and there is no real reason to adhere to it.

    If it is inherently wrong, then why not appeal directly to the ethic that makes it wrong? Why the "because I said so" mentality? God becomes unnecessary to the issue because there is a higher law than God.

    EDIT--Instead of thumbing me down, try resolving the dilemma. Smarter people than any of us here have been at it since Plato's day. It cuts right to the heart of Christian theology by questioning the source of ethics and morals. So wake up and try thinking. All I did was adapt a 2500 year old philosophical classic to the issue.

  • VCat
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    What logical reason is there for someone to be an alcoholic, drug addict or a sexual abuser?

    These individuals can't control how they feel...but that doesn't justify their behavior. We're imperfect, and we sometimes have to fight certain tendencies. The bible condemns homosexuality, and goes as far as saying, "men who lie with men will NOT inherit God's kingdom." It's written in black and white. 1 Corinthians 6:9,10; Romans 1:26,27

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hahaha, asking for logic in R & S, good one.

    Not gonna happen but nice try.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're asking why it is considered a "sin," so you are inviting a religious answer....expect a scriptural answer. God can read my mind, but I can't read His, so I don't know why He said homosexuality is wrong; I just choose to believe it.

    Why shouldn't I say it is unnatural? Just because it's devastating to your case doesn't mean it's irrelevant.

  • robert
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Cause some old Jewish guys 3000 years ago thought it was icky. Just like bacon, lobsters, and women's periods.

  • Mythos
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's contradictory for one.

    Simply because this generation of "thinkers" suppose they can change other people's minds by trying to re-define morality by changing the definitions of common words and phrases in no way changes the fact that homosexuality is ungodly and unnatural.

  • 1 decade ago

    God makes the rules.

    Some of us obey them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just as murder or lying; God deemed from the beginning what He decided according to what He thought; that´s why He is God, and you are not.

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