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Hitler was not the greatest military genius ever, am I right?

I just had a conversation with a friend of mine, and we got into a bit of Not only did she say that Communism was the way to go, she also said that Hitler was the greatest military genius in history. Please post examples the prove my point that he was NOT, and that he may as well have been one of the more foolish ones.

Also, please state whether you think any of the following were better strategists than Hitler was.







Sun Tzu


(I think that some of them might not be certified to be considered military strategists, but please bear with me, as I am working off of about three hours of sleep and my memory isn't the best.)


@ Theo whatever:

Yes, but did you actually READ the beginning? I had said that I was asking because of an argument I was having with a friend, which is why I wish to know. I understand that he is dead, but you can't just forget the past because the people involved with it are dead now.

Update 2:

Hello, I'm the friend and I'm not on drugs despite what Sarah says. My friend got the facts wrong. I said that Hitler was a military genius though he was not the best military person to come along. Futhermore, Hitler's intentions were not in the right place. He belived that Jews were the cause of all of Germany's problems. He did manipulate Germany and most other countries with his charasmatic speaking and taking big steps forward and then when people said he went too far, he took a small step back. His methods of conquering the world would have worked if he didn't make so many mistakes. I am NOT praising Hitler in any way, shape, or form I, believe that he could have been a great leader if he wasn't on methanfedimine. Thank you and good day.

Update 3:

Now that I've returned, she indeed DID praise Hitler and his military strategies. And I apologize for getting the facts wrong (supposedly), but nonetheless, he still was not an intelligent military person. And still, the question is valid because it still deals with Hitler's supposed military intuition. (He wasn't our Greatest Ally for nothing!)

[Post-script: Thank you to the person who said that she was on drugs, because even though she's not (that I know of, at least) I found that very amusing, and her reaction even more so.]

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Actually, a lot of the reason that the Germans lost WWII is because Hitler was a terrible tactician that let pride and ego usurp wisdom and tactics, and refused to listen to his Generals on many occasions.

    Of the ones you listed, I'd probably pick Sun Tzu. He literally wrote the book on the Art of War.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hitler was without a doubt the worst military strategist in the history of military strategists. He was a lunatic. After 1943 the British stopped trying to assasinate him because they realised he would do more damage to Germany alive than if he was dead!

    However Chuchill was not much better. The disasters of Gallipoli in WW1 and Greece and Norway in WW2 were his faults. He constantly sacked his generals and kept moving about troops.

    George Washington also wasn't much of a strategist. He only survived the revolution because his army retreated faster than the British could advance. It took half of Europe joining in on his side before he could win any meaningful battles.

    I don't know much about the rest so I will not comment on them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She's right about Communism but DEAD WRONG about Hitler. He was an evil insane **** who's risky gambles (invading Russia, killing Jews instead of directing the men and resources against the Allies) cost Germany the war.

    The military that won World War 2 was the Red Army with competent generals like Zhukov and a great leader: Stalin. They broke the back of the Nazi war machine and liberated Eastern Europe from fascism.

  • Roken
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The strength of the German Army and the reason for their early successes was the flexibility allowed to German commanders. At a both stategic and tatical level the commanders were allowed to choose how they would achieve their objectives.

    Only when Hitler continually took control of all decision making processes until there were no longer any checks and balances did everything start comming apart.

    His decision making process was self destructive and Germany destructed with him.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hitler was a private in ww1. he had smart generals and disciplined soldiers along with an industrialized nation and quality equipment.

    napoleon studied 3 military geniuses and combined the learning to use for his tactics. churchill was a politician, nothing military bout him.

    on your list, most were better than hitler, but some of them were not that great anyway.

  • C
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You need to add Erwin Rommel to that list. He was a General for the Germans in WW2 and was one of the most intelligent military leaders of the modern era.

    However, Hitler was NO military genius.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Practically all mainstream military historians consider without question that Genghis Khan, Hannibal of Carthage, Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar of Rome are the most preeminent military geniuses of recorded Human history.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well it is clear that your friend is a moron. not because he thinks Hitler was a good strategist, he was. he invented a brand new type of warfare. but he did let his success cloud his judgment and eventually was fighting on too many fronts. but communism sucks ***.

    Zachary Taylor is better than Hitler though. to go along with what you asked for.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    how can the greatest military genius of all time lose? so he was great just not great enough? that reasoning makes no sense

    so you can count out Napoleon, Hitler, and Lee

    the rest is just based on opinion

    *i see some redneck doesent like the fact lee was on the losing end lol

  • 1 decade ago

    He was no genius, he tried to invade Russia during winter. Anyone on that list was probably a better strategist.

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