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Christians, answer me this?

You claim that even if you do good then you can't get into heaven unless you're a Christian. An evil Christian does not go to hell, when a good atheist, or Muslim, or Jew, or Hindu does.

If this is true, then what is the point of the ten commandments, or the seven deadly sins? Why is there any sin other than "worshiping false idols"?

And also, can a gay Christian go to heaven?

5 Answers

    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Romans 10:9-10.

    This right here, this right here, will get you to be with God and His Son, Jesus.

    Don't let the Name "Christian" fool you.

  • 1 decade ago

    An evil Christian DOES go to hell.

    It's not a matter of how good you are;

    the person is being judged

    >according to what he did

    >>to what he was given.

    The point of 10 Commandments is to make humanity see that they still get to step on even one rule, and that's why we get to see that all are sinful.

    7 deadly sins was formulated by Roman Catholics, but Biblically, some of them are not exactly counted as sin.

    Gays go to hell because:

    1. they 'worship' a mental figure that they visualize as themselves

    2. they commit 'identity theft', stealing husbands and boyfriends from women.

    3. they're adulterers if they divert spouses' attention.

    4. they bear false witness because they consider themselves what they're not

    5. they covet to be what they're not

    and the hint that they dont repent of these things.

    If they're not guilty of such, they're not gays.

  • 1 decade ago

    first off define what "good" is. That's a loaded question. None of us are good. We all have good things we do with good intentions but we all fall short of complete goodness. That only leaves us with levels of good deads and acts. So we will "rank" in goodness, some more than others.

    Now as far as Heaven goes, it is a place of perfection, all good no part or parts of evil. If God were to allow "mostly" good people there then eventually it would look like earth. And earth isn't all that good. Even if you took the highest ranking good people and filled heaven up with them you would still see evil cause we all fall short and heaven wouldn't be what heaven is suspose to be, perfect.

    It isn't the Christians that are the elite in goodness, it is the one they follow or should I say try to follow. That is Jesus. He alone is worthy of heaven upon His own merits and goodness. He alone is Good, perfect and Holy. The phrase "washed in His blood" would fit in this equation. God knows us, all of us. He knows we can't enter into His kingdom in our current status. He is a just God, basically we don't deserve it, none of us! SO what He did was sent His son to the earth and the rest is history. He took our punishment thereby defeating hell for us, and He made it possible for us to be Holy and forgiven. Once you accept Him and ask for forgiveness He deposits His Spirit in you, erasing your past and making you new or "born again".

    True Christians are obvious, there are loving, kind, humble and giving. Maybe prior to being a Christian there were crackheads, a prostitute or homosexual. God can take us from what we created (in ourselves) to what He intended us to be in the first place. I say God has blood tinged glasses on when He sees His kids. If you have been washed in the blood of Jesus, when God sees you, He sees His Son, therefore recognizing someone Holy,perfect, and clean. Because His son made it possible by bearing our judgment. Once we enter heaven the final washing of all our sins are gone, vanished and we will receive new bodies and purified minds capable of being perfect and Holy so that heaven can be heaven. This is not possible thru any other god, law, or rule to being good. Because we were all born with the DNA of Adam a sinner. We all sin, all of us! CHristians, hindus all of us.

    This is a big question and a lengthy answer, my apologies.

    Can gays go to heaven, of course they can. We all sin even Christians that don't bear the sin of homosexuality, we still have our thorns/sins. We must not embrace our sin but try to give it to God for Him to work them out of us. Heaven isn't about being perfect it is about being close to the one who is perfect. Jesus CHrist.

  • 1 decade ago

    The question of "once saved always saved" has been debated in Christian circles for hundreds of years. It is still being done so. There are verses that teach if you put your hand to the plow (to follow Christ) and look back (as in longing for the worlds way) you are unfit for GOd kingdom. There are other places that indicate we as Christians can loose our salvation. Basically if we sin (i.e. do evil) but do it out of weakness then there is forgiveness and we will go to heaven.

    But if we sin because we just don't really believe Christ (maybe that person just accepted Him our of peer pressure or fear one day) But a true acceptance, true belief was never there. Then that is in question... Did they really accept Christ in the first place if so then they are not allowing Him to do anything in their life because they have turned back then they are in danger of going to hell.

    In short if you allow Christ to be active in your life you will not be evil. if you don't then you are making a mockery out of Him and His name.

    As far as the Hindu's and Muslims...No they will not go to heaven regardless of how good they are. Because it is not our goodness that gets us into heaven. it is Jesus IN US if he is not IN you then YOU have no right of passage because He is the only one who has right of passage and we are being piggy-backed in in HIs name.

    As far as the gays go it is just another sin so it gets no special consideration, if you continue to "go back" to your sinful sex then you are not allowing Christ to work in your life if you mess up from time to time but your attitude is one of trying to overcome that sin then your will be forgiven and you will go to heaven. (I used the word "you" not to imply that you are gay but because it is easy to explain that way)

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  • 1 decade ago

    an evil christian will go to hell u idiot. there are other laws because once uve chosen christoianity u cant just be **** until u die u bloody ********. and no gay christians cant go to heaven

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