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How would you deal with creepy neighbor?

I was bored this evening and looked up all the sex offenders in my neighborhood.I found out the old man who lives next door to me is a register sex offender for molesting little girls.He's on probation after a sentence.The guy is about 70,lives with his wife.They are both very friendly and even invited me in for coffee one afternoon.I felt he was odd but never thought anything of it.However,now I feel very strange and now that I know he's a "chester" I don't quite know how to deal with it.I know I can't stop saying hello,or being friendly but a part of me wants to just rip his head off cause of what he's done to children.I tend to be protective of children as I grew up in an abusive home.How would you deal with this neighbor as far as,would you still say hello or would you just totally ignore this monster? Am I being stupid about this?


I do not have children so I don't have to worry about him coming after my children,however,he is a high risk offender and lives in a place with lots of kids.

Update 2:

I think I should make myself more clear? I wouldn't ever actually harm this man,it just makes me feel weird now,knowing he did what he did.Also to clear up a statement made by someone on here,he was arrested and convicted of sodomy on two girls aged 8 and under.Not child porn,not something like that,but an actual act of hurting two children.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Pray for the sick,yes I know it is hard My stepfather raped me from age 6 to12,I would sleep with cans in front of my door because I was not allowed to lock it but when I did that he killed my pets in horrible ways.I prayed for him and talked to him about accepting far as I know he never did.but Joyce myer a female pastor gave me some wonderful survivor insight on what she was told to do concerning her abuser..and he cried and accepted jesus before he died..there is allot of stuff involved in abuse It is a circle my stepfather was abused your natural curiosity as a child becomes screwed up and warped you are tormented by nightmares of you doing horrible things and some people start to think well maybe I am evil because I dream these horrible things..It would take a million years for me to explain and I know allot of abusers use that as a excuse AND THERE IS NO EXCUSE but they are sick very sick and you would not allow a child to be around a sick person .So if you CAN pray for him. (do.)and to be honest the more you know about him the better you can protect any children from being infected with his sickness.A could not answer this question for reasons of her own.because he is old dose not mean he cannot damage a child.

    Source(s): I cannot even hear about chid abuse or abortion without trembling
  • Having never knowingly dealt with any sex offenders, I just don't want to come across the wrong way.

    Now first of all, I have no affinity for child molesters. I do not and can not defend their actions. I think they are one of the lowest of all beings. However, the other side is that many times there are those that are registered as such for really odd ( though perhaps not always wrong ) reasons.

    You mentioned he had molested little girls. Is this 100% accurate? If so, then...well I guess it most often doesn't matter but like I say, sometimes there are obscure reasons that get folks labeled as such.

    Overall, I would say just keep an eye out but remain as civil as can be. But good catch!!!!

    Makes me want to find a site to check out those possibly in my neighborhood...

    Source(s): What's that site?
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't think anyone should expect you to change in how you feel. I don't necessarily agree with you 100%, but understand, I guess. I would suggest that you just stop all contact with both of these people, other than the head nod for hello, etc. Ween yourself away from talking or associating with them over a period of 2-3 weeks. If you are ever approached by him, tell him that you found out about his history and are not comfortable.

    You'll have to decide whether you want to further ruin his and his wife's life by blabbing to neighbors. I see both sides to that also, and would decide by what my impression was of him, and how his lifestyle seems now. Never being forgiven for a mistake, or crime, is a tough way to some ways worse than a death penalty, and many hope that is exactly what it is. I'd have to know ALL the details before condemning someone that way.

  • 1 decade ago

    You must understand that pedophilia is a mental illness more than anything else. The people who molest children cannot control their urges. There are treatments available. Give your neighbor the benefit of the doubt here and assume that he's been successfully treated or that he's getting treatment. Do not judge by external appearances.

    Sending pedophiles to jail in the hope that this will make them stop offending is utterly absurd.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You're under no obligation to be his friend. On the other hand, you are not responsible for "dealing" with him in some way. He's just there.

    Since you have no kids, you're not really affected by his history or potential for abuse. You should keep your eyes open for bad signs - like him bringing little girls into the house alone, and that sort of thing.

    Other than that, just let it go. He's done his time and he's hopefully minding his own business, so you do the same.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a psychological statistic that no child molestor has ever changed and been completely rehabilitated.

    If I were you, there is no harm being friendly and saying hello if you bump into the guy, i.e. checking your mailbox, etc. I personally would not befriend him nor go in his house or invite him into mine. God will deal with him, his mental condition, and the repentance of his heart, on Judgement Day. Till then, you must take care of yourself. If you have friends over who bring their children with, I would definitely alert them about this guy.

  • Child Molester vs pedophile

    Where I live we had a woman that molested a young teenager in middle school or high school. her name was Jenny Lee Dinkel.Her husband was high profile and professional athlete, so it got alot of press...But she molested only one child a few different occasions, but I doubt there was any other victims..She served a few months in jail, and even violated parole, by going to a high school again..But I doubt she ever molested any other children...

    Buddy he is 70....If you harbor a sense of vengeance toward him..You'll be the one to get into trouble..If he hasn't committed an offense in decades as being hsi age he may never do it again..very unlikely. he's expectancy in the US is around 85 years of age...THere is a difference between a pedophile and a child molester look it up....Getting even with a pedophile is like getting even with a drunk or heroin addict...Pedophilia is a mental illness. Pedophiliacs often may never molest a child in their lifetime...Never know if your friendly priest down the street is a Pedophile, even if he never molested a child, and never will...Can you read minds?

    You can keep an eye on him, but should you rile up the neighbors about how a bad guy lives in your neighborhood.?

    I said too much...GIve BBG a thumbs up, I am only level one, so i can't, ... and give me the 10 points?..thank you

  • 1 decade ago

    OMG I thought I had the neighbors from hell. But you really do! I don't know. Make a pact with God above that you'll never rip his head off... ;) But yeah it would drive me crazy. Just stop smiling and looking at him - you have to be honest.... unless you're not sure he's this guy. There's nothing he's going to do to you for not smiling back. If he comes over and asks you for tea or asks you if everything is ok, just say "no thanks" and walk away. That's it.

  • 1 decade ago

    well, if you are kind-hearted and feel you can't ignore him, that's fine, but if they ever offer you an invite into their home, at least i personally would not take them up on it.

    i'd say keep your distance...regard them if you feel you must, but i would not tolerate a sex offender. i'd immediately tell him i'd rather not talk to convicted felons who have done such unspeakable acts to innocent children. -- that is what i would do at least.

  • hi-c
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    this is difficult. i mean yes what he did was horrendous but according to the laws of society, he paid his debt by serving prison but was it enough? if he's on the sex offender list, i'm sure other neighbors are aware as well. keep your distance from him. try to avoid him if you can. if he says hi, just say hi (doesn't have to be sincere) and continue w/what you were doing.

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