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Lv 753,703 points

Richard B

Favorite Answers13%
  • Yahoo homepage problem?

    Yahoo!'s homepage will not fully load. It get's halfway there and then freezes. The culprit here might be an ad for an Apple product which might be interfering with proper loading. Oddly enough, I can access my Y! email and other Yahoo! services. Anyone have some insight about what might be going on here? I've tried Yahoo!'s help pages but nothing there even remotely resembles the problem I am experiencing. Thank you for any help you're able to give. Yes, I did clear my cache and restart both my computer and my router.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products7 years ago
  • Why is Sochi such a mess?

    All the hoopla about the Olympics is great, but how come the media isn't reporting on the stuff at Sochi that isn't so hotsy-totsty: dirty water, hotels rooms not ready, ceilings falling down, manholes not covered, stray dogs and cats roaming the city and being killed on sight? And then there's all the stuff about the blatant persecution of homosexuals. How come we only get part of the Sochi story?

    4 AnswersOlympics7 years ago
  • IE stops working when in Google?

    I can access OK, but when I try to navigate to other parts of Google I get a message that Internet Explorer has stopped working and that Windows is checking for a solution. I've tried this five or six times with the same result. Anyone know if there's some kind of problem going on at Google? Usually things like this don't happen with Google. It's not happening at other websites. I did sign out and sign back in because that sometimes fixes a temporary glitch. Alas, my effort was in vain. Any help/advice would be very appreciated. Thanks.

    1 AnswerGoogle7 years ago
  • JPG Attachment problems?

    JPG thumbnails are not displaying properly. If there are a few then perhaps half will show. Also when thumbnails do show and are clicked on sometimes I get a "Sorry we can't display this attachment"; and sometimes when I click on a non-displayed JPG thumbnail the attachment appears. I don't know what's going on. I reported this to Yahoo! and got a canned answer which did not even remotely speak to the problem, though I did follow the instructions that were given. This problem crops up every few months and has been persisting for something like 5 years. I note that when I put a tracer on Y!Mail using cmd the third hop says "Request timed out". It seems there's something awry along the pathway. Could this be causing my problem? Any helpful answer is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersAttachments and Photos8 years ago
  • Does Yahoo! REQUIRE new customers to have a cell phone? What about those who don't have one?

    I hear several complaints that people cannot sign up for Yahoo! unless they have a cell phone number. Since not all persons have a cell phone I wonder if not having one bars people from signing up for Yahoo!. Can't people just use their land line phone number instead? Thank you.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail8 years ago
  • Internet Explorer version?

    How do I find out which version of IE I have on my computer? I've tried all kinds of things, but can't seem to find this. Thanks for any help.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Valentine's Day and guys?

    How come Valentine's Day seems to be always about her and never about him? That doesn't seem fair somehow. I mean, we need some affirmation that we're loved too.

    2 AnswersValentine's Day9 years ago
  • Government out of control?

    Lots pf people claim that the US Government is out of control, but few say in what way(s)? Can you give 3 objective examples of what you would consider to be out of control about our government? Please be specific and give references to back up your premise if possible. This is kind of like a survey, so the more who participate the better the results. Thanks.

    2 AnswersGovernment9 years ago
  • Anyone out there using Explorer 9?

    This new Explorer is ready to be downloaded, but before I do anything I was wonder just what other peoples' experience has been using it? Is it reliable? Safe?

    3 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Which of these is correct?

    I should of stayed home.


    I should have stayed home.

    Me and my brother went to the store.


    My brother and I went to the store.

    Please give the message to Jim and me.


    Please give the message to Jim and I.

    5 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Which is the correct sentence?

    I should of gone to the store.

    I should have gone to the store.

    12 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • William and Harry - what do you think?

    Boxers or briefs?

    (yes, it's ok to call me a perv)

    3 AnswersRoyalty1 decade ago
  • Restaurants in Berlin - any recommendations?

    My partner and I are going to be visiting Berlin for two weeks. We've done some restaurant research in several guidebooks, but we're wondering if anyone out there has any special recommendations for nice places to have dinner. Our budget allows for about 20-25 euro per person per meal. Vielen Dank.

    3 AnswersOther - Europe1 decade ago
  • A question about makeup?

    How come it's OK for women to wear makeup but not OK for a man to wear it?

    20 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Homosexual sin: what is that?

    What precisely is the sin of homosexuality?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do I get rid of about:blank?

    It pops up every now and then. I don't know where I got it from. I scan my computer daily using AVG which is pretty reliable. I'm stuck. Any ideas, suggestions, insights? Thanks.

    3 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Problem with pending messages - they don't display attachments.?

    I own/moderate 10 Yahoo! Groups for which I must approve all postings. I go to the Pending Messages and click a message but the .jpg attachment(s) won't display. What I do get is a message saying Python Error: <exceptions. System Error instance at [what appears to be a number specific to the individual attachment]>. Anyone have any insights about this? I've reported it to Groups Help and received an auto-generated response saying that I'll be contacted by someone. Should I just be patient here? Does anyone have any insights as to why this is happening. I've never had such a problem before. Thanks.

    3 AnswersYahoo Groups1 decade ago
  • Give the answer or explain how it's done?

    A lot of people ask for homework help; and I see that a lot of people answer the question by just giving the answer. Isn't it better to explain things or to direct the person to a place where he/she can find the answer than it is just to give the answer? Seems to me that giving the answer isn't really helping the person to learn using his/her own brain power. What do you think?

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago