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Let's go 1001 Night on Y/A the Classical Music Forum.A fairytale/fantasy question for classical music lovers?!?

Well,i think all of you know the fairytale of Aladdin's Wonderful Lamp(If not have a look on wikipedia).

Imagine you just bought a little old lamp in a second hand shop.You arrive at home relax while listening to your most loved classical composer's music.Than you unwrap your lamp and discover that you have to clean it because there's a little bit of dust at it.You rub the little lamp(like Aladdin and a loud bang leaves you back into a cloud of dust)

In the next moment you get aware of a djinni surrounded with little clouds of dust.The djinni looks at you and says:"Hello I'm Djinni Omar and you have freed me.You are now my new master.If you want,you have 3 wishes for free.You can wish whatever you like,well,that means

with just a few exeptions.The first is:You can not wish to have more than 3 wishes.Second is:You can not wish to have more wonderful lamps or other djinnis beside me.And third is:Your wish has strictly to concern classical music in some case,because my last owner was a composer of classical music and I enjoy this kind of music.So,your wish is my order. - Master!What are your 3 wishes concerning classical music???"

That's your question now.Feel yourself comfortable.Djinni Omar is now your servant.What are your wishes? - Have a lot of fun and enjoy.Thanks in advance.Namaste!

Stefan K.feat.Dr.Nirokay.


Edit:Erunno:Really interesting.A proper choice of yours.Thanks.Namaste!

Update 2:

@switch:A "time phone".Wow,wonderful idea.You give me always good inspirations.Thanks.Namaste!

@Zvarri:What did you say?You're not good at those questions?I don't see it that way. - Hmm? - My wishes?!?It would be inappropriate to tell you yet.

Neither do I want to influence anyone,who wants to answer this question,nor take him away the chance

to give a similar answer as I would do. -

Wait just a little bit.I promise to tell you all,what are my wishes.Thanks.Namaste!

@Kalibasa:Maybe you change your mind if you know Djinni Omar's former

owner. - Are you not curious about that

Kalibasa?None of you asked me this.

But O.K. have a guess who Djinni Omar's former owner was.I will tel yu who's right,if there is someone. - Oh by the way.I love your wishes No 2&3 best


@Dear Hafwen.I promise that I'll let you know my fantasies.But this has to be later because of what I explained to Zvarri.You took a good choice.Thanks.


Update 3:

@Alberich:Great ideas Alberich.For your last wish I would recommend you to include the cloak of invisibility from Wagner's"real Alberich ".You could escape if nessesary.Thank you so much.


@Stop&Think:I love your 3rd wish the best.Thanks.Namaste!

@MissLimLam:Djinni Omar just forced me to tell you on his behalf "Your wishes are my order,MissLimLam".Thank you.


@Del_icio:Dear Del.How nice to see you here.I love very much your wishes No.2&3.Well overthought ideas as usual

for you(The poor Islanders,haha).Thank you so much for joining.All the best to you.Namaste!

@Doctor John:How funny,hahaha.Splendid inspirations Dr.


@petr b:Oh dear petr.Always the otsider?A role you like?But if it fits you good why not.Maye someone has to be the outsider.Thanks for joining.Namaste!

Update 4:

@Alberich:Great ideas Alberich.For your last wish I would recommend you to include the cloak of invisibility from Wagner's"real Alberich ".You could escape if nessesary.Thank you so much.


@Stop&Think:I love your 3rd wish the best.Thanks.Namaste!

@MissLimLam:Djinni Omar just forced me to tell you on his behalf "Your wishes are my order,MissLimLam".Thank you.


@Del_icio:Dear Del.How nice to see you here.I love very much your wishes No.2&3.Well overthought ideas as usual

for you(The poor Islanders,haha).Thank you so much for joining.All the best to you.Namaste!

@Doctor John:How funny,hahaha.Splendid inspirations Dr.


@petr b:Oh dear petr.Always the outsider?A role you like?But if it fits you good why not.Maybe someone has to be the outsider.Thanks for joining.


Update 5:

Edit:To you all:

I clicked unfortunately 2 times while posting my replies,becase I wanted t correct a typing mistake.It has been posted 2 times,because of that.I can not understand why Y/A makes a difference

between the asker(Who can not correct mistakes of spelling)whereas the answerer has his option.It would be a good thing if Y/A would correct that.

@Hafwen:Oh I forgot to tell you what Djinni Omar pleased me ,to tell you.On his behalf I can tell you,that your wish counts as one.Namaste!

Update 6:

@Papagena:Djinni Omar just told me that he owes a giant magic carpet.So it won't be a problem to get all the Y/A regulars together.That would be a fabulous,unforgotten party.By the way.I love this 3rd wish.Hmm...maybe this is a good idea for a further question.I'll have to think about it.Thank you so much for joining.Namaste!

Update 7:

Edit :I'm back to chose a best answer

although it isn't easy.For me it's hell this time,because all of you gave so many fantastic answers.But I'm for choosing instead of voting. - But before I do,I will tell you(I promised)my 3 wishes if I had them.They are:

1)I wish that all people worldwide,have a

great knowledge and appreciation for the best pieces of classical music.Think about the consequences.For example

Yiruma and Carter Burwell would recognize what lousy weak "Songs"they

composed.And now while having taste to good music,they would either have to shredder their crap pieces,or compose them new and very much better.The teenage girldom problem would be solved at one strike,too.Great!

2)I go with Papagena's wish and would wish to invite and meet all the regular and wonderful people here on Y/A,having a unforgotten fabulous party(of course with the best ensembles of the classical music scene playing for us).

3)I wish to reach all my aims in this life!

Those are they.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ooh! Fun question! Why didn't I see this seventh period today at school? I must of overlooked it. That would of given me something to do.

    1. Have an endless supply of money to purchase all the classical music I want. This includes the purchasing of CDs, music downloads, opera DVDs, opera tickets, concert tickets, and the gas money to get those performances.

    2. Set up a program at our school for solely classical music education. First lesson will be simple; a song is sung to...

    3. Throw a party and invite all the regulars of the Y!A Classical section! Now I just need to figure out where to have the party...just not my hometown, it's the epitome of boring! Oh, and when can everyone make it? Sometime this summer sound good? :D

    Thanks for the fun, and I enjoyed reading everyone's answers.

    Edit: Are travel expenses included in wish #3?

    Edit 2: A giant magic carpet? Perfect!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I have wondered the same thing. How many would answer as derisively IN PERSON? Easy to sling insults through a monitor. If the question is so exasperating, why answer??? If you want to set someone straight on what is and is not classical or correct someone on what is a song and what is a symphony, then do so POLITELY. When I first started listening to classical music several years ago, I did not know the difference between a symphony and a sonata or a concerto and an overture. I went for months with only the first movement of Beethoven's Violin Concerto. I did not know there was more to it than one movement. I simply have not had an education in classical music. One can certainly receive a harsh education in classical music from many who have had the education, but I have learned that there are a lot of educated idiots on this forum.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh no, at first I thought this had to do with Scheherazade! Because I was going to say that we should put Yiruma in her place. We'd miss out on her stories, but on the other hand, we'd only have to put up with Yiruma for a night- he wouldn't have the talent to escape the axe!

    OK, three wishes (which is still a fun question!). I would never free the genie- if he has a taste for classical music, he needs to be enslaved forever. I would be certain to hand off the lamp to the other respected members of this forum :)

    1) Exile Yiruma, Eunadi, Cater Burwell, Bella, and people who use classical pieces in commercials to Saint Helena.

    Does that all count as one wish? Probably not :( Of course, that's only a temporary measure- more like them will always crop up tomorrow.

    2) Give me a time machine, so that I can take all the great composers of the past and give them access to the Berlin Philharmonic and a recording studio. (*dreamy-eyed*)

    3) Make one hour of classical music study mandatory in all elemnetary schools. We'll scrap the American Revolution- it's useless anyways.

    [Do other countries do this- repeating the *same* thing every single year? "The Stamp Act, the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, Bunker Hill and Concord and Lexington... it makes me nauseous now. I got yelled at by my teachers every year for reading during class- God forbid I should learn about Chinese history or read Newberry books!]

    Anyways, those are my wishes. I would kill for Mutter's talent on violin, but I also think it would lose its magic without the years of training :)

  • 1 decade ago

    1. To be a virtuoso pianist, prodigy composer and a music theorist teaching at a university by day and performing at night.

    2. To have my very own personal orchestra, ballet, opera company, and choir including any chamber combination of the best players/dancers/singers ready to play and record anything I wish (at any time of the night). Concerts will involve an audience of course! They will record in my own concert hall (built with the most beautiful acoustics ever heard) that is set up for recording by the best recording engineers, who will mix/master each and every recording (24 hour turn around).

    3. To somehow expose the entire population of the world to become more interested in the arts and truly understand and feel what art really has to offer.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    What a fun question! So Djinni Omar is my servant! What fun! There are lots of things I would wish for... It is soo hard to pick just three.

    1. To meet Senesino. Simply because I want to hear the castrato voice, and Senesino was one of the best. (Farinelli is too cliched... besides he was a castrato soprano, and wouldn't be able to teach me any awesome technique as it would ruin my voice, whereas Senesino was a castrato contralto, and that wouldn't be so bad for my voice!)

    2. For people to take me seriously... I am young but that doesnt mean that I dont know what I am talking about. (Obviously I dont mean you guys here on Y!A... I mean my music teachers.)

    3. To be a total virtuoso on ANY instrument that takes my fancy. Actually... no, my wish is: To be able to reach a virtuoso level on any instrument after having learnt it for one year. (First I will learn the lute!)



    Source(s): Crap, I just realised that I got my adjective/noun order wrong... (castrato soprano) I am too used to refering to these singers in Italian... like Castrati Contralti....
  • 1 decade ago

    (1) That I would be able to co-ordinate my feet for the pedals with my hands, and could become a great organist; obtaining the post at St.Sulpice in Paris(I was an utter wash-out on the organ):

    (2) Meet all the Wagner family - become friends with all them - and be given a life-time(what's left of it)pass, to all future performances at the Festspielhaus, Bayreuth.

    (3) Even though I've never conducted an orchestra, be given an appointment for the rest of my life as conductor of the VPO(what a riot that would be: probably would be shot before my first rehearsal).


  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, I don't trust anyone with the name Omar. LOL

    but! if I did.

    wait, I still don't...


    1. I would be a virtuoso at my favorite instrument (Violin)

    2. I would eternally be 17 (in order to study classical music (technicality?))

    3. I would have a "time phone" in which I could call any classical composer I wish as long as I have this phone.

  • Z!™
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm not good at questions like these, but what the hey.

    1. I would wish to own all types of musical instruments in the world and be able to play them. I only play 3 instruments, but that's not enough!

    2. I would like to bring Ravel back to life so he could compose more masterpieces for the world to enjoy.

    3. I would wish to own my own orchestra with my own concert hall. I would be the conductor.

    What would your wishes be Stefan?

  • Erunno
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    1. To have the time in the world to listen to at least 1/2 of the composed classical music from all of history.

    2. Meet Grieg (my favorite composer)

    3. Be able to have the skills of a mastered pianist, and perform well (maybe a Rach. concerto)...'cause my musical skills are limited, and I wish I could improve them. I know I will never be able to master a Rach. Concerto, but if I could look at one page...well..

    But if this wasn't about classical music:

    1. Genie rules don't apply

    2. A thousand more wishes! =D

  • 1 decade ago

    1) to have enough money not to have to work and pursue my musical interests to the full. This would include continuing my quest to champion undeservedly neglected music, catching-up with my CD reviews (my backlog pile for MusicWeb International is growing ever higher!) and to simply listen to more music (of all my favoured genres).

    2) to outlaw 'new age' muzak and banish all perpetrators of this musical outrage to a small island full of excellent electronic Yamaha pianos but no electricity supply.

    3) to resurrect a composer who died far too young so that they might realise the promise they showed during their short life. The contenders (for I cannot make up my mind) would include Mozart, Schubert, Arriaga and Karłowicz.

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