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do you need to be baptized to have gods Spirit in you ?

i have been save for 7 years i what to know how to get the holy Spirit

how do you know if gods talking to you i pray and talk to jesus but im not sure if he speaks to me i now he speaks through bible i do what to be baptized if i do will receive the holy spirit


when i was in middle school my frerind told me she was the child of god she told me alot abotu jesus but she forgot to tell me how to get jesus to come inside my heart and be lrod of my lfie than theyear later in th grade my mothe signd me up fro clases so i do coumion [shes caithlic] i went to those i learnd alot abotu jesus and thean we were waching a moive and the ytalked about askign jesus to come into your heart and be lrod over oyur lfie so idid that i was 13 so ever since i was saved i got an adult bible a year alter i read every day for a time than stoped reading it i hadn't been reading it i wetn to chruch i went to youth group than wehn i turned 18 i got clsoer to god i started readign it again

Update 2:

when i was in middle school my frerind told me she was the child of god she told me alot abotu jesus but she forgot to tell me how to get jesus to come inside my heart and be lrod of my lfie than theyear later in th grade my mothe signd me up fro clases so i do coumion [shes caithlic] i went to those i learnd alot abotu jesus and thean we were waching a moive and the ytalked about askign jesus to come into your heart and be lrod over oyur lfie so idid that i was 13 so ever since i was saved i got an adult bible a year alter i read every day for a time than stoped reading it i hadn't been reading it i wetn to chruch i went to youth group than wehn i turned 18 i got clsoer to god i started readign it again

11 Answers

  • Shogun
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yours is not an uncommon question, unfortunately. Too many religions never explain salvation properly. Hopefully you were not the victim of some youth minister, whose job it is to get young kids, get them emotionally upset over the death of Christ, have them recite a prayer with them, and then declare them saved. While your actions were probably sincere, you are not saved. You are also not saved by a Preacher who basically does the same thing with an emotional sermon.

    Being baptized does not bring the Holy Spirit into your life. Too many times it just insures your membership in a specific church. Salvation is the supernatural act of the Holy Spirit entering a persons life and soul. It isn't about God talking to you, it's about God taking over your life and beginning to teach you to alter your behaviors to be more in tune with what he expects of you. This salvation can occur at anytime in your life, but it can't occur unless you open the door. You must through prayer and meditation with the Lord surrender your life to Jesus Christ. This may not happen the first time you ask, but it will happen if you do not loose faith.

    You will know when you have a relationship with Jesus, because you will also have a relationship with sin. When you sin you will feel almost immediate disgust with yourself and long for the time to pray for forgiveness. You may still question whether you are saved or not, but if you possess this disgust for sin and an unwavering love for Christ, whoever you ask will know the answer. Go with God.

    Source(s): Student of the Catechism
  • Fat
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Absolutely not! Baptism is a symbol of being washed by God. If you have asked the Holy Spirit to come in you, and you have asked Jesus to forgive your sins, you have already received the Holy Spirit!

    I'm hoping to be baptized soon too :)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Your query is difficult and the reply is relatively problematic. Jesus is the God of the Old Testament. He is the one God that treated any person. 1Co 10:a million Moreover, brethren, I might no longer that ye will have to be ignorant, how that each one our fathers had been beneath the cloud, and all handed via the ocean; 1Co 10:two And had been all baptized unto Moses within the cloud and within the sea; 1Co 10:three And did all devour the identical non secular meat; 1Co 10:four And did all drink the identical non secular drink: for they drank of that non secular Rock that adopted them: and that ROCK WAS CHRIST. Joh five:37 And the Father himself, which hath despatched me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor visible his form. John the Baptist were telling the men and women that one larger than himself was once coming. When Jesus was once baptized the descending dove was once a signal to John that Jesus was once the only he were advised of. Jesus already had God's spirit with out degree earlier than His start. He was once despatched to "display" the Father to us. Luk 10:22 All matters are dropped at me of my Father: and no guy knoweth who the Son is, however the Father; and who the Father is, however the Son, and he to whom the Son will display him.

  • 1 decade ago

    God's holy spirit is given to us when we repent and accept Jesus and his sacrifice for our sins. Just like the people at pentecost were given God's holy spirit BEFORE they were baptized so we could do the same. I know of some people that were given God's spirit after they were baptized so I guess it's up to God to decide.

    When you pray, do as Jesus said to do and pray to God, not him. When you ask something of God, do what Jesus said to do and ask in his name. We are to worship and pray to God only and honor and praise the Lord Jesus. This is what the bible and the apostles teach.


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To me baptism it just a technicality. I was baptized but I dont think putting water on someone makes a difference in the eyes of God or Jesus, He would never turn his back on someone just because they werent baptized. Sure i was baptized, made communion and confirmation but seriously I dont think it matters because God loves all his children equally if you want to talk to Him, He is listening.

    Source(s): I am a very strongly religious person.
  • 1 decade ago

    That's what the say...but oh my god! When I got baptized(didn't want to be) we were in a public lake and there was a snake in the water and the Preacher left me in the middle of the lake where the water was up to my chest with the snake and ran. HE LEFT ME AND RAN!!!!!!!! i was twelve at the time. Dude totally sucked. I'm not Christian anymore though so it fine.........but seriously.......

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree 200% with what "I need a better screen name" said.

    There is nothing that we can "Physically" do tp be saved, get to heaven, better our relationship etc.... There is no magical water, or magical act or ritutual. Its all in the Heart. Truly trust & Believe in Jesus, and ask him to forgive you of all sins past, present, and future, and invite him into your heart. He will be there in a flash!

  • 1 decade ago

    Since not enough details were given about how you got saved in the first place I can only answer this in generalities. There a lot of different varieties being preached out there nowadays to get you to walk the aisle to get you saved. Since you go to a church -- maybe -- it doesn't teach you about how every believer is baptized by the Holy Ghost when they get saved I can't take it as gospel that they told you according to the Bible how to get saved.

    Even the churches I go to has a controversy and how to lead someone to a saving belief in Jesus Christ. Basically, Christ died for your sins and he paid the debt for your sins and he did that with his blood.

    Ro 5:9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

    Eph 1:7 In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

    Col 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:

    We are forgiven by accepting Jesus Christ's payment for our sins. I know this is basic but you'd be surprised how many people I have run acrossed they do not feel like they have the Holy Spirit in them and when I pry into their history of how they got saved it always turns out that they never accepted the blood as their as their payment for their sins.

    It is with this blood that the baptism of the Holy Ghost happens.

    So the answer to your question of do you need to be baptized is yes but, you need to have the spiritual baptism of the Holy Spirit in order to be saved and in order to have the Holy Ghost in you. It is this baptism of this blood by faith in God's word that allows the indwelling of the Holy Ghost.

    Col 2:10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

    11 In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ:

    12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.

    Eph 4:4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;

    5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No I haven't been baptized and I have the Holy Spirit in me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hear the voice of a spirit that claims to be God™.

    He say's He has been here since my conception. If that answers your question.

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