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How do I make a cheese sauce to put on baked potatoes?

with broccoli? i don't have Velveeta or Cheese Wiz. I just have like a block of chesse to grate up. How do I make a creamy cheese sauce to put over baked potatoes?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cheddar type cheese or Monterrey Jack I hope!

    Warm it slowly /stirring with milk and butter to desired consistency...

    or sometimes I bake my potatoes with skins, scoop out the soft potato leaving the skin as a cup, I then mix the potato that I mashed with cheese sauce used for pouring over Nachos, and add cooked/steamed fresh broccoli. Then I mound up the mixture into the skin cups, place on an olive oil basted cooking sheet and bake in the oven for say 15-20 minute to warm up and slightly brown....homemade twice baked can add mushrooms also!!! YUM!!!! A great side to a meat dish.

    Source(s): I love to cook and do so every night for my family. The family that EATS together, stays together!!! I made homemade potato salad for tonight and will serve it with cranberry BBQ chicken, fresh thin sliced zucchini and julienne carrots lightly stir fried in a hint of olive oil with chive from my garden.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Make a white sauce by melting 3 Tablsp butter in a sauce pan and add 3 Tablsp. flour. Cook over med heat for 2 minutes stirring frequently. Then slowly start adding 1 cup of milk. When milk is all in let cook for a few minutes till it starts to get thick. Then add 1 tsp. worchestire,a little salt and lots of pepper. Right before serving add 2 cups shredded cheese and cook on low heat till melted.

    This is a good cheese sauce and you can use any cheese you like:cheddar,swiss,Gruyere

  • 1 decade ago


    2 tablespoons butter

    2 tablespoons flour

    1 cup milk

    pinch of nutmeg, salt, and pepper

    1/2 cup shredded cheese

    Melt the butter in a saucepan over low to medium heat. Using a wooden spoon, stir in the flour and mix well. Continuing stirring over low heat for two minutes.

    Using a whisk, and continually whisking, add the milk in small quantities - about two tablespoons at a time. Make sure that you fully incorporate the liquid before adding more - this way you will get a smooth sauce.

    After you've added about half the milk, pour in the rest and give the mixture a good whisking.

    Continue to heat the sauce on low to medium heat, whisking often. Cook just to below boiling until the mixture thickens.

    Add the cheese about 2 tablespoons at a time, thoroughly incorporating each addtion.

    Remove from heat and whisk in nutmeg, salt and pepper.

    Makes about 1 1/4 cups sauce

    This is the best and most simple recipe :)

  • 1 decade ago

    If it is cheddar it will stick to the spoon and be kinda lumpy, but u can use it if u use about 1 c milk, 2T flour and 1/2 c shredded cheese. To give it some of the Velveeta taste add 1/4 t mustard powder, 1/8 t each garlic and onion powder. If u don't have it don't need it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Make a simple white sauce and add the grated cheese to it along with other spices like pepper, salt, onion, and garlic.

    In case you don't know how to make white sauce:

    Get a medium sized sauce pan. Melt 3 tbsp butter and add 2tbsp flour. Mix the two together to form a batter like consistency. Use a wisk. Slowly add milk(it's best if the milk is already warm) to the mixture. About 1 cup of milk should be enough. Bring the entire mixture to a boil (use medium heat). Add your spices. The mixture should thicken to a pudding like consistency(perhaps a bit thinner). Gradually add in the cheese. Taste it and add whatever additional spices you might like. My mom also likes to add a wee bit of mustard to her sauce.

  • 1 decade ago


    Cheese Sauce

    2 1/2 cups milk, divided

    2 tablespoons cornstarch

    2 cups shredded Colby longhorn cheese

    1/2 teaspoon garlic salt

    1/8 teaspoon ground red pepper

    4 drops yellow food coloring

    In a small bowl combine 1/2 cup milk with cornstarch; mix well and set aside.

    In a medium saucepan over low heat, combine cheese with 2 cups milk and melt. Stir in garlic salt, red pepper and food coloring. To the melted cheese add the cornstarch mixture and stir well.


  • 1 decade ago

    Basic White Sauce

    2 tablespoons butter

    2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

    1 cup milk

    In a small saucepan over medium heat, melt butter. Add flour and stir until the butter and flour are well combined. Pour in milk, stirring constantly as it thickens. Add more or less milk depending on desired consistency.

    ** Cheese Sauce: **

    To hot white sauce, stir in 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese, stirring over low heat until melted.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmmmm...Take the Cheese Block, cut it into small pieces...throw it into a pot, add a little milk and let it cook over medium heat. Make sure you add the milk first (you don't want a lot of it, just enough to get the cheese to get runny...

    Hope it helps

    Experiment in the's fun!!

  • 1 decade ago

    If it's in a block, chances are that it is cheddar. Cheddar won't melt good for a sauce. I suggest you shred some on your already baked potato & put in microwave & heat or back in oven to heat until it melts.

  • 1 decade ago

    hi, you can see this website to see how to make:

    Stuffed Baked Potatoes with Cheese Sauce Or....


    1 stick butter

    1/2 c. flour

    1 tsp. salt

    2 c. milk

    1 (10 oz.) pkg. sharp Cheddar cheese

    Melt butter. Remove from heat, stir in flour and salt until it is smooth. Slowly stir in 2 cups milk, until well blended. Return to heat. Add cut up cheese, stir until this all comes to boil and is thick. Remove from heat.


    Enjoy !

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