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Looks Looks and Again Looks.?

You know how its funny when all the girls say personality is the most important quality a man possesses. But to a question on what you had to choose face body, personality, intelligence etc: about 99% of all of them say #1 looks. And I mean not just the body but significantly the face.. I say 99% because there at least some decent girls that honor personality.. But a huge majority of all girls just go for looks. And if you are wondering why are there so many unattractive guys with great personality, intelligence, great heart, single.. Well there is your proof. I encourage all to write honest answers. Thank you all

20 Answers

  • jenius
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lets face it men and women are first attracted by looks..that gets your/their attention first and intrigues them to want to meet and know more. Seriously though personality really is more important good looks only get a person so far if they are jerks or idiots.

  • 1 decade ago

    Can't argue that looks are what girls are attracted to in the first place. Unfortunately there are shallow girls that want to be with the 'hot guy' and stay with him for that reason. In our society people are judgmental and place way too much importance on looks. That will only get you so far though. It's just too bad that they can't see beyond that to find out how great an average looking guy can be.

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Its not that all girls want JUST looks. Some do, but a lot dont. I mean think for an example, if you met a girl with an amazing personality and wonderful sense of humour but there was no attraction there.

    It wouldnt make for a very good relationship if you dont like what the person looks like, right?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    im an 18 year old girl. and i will honestly say looks arent everything to me. personality is a great thing you have to have a good personality to be able to stand being with someone.

    but! looks do count you don't want to be mackin on some dog.

    and ive had my share of hotties and notties and let me tell you the hot ones...suck haha

    they become so consumed in themselves and they're rude ignorant and just ughh!! freaking annoying!!

    all you girls out there who haven't learned this..

    its better to have an average man with a heart of gold and a great personality who will treat you right

    rather then having some trophy bf who would drop you in a dime for someone else or for himself..

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You know I kinda agree. I mean personality is very important, but when a girl meets a guy his looks are the first thing she notices. If he is cute, she will communicate with him in a different way than she would if he weren't as easy on the eyes. It sucks, but that is how the generation is right now.

    Source(s): Experience with men.
  • 1 decade ago

    I couldn't care less about a guy's face, as long as he doesn't try to make himself look tough (im just personally not into that look)

    But honestly, body matters to me

    I like a guy with an attractive body

    but ill only truly guy out if im friends with him first(meaning I'd have to like his personality anyway for us to be friends)

  • 1 decade ago

    Well...I will like a guy who is sweet and caring and loves me. But if he's hot along with that package, I just like him all the better!!

    Besides, guys can be the same way towards girls when it comes to looks. It all just has to do with society.

  • amy
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    Well u need to have physical attracted to someone your dating so looks play a small part. But for me it's only a sliver of importance a lot of people say my bf is ugly but I don't care. He is hot to me and his personality is wonderful. He treats me well. The same friends who said my bf is ugly are the same ones whose bfs and gfs treat them like **** everyday. Even though they are supposedly considered hot

  • 1 decade ago

    That is very true...

    Imma girl but even i'll admit looks matter in a way.

    I'm not ALL ABOUT looks like most girls are.

    Usually the guys i go for are said to be "ok"

    by most of my friends. But yes it's bullshit

    that girls care only for "personality"..

    Ur absolutely right.. [:

    Source(s): I'm 16...
  • Teresa
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    dude stop asking. just put hte new pix in the same question as additional info. gain confidence A. go to a stylist and tell them to make you look good. then just lose a lil weight, work out, clear your face up and you'll be fine.

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