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Julia S asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

Get fit without losing weight?

I'm overall happy with my body shape and size. However, I am kind of out of shape. I'd like to tone up (and maybe lose some of the jiggle in my wiggle) but I really don't want to lose much weight. (I can't afford to buy new clothes, and some of mine are already a little bit loose on me.) I could lose up to about 15 pounds and technically not be underweight, but I am pretty close to my "happy weight."

Strength and flexibility are important to me and will help me with my current hobby/fitness activity (a rather acrobatic form of dancing), so I definitely will do some weight training. But how much cardio should I do?

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    just exercise

    if you don't want to lose weight though

    i would like eat more or something

    replace the calories that was lost

  • 1 decade ago

    hey i am like that, i like my body and have no intention to change my shape. it is possible hun.

    What i do is run 7miles a day 5 times a week. then i bike about 15miles over a week, and i box almost everyday as i have a punch bag and i skip, you may find you could gain a few pounds, but only because muscle is heavier than far, it tones up your body perfectly, as running with the legs and stomach, boxing with the whole upper body and biking with butt and legs. I lost some weight at first, but then i put it back on through muscle.

    you could also try swimming, yoga or a sport you enjoy. The three i do i love and biking helo with running as it builds up muscle fast.

    I am not a freak lol, i don't have this disgustine muscles, but my stomach is lovely and tones and no i do not have abs haha. i now feel very comfortable with my body and i am so fit with a resting heart rate of just 54 beats to the minute.

    I got all of this advice from fitness trainers.

    Source(s): own fitness
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    It depends what you want from your body. If you want flexibility, suppleness,balance,etc try yoga or tai chi, if you want to get toned (muscle definition) you will need to do some sort of resistence exercise. If you increase your muscle mass by resistence exercise, you may gain a little weight which will be muscle mass, usually doing high reps will not add as much muscle size as lower reps. This also depends on your metabolism and how your body responds to training, everyone is different and you need to stick to a routine for a couple of months and see how your body responds ( in this time you will usually see a physical change or a change in weight). Ask the Doc, which may be easier.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi Julia,

    Just reading some of these answers makes me head for the lounge chair, iced latte in hand.

    If you are doing acrobatic dancing, you may not need to add any cardio at all. My advice is find a nice beginner-level yoga routine, stretch and flex until you feel moderately challenged--not to the "ouch" level, and do it 4-5 times a week. Enjoy it and the rest of your life along with it.

    Not incidentally, you're the first woman I ever heard say that she is generally happy with her body shape. More power to you!

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  • 1 decade ago

    you should probably do about an hour of cardio tops a day. go to a really good gym and tumble for an hour...or run. u need so much endurance for dance its rediculous. when im competing i usually run out of gas after a big contortion trick, work on breathing in tricks..or stretch. go to an extra ballet class or two. yoga can also help strengthin your back for tricks, as well as help you lose weight

    good luck :)

    Source(s): a pro acrobat dancer
  • 1 decade ago

    For cardio:

    2 days of steady-state for 30-60 minutes

    2 days of HIIT (12 minutes of sprint 30 seconds light jog/cycling/whatever 30 seconds) with 5 minute warmup and 10 minute cooldown

  • 5 years ago

    Stand up and walk atleast 5 mins after evry 2 hours while working

  • 5 years ago

    Find the right diet for your individual body because there are many ways are there to lose weight just find what works for you

  • 4 years ago

    steer clear of food porn

  • 5 years ago

    pass on pop youll be amazed by how much weight you drop by simply switching to water

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