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Joey A asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

How does this solution to global warming sound?

Even those mini fans can help out too.


Just the other day I walked outside and noticed how hot it was. I thought to myself, "Wow this global warming stuff is getting pretty serious". I sat down to watch some television and that's when I got the idea. I hypothesized that the best way to combat global warming would be global cooling. I opened up all the windows in my house and put my air-conditioning on full blast. Then I threw ice cubes all over my yard and turned on all the fans. I even left the freezer open. I know it's brilliant, but it gets better. You know how car emmisions cause global warming well I came up with a solution to that. I bought a bunch of drums of gasoline and lit them on fire. Now cars won't be able to pollute the enviroment. I always carry an ice-pack around with me too. The only real vacation I will get is during the winter. Man! I sure will be busy this summer. If any of you wat to help then feel free.....just doing what I can to help out.

Update 2:

Even those mini fans can help out too.

14 Answers

  • Rio
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you put one of those new eco friendly light bulbs in the fridge. Your now considered a true environmentalist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Believe it or not, scientists have thought of using massive air conditioners to reform the polar ice caps.

    But in the end, it is best to find a way to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as CO2 and methane.

    Source(s): Popular science
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like your thinking. Here was my approach

    Global warming is happening, it is real, we are all doomed if we do not act today. Speaking of acting today, I have trees to lease. Yes you too can save the planet by leasing a tree. Trees collect nasty CO2 and release nice loving oxygen for the birds and the squirrels to breathe. Act now to get a good tree. Please send me $29.95 US and I will send you a picture of your very own tree.

    That was the contents of my post that got a terms of service violation because I had the temerity to make a joke about the dour humorless fanatics and their little Jim Jones town cult.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    maximum of folk have defective perspectives in this subject. starting to be greater flowers isn't a protracted time era answer to resolving climate substitute. What you're speaking approximately is widespread as bio-char carbon sequestration. It ability instead of carbon being saved in flowers (which die --> decompose --> and the carbon is positioned returned interior the ambience) the carbon is saved in stable variety and could final for thousands and thousands of years. it extremely is the long term era answer to international warming.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well...yes, global warming is getting pretty serious but what you're doing is unfortunately not helping the planet. It is killing it and making it worse(sorry!). Global Warming is about more than just the planet being too hot. The ozone layer is being destroyed, and everything is happening like this because we're USING TOO MUCH ENERGY!!! Everything you're doing WOULD be great, but it is not helping because it's using tons of energy. Your freezer is supposed to stay a certain temperature, so since you've been leaving it open, it is working overtime and using like triple the energy. Lighting gas on fire is bad, too, because it wastes money(your's) and gasoline, a non-renewable resource, which SHOULD not be wasted and they'll just need to get more if you keep lighting it on fire. Global warming still occurs in winter, too, you know. The air conditioner, again, uses a TON of energy. When you get a chance, walk up to your air conditioner or the main unit thingy for it, and touch it. See how hot that is??? ice-packs aren't really going to fans, again, energy, even if they run on batteries. Even the energy-efficent stuff uses energy, so just leave it be. If we used less energy, the problem would be solved.

    Source(s): Me and my friend(training to be something to do with the environment that has a long name and sounds boring lol) and my precious planet, Earth.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Man, you are such a "cool dude" all you need to do is live and the world will be a cooler place for everyone. Thanks dude for being you!

  • JimZ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Let me guess,

    Your real name is Dr. Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy

    and you just painted your roof white.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds good. But there is somebody else who has an even better idea. I came across this at . It looks like it might be even more helpful than your ideas.

  • 1 decade ago

    drive your car really fast 'cause that moves a lot of wind.

  • 1 decade ago

    I cant believe so many people are taking this as a joke. You are just making things worse!! Why dont you give your money to burglars so they wont steal it!! >D

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