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Don't care about family?
Am I the only one who doesn't really care about their family? Let me clarify- I don't really enjoy seeing them, it's not really worth the 30 minute drive for me. The only time I do visit is major holidays, even then I usually try to stay for the bare minimum of time without getting flak from anyone. It's not that I have more important stuff going on at home, I just don't really feel connected to them like I assume most people feel. There's no bad blood between us, nothing bad in the past, I've just never cared. And I'm not antisocial, I have many friends and have been in a committed relationship for a while not. I'm really just wondering how atypical it is to feel like this.
As I said I have many friends and a boyfriend whom I am in love with. I'm not isolated, I just don't care about parents/siblings/aunts uncles etc.
11 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
i dont have a good connection with my family either. we are the complete opposities im more reserved and realistic they are loud obnoxious rude and believe what the want and think they know everything. i care about their well being but dont care you be around them. its like im on land and they're in water. i dont feel a close bond with my family except my grandma so u r not alone
- 5 years ago
You are "settling" for a family member who loves your child vs a child care center where your child will be left to cry and ignored? What? In a child care center the ratio is 4 babies to 1 adult. That means if your child is crying, hurt, scared, hungry, whatever, they have to wait because there is only 1 woman and all 4 babies can have needs at the same time. I would rather have a relative who adores my daughter watch her any day. I know when I leave my daughter with my mom that my mom gives my daughter 100% attention, holds her all the time, cuddles her, and treats her like the most important person in the world. Full day daycare in my town is $204 for kids over 18 months and $275 a week for infants.
- 1 decade ago
as you said that you are not isolated, ya u r write and u can't be coz they are your family.
i think the root of all this DON'T CARE problem is that u don't give much time to your family and thts why you don't feel good with them. you don't know them yet, you don't know wht a family is.
spend some time-atleast an hour-with them and talk as lot as you can, i mean mix-up wiht them....this will make you feel like you do care.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
well alot of families become close because of things that they have been through together. if nothing has happened in your family to create a bond then you may just not feel a conection with any of them. dont worry about it to much but maybe you should sit down and get to know them alittle better. i have alot of family members that i consider my best friends including my mom, sisters, cousins, grandma! you may get along really well with them. seems like you have no problem making friends so maybe you should make friends with them and then they will be more of a joy to see!
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- 1 decade ago
When something really bad happens to you, you will realize that the only people that are gonna be next to your side and helping you is your family. No one else cares about you. It's really sad to hear people say that. My family is the people I only care of I don't give a damn about friends........ And usually not to be mean but I've seen the majority of white people are like that. Parents kick their kids after their 18 etc. Middle Eastern and Hispanics are not like that.
- 1 decade ago
that's normal. I sometime feel the same, but imagine you have a terrible accident and lose your legs. Your friends may bring you some flowers, your boyfriend may stay with you couple months before he dumps you. But, your parents will spend their last penny to pay for your bills and definitely will always be there for you. so what do you think?
- Granny 1Lv 71 decade ago
You need to think this over, I dare to bet if something really bad happened you will see your family and not your friends.
- .Lv 41 decade ago
Well, it's possible to not be close to your family. But they still are family, and you should try to care.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Thats sad. You need councilling.