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Why hasn't the crew of the "Steve Irwin" been arrested ?

Several years now of committing crimes on the high-seas and they are still out there !! WHY ??


attempting to interfere with other vessels, intentional rammings, assaults with chemicals, boarding vessels..

Update 2:

Okay Zach... You missed the POINT of the question: I'm not asking about the late Steve Irwin and his film crew. I'm asking about the MV "Steve Irwin" and it's "Sea Shepherd" crew which is out committing acts of violence and piracy against the Japanese Science ships.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I hope the Japanese blow it out of the water! I didn't see the show, but I did see the commercials. What they are doing is no better than terrorism, I assume they feel that what the believe is morally right for them is all they need for justification. WHAT FLAG ARE THEY FLYING? If it is the "Skull and Bones" The should be sunk themselves. Its might not right that makes the rules. I wonder by who's authority are they doing this myself.

    Source(s): my brain
  • 1 decade ago

    It wasn't their fault. Steve was the one who suggested the idea, they simply filmed it. Steve got into the water with knowledge that the animals he was around were dangerous. Steve was stung and the crew tried to get him to a hospital, but unfortunately it was too late. It was not the camera crew's fault, it was completely Steve's miss judgment. Hope this helped!

    Source(s): Personal thoughts, Loved the show, RIP Steve Irwin.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've never heard of the vessel before. If you give me a little background information, I could at least give you a reaction.

  • 1 decade ago

    Indeed, watched the premiere of "Whale Wars" last night as was amazed... the leader said it was "my intent and dream to see that boat at the bottom of the ocean".

    Greenpeace has abandoned that "Sea Shepherd" group.

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  • 5 years ago

    Becuz they havent done anything wrong you jackass. And I luv how the OP calls it a Japanese "science" vessel. Just like that so called "research" they are doing. What a joke. I've never seen research that involves the continuous slaughter of innocent animals.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because they are ninjas and no one can catch them, unless we setup a game of baby seal baseball and they might enter as a team cause they rock, check em outon youtube just bashing those little sea puppies!

  • 1 decade ago

    How've they comitted crimes?

  • David
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    for what

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